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Care to share your 4th and/or 8th grade plans?

DB in NJ

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This is what we are doing right now and will use the same text for next year advancing as needed.

We use SL for history and are finishing up Core 2 with plans to start Core 3 in September. We do this with our morning devotional everyday. Then start a loop schedule rotating between the three oldest.


Math Saxon as a base with lots of exploration


Spelling Sequential Spelling


Reading I give her an assingned reading and she has to read for fun for 15 minutes. WE also read a story out of the 4th grade Core knowledge book Rotating paragraphs. She reads then I read.


Grammer Rod and Staff


Writing planning on using the new SWB Program.


Science- Science Excursions




She does logic, paino, voice, and reading on her own while I am working with the other 2. We reserve the afternoon (1-3) for personal study. I have her set goals on Sunday evening for the week of what she wants to learn. We review these daily. For example one of her educational goals this week was to learn about turtles. So when we go to the library she will pick up a couple of books about turtles and read about them this week. Maybe find a craft to do or do a report about what she has learned.


Good Luck



ds 10

dd 8

dd 5

ds 2


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Oh, this is good. I really need to start reviewing and pinning down for lesson plans.


Here's what's on the plate right now for my 4th grade ds:


Bible: Exodus, Ruth (and possibly one more) with family; memorize: Romans passage, shorter catechism, Psalm 139


Math: Saxon 54 with Singapore supplement


Science: Apologia Zoology 3 Land Animals


English: Sequential Spelling, Daily Grams, Shurley 3 (finish), Writing Trails in American History, cursive writing


History: American History (using Abeka at a co-op; while not my choice, the teacher will make the class)


Latin: Lively Latin


Speech: Intro to Speech and Communicators for Christ speech club



And here's what's on my 8th grade ds's schedule:


Bible: Exodus, Ruth and another with family; memorize Romans passage, shorter catechism, Psalm 139, possible Apologetics with speech class

Math: Saxon Alg. II


Science: Apologia biology


Latin: Latin I with Florida Virtual School and move into Latin II late mid-year


English: Literature Tutorial through a co-op; Classical Writing Homer


History: American History with co-op using a variety of materials


Debate/Speech: Team policy debate, community and competitive speech


Electives: 1 semester of Art and 1 semester of Shakespeare with co-op




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For my 8th grader:


Algebra I: probably Foerster's, though I already have Life of Fred and the "Key to" series ready to go ..... I'll decide next month!


Literature: Literary Lessons from Lord of the Rings


Grammar: review using Our Mother Tongue and Mary Daly's diagramming books


Latin: Latin Prep


Logic: Traditional Logic I


Science: Earth Sciences class


History: US History class (will also use teaching company or Story of US or ???)

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My 4th grade plans:


Math: MEP (but definitely wavering and wondering about Singapore)


Singapore Science


Lively Latin


All About Spelling


Bravewriter (using the Arrow Subscription)


SOTW (still plugging in year 3)


Atelier Art (level 4 - looking fwd to this one)

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This is what I plan to do this fall:



Math: Singappore


Science: Intermediate Physical Science by Exploration Education


Language Arts: Spelling Power

Michael Clay Thompson's LA

Junior Great Books for Lit.



Social Studies: SOTW4 with AG

Election unit

State History unit


Foreign Language: Madarin


PE: Homeschool Gymnastics and Swimming, possibly taking table tennis


Music: Piano


Art: Atlier

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8th grade dd


Math Lial's Algebra and Thinkwell's Algebra video

Science PH Earth Science

History History Odyssey Level 2 Middle Ages

Writing CW Diogenes

Latin GP Latin Prep 3/Ecce Romani 2

Spanish So You Really Want to Learn Spanish 2 and online tutor

French So You Really Want to Learn French 2

Greek finsih current currc while waiting for GP to publish So You Really Want to Learn Greek

Art Atelier Level 4

Logic possible outside class

Literature Lightning Lit 8 and Literary Lesson of the Lord of the Rings

Music Violin, Chior

PE year round swimming team

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I've revised my plan over the course of the summer. This is what we'll be doing for sure:


4th grader -

My Father's World - Exploring Countries and Cultures (Bible, geography, science)

MathUSee Gamma

First Language Lessons - finishing up 3 and starting 4 in the late fall

English from the Roots Up, Vol. 1

Handwriting Without Tears - 4th grade workbook - cursive

Rosetta Stone - Spanish

The Harp & the Laurel Wreath and Favorite Poems Old & New for copywork & dictation

Ambleside Online Yr 2 for oral reading, narration, free reading, and "enrichment"


4-H Club


I think that's it.

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My 4th grader's plan is in my siggy, but I'll type it again (along with some other things that wouldn't fit in it!)


English - Rod & Staff English 4 / Handwriting Without Tears Cursive Success / Natural Speller / Sonlight Core 4 Reading


Math - Teaching Textbooks Math 5


Science - Apologia Zoology 1


History - Sonlight Core 4 with Story of the World Volume 4


Art - How Great Thou Art's I Can Do All Things


PE - Tae Kwon Do Lessons

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I should post what my oldest son used for 8th grade last year!


English - Easy Grammar Plus / Natural Speller / Wordsmith Apprentice


Math - Teaching Textbooks PreAlgebra


History - Sonlight Core 7


Science - Apologia Physical Science


PE - Baseball and Basketball for the county

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Almost everything we're doing is straight out of WTM, so if *that* doesn't inspire you, then *we* certainly won't! =)


So...What did you do last year? Did you like it? (I'm guessing maybe not, since you're not planning to go back to it?)


Just thinking maybe if you figure out why you're not just continuing happily with last year's stuff, it might make it easier for someone to suggest something different that *would* inspire you.




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Almost everything we're doing is straight out of WTM, so if *that* doesn't inspire you, then *we* certainly won't! =)


So...What did you do last year? Did you like it? (I'm guessing maybe not, since you're not planning to go back to it?)


Just thinking maybe if you figure out why you're not just continuing happily with last year's stuff, it might make it easier for someone to suggest something different that *would* inspire you.





We're starting our 12th year of homeschooling next month. The novelty has worn off; years ago, there was always something new and exciting to try. Nothing is capturing my interest or attention like it used to.

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My fourth grader is using/will use:


Math: Saxon 7/6

Grammar: Rod & Staff 6

Latin: Latina Christiana II

Greek: Athenaze 1 (very heavily modified - she'll probably only do chapter one this year. Greek is very new to me, so this will be a challenge.)

History and Science: We're all over the place in these content areas. Various books, primary sources, videos, essays, journals, field trips, projects, etc. We do organize the WTM way, though. ;)


She is working through the Mind Benders workbooks, but they're for fun and she just does a page whenever she feels like it.


She also takes dance and piano.

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I am SO in a slump; completely uninspired. I thought maybe if you all share your plans, something will JUMP OUT at me and perk me up! :D



Here's our 4th grade plans:


R&S Math 4

Intermediate Language Lessons



Harp and Laurel Wreath Poetry

Lively Latin

Espanol para chicos y grandes

Simply spelling

MFW Rome to Reformation History /Science/Bible

BF geography

TtR Music

Mindbenders Logic

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My 4th grader will be doing:


Latin for Children

Shiller Math

Writing Tales

We are pretty much following LCC for history

Science will be done at our co-op along with geography and American Sign Language

Religion - Faith and Life plus Bible

Piano lessons

Phonics of Drawing for Art

Tennis, karate and gymnastics for PE


8th grader:


Saxon Algebra I

Voyage in Eng for grammar

Sadlier-Oxford for Composition and Vocabulary

First Steps in Latin (outside Latin class)

Christ and the Americas for history

Co-op for science and ASL

Kolbe's Jr high Lit program

Kolbe's Religion syllabus

Piano lessons (maybe)

Phonics of Drawing - Art

PE tennis and karate

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4th Grade



Memorize catechism, Bible History, related reading from a variety of biographies, CNRs, Angel Food, et c.






We've been using LfC and like it a lot. We'll continue with that till September when we'll be trying something new. We'll decide then what we'll stick with.


In addition, we have a once/month Latin chant class taught by a monk from a monastery near here.


We also do regular reading from our budding Latin library. I strongly encourace such reading daily but require it on Fridays.



Shurley English -- we started 4 in January and left off at about 1/2 way through. I think we'll finish around Dec. I'm not sure we'll continue with it for 5th. My daughter loves it. I'm not crazy about it.


Spelling -- our CNR Spelling book supplementing our lists with derivatives from Latin and vocab from IEW and English.


Poetry -- a variety of poetry memorization mostly from The Harp and Laurel Wreath and our CNRs.


Literature -- a combination of reading for History, for pleasure, and for Book Club. In book club we discuss literary techniques as well as have more general discussions and do related activities.


Writing -- IEW but we'll be using it across the curriculum as Pudewa suggests instead of doing it as a separate subject as we did last year.



We're using Our Pioneers and Patriots as our spine but actually we much more avidly persue History through reading and projects. We only use the spine to keep us on track and it takes the place of our reading comprehension work.



We're using Seton's Science for Young Catholics 4 but, just as with History, it's just a spine and we really read and do projects more.



Well, I had Geography chosen (and purchased!) but decided it would better complement our history for next year so . . . I'm still looking for US Geography.



Violin lessons and chant class.



Martial Arts and play, play, play



I have the stuff for art (drawing) and art appreciation, and music appreciation and hope we get to it. we'll see.


We also do other things that spark our interest as they arise (a 4 wk calligraphy class, for example, or a computer workshop).

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Okay DB, answering your question will help me finish up my lesson plans!! Here goes and it's rather long!



Math: Saxon 6/5

English/Grammar: Rod & Staff 5, Reason for Handwriting, Writing Strands

Bible: Journey through the Old Testament & Journey through the New Testament

Science: Earth Science/Weather/Astronomy ala TWTM

History: Story of the World vols 2, 3, & 4 one chapter each day with map work and one outline/summary per week

Literature: Selected books that correspond with Story of the World

Logic: Mind Benders

Latin: Latina Christiana I



Math: Saxon Algebra 1/2 (finish up) Saxon Algebra I

English/Grammar: Rod & Staff 8, Reason for Handwriting, Writing Strands, Vocabulary from Classical Roots A & B

Bible: Journey through the Old Testament & Journey through the New Testament

Science: Biology, A Self-Teaching Guide OR Campbells Biology: Concepts & Connections

History: Story of the World Vols 2, 3, & 4 chapter a day and maps only; American History using Glencoe's The American Republic to 1877 and original sources

Literature: Selected books that correspond to Story of the World & The American Republic

Logic: Traditional Logic from Memoria Press

Latin: Latina Christiana I



I just decided *how* to use the Story of the World/Science guidelines for the kidlets this past year. DS has an August birthday and DH & I decided to have him repeat the 4 year cycle 2 more times. So next year he will have a full year of the Ancients and DD will be using SWB's The History of the Ancient World for her 9th grade history text.


DD wants to go into Veterinary Medicine, so her science cycle will look like this:


8th - Biology

9th - Chemisty

10th - AP Biology using Campbells Biology

11th - AP Chemistry

12th - looking for an intro to Genetics - may possibly take this at the local community college.


Where needed, she will do the readings for Earth & Physical sciences. She's kinda sciency so I don't worry too much about her retention. I may order the Self Teaching books for her to use for Earth & Physical science. Since I pulled her out of public school after 5th grade, she has a basic knowledge in those subjects.


Anyway, I hope this helps to give you some fresh ideas. Since you've been doing this alot longer than I have, if you have any suggestions, I'm listening!!

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My 4th grade daughter:


RS4K -- chemistry, biology, physics (maybe Apologia Zoology once a week in a co-op)


Teaching Textbooks 6 or 7, supplemented with Hands on EquationLearning System and Quarter Mile Math


Sonlight 1&2 with younger brother, supplemented with extra reading


MCT vocab., grammar, poetry

Writing Strands, fun Friday writing


Christian Studies I and Growing Little Women


Various "critical thinking" fun books (Case of Red Herrings, Mathematical Reasoning, etc.)


Music Ace, Interactive Classics music games, listening


Meet the Masters @ Home


Handwriting without Tears


PE group once a week

Flag football in fall, baseball in spring



My 8th grade son:


Apologia Physical Science (and possibly Apologia Biology once a week in a co-op)


Teaching Textbooks Algebra I, and possibly start Calculus Without Tears


Sonlight 100, with older sister


MCT vocabulary and grammar

Writing Strands and fun Friday writing


Runkle Geography


Discovering Our Amazing God and Boyhood and Beyond with younger brother


Traditional Logic


Tell Me More Spanish


(Elementary Greek, with Mom -- maybe)


Music Ace, listening


Meet the Masters @ Home


PE group once a week

Flag football in fall, baseball in spring



At least that's the plan now. I always seem to fade after Christmas

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Grade 8-



Math- Lial’s Introductory Algebra

Grammar- Analytical Grammar

Vocabulary- From Classical Roots

Science- Apologia Physical Science

Writing- Jensen’s Format Writing

Literature- Lightning Literature 8

History- Georgia Studies

Logic- Fallacy Detective

Latin- Latin Road 1


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I sort of feel theat way as well.. Sometimes there are so many choices that I feel overwhelmed and can't choose.



We know we needed to focus on old Testament stuff this year so we are using My fathers World Creation to Greeks. (4th -8th grade) My younger kids will also tag along in this.


Specifically for 4th -

Chinese tutor for Mandarin Chinese

TT math 5

Intermediate LAnguage Lessons


IEW -writing

MFW-history, science, bible, vocab. art, music appreciation.



for my almost 13 year old we will also be using MFW but I considered using trisms. Researched based program. looks good.:001_smile:



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We're starting our 12th year of homeschooling next month. The novelty has worn off; years ago, there was always something new and exciting to try. Nothing is capturing my interest or attention like it used to.


I will be the first to admit that *if* we hadn't just started Rod & Staff two years ago, it probably wouldn't be the "god-send" that it is now - LOL! So, I guess there are advantages to starting homeschooling later.


Maybe you should try to make your homeschooling this year as easy as possible on you, so that you can find "something new" outside of homeschooling. Do what you know and don't really have to think about for homeschooling (it will still be new to your kids), and then you'll have the energy to spend an hour a day doing something that you used to do, or that you've always wanted to do, or something completely new and untried.


I started practicing piano over the summer for a piece my music minister wants to do in church. I mean, *really* practicing like I used to in college - and haven't had the need for since. (It's hard for me to really practice like that "just because".) But, it has been a really good experience, and shown me how prone I am to hide away in my little cocoon of a life thinking, "Oh, I just don't have the time." Which is wierd, because I'm going through all the effort to teach my kids so that they will go out there and LIVE! So, I'm really going to try to limit my "school-marm" time this next year, and work on expanding myself.


If you do decide to take up something for yourself, I'd love to hear about it. Although I have thought about working up a little "recital" to play at retirement homes and such, I think I'd like something a little less "me" (read: total introvert!) as well.




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for my 9dd:

BJU English 5

Spelling Workout D

Wordly Wise 3000 bk 3 (finish from last year), then either Vocab. from Classical Roots or Memoria Press's new roots program

HWT Cursive Success plus copywork and dictation

finish MUS Gamma and start Delta, plus Daily Math and Calculadders

TOG Year2 Unit 4, then maybe Year 3 if all goes well...if not, just use SOTW

Visual Link Spanish

Perplexors B, Logic Countdown & Lift-Off

SOS Science 4 (unless I sell it and can buy BJU!)

Master's Academy of Fine Arts for music, art, theatre, and history

Drama Club

Horseback Riding

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