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Is there anyone here who feels that AAS moves to slowly??


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Is it ok to take 4 books (plus 2 more, I believe) to get all spelling rules under your belt?? Are you all doing more than one book per year??

Will it take 5+ years to have these spelling rules mastered?

I guess that I am used to SWR's way which introduces them a lot faster?


Perhaps taking that long to learn them, allows them to get fully mastered?

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Hi Johanna,


Yes. I believe AAS moves too slowly and the words mastered at the end of each level are not "on grade level" equivalence. (meaning level 2s words are more like 1st grade words instead of 2nd grade words.)


I order levels 1 and 2 last yr to assess and I kept them with the intention of my rising 1st grader completing both levels this yr.


WRTR (I don't have 1st hand knowledge of SWR) presents the material differently. For older kids there is NO WAY I would recommend AAS (though I know many on this forum do). If you really want to go this approach, I highly recommend How to Teach Spelling. You only need the instructors manual and you can select from words that go from 1-12 grade levels.



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Hi Johanna,


Yes. I believe AAS moves too slowly and the words mastered at the end of each level are not "on grade level" equivalence. (meaning level 2s words are more like 1st grade words instead of 2nd grade words.)


I order levels 1 and 2 last yr to assess and I kept them with the intention of my rising 1st grader completing both levels this yr.


WRTR (I don't have 1st hand knowledge of SWR) presents the material differently. For older kids there is NO WAY I would recommend AAS (though I know many on this forum do). If you really want to go this approach, I highly recommend How to Teach Spelling. You only need the instructors manual and you can select from words that go from 1-12 grade levels.





you have been such a great help and resource! Thanks!

I will look into "how to teach spelling" for dd8.5

still not sure about AAS for ds or not.......do I really want dive into that methodology or not?? Not sure if it will fit him or not?? Or me??

When we started it a bit this past year. It started off too easy for him...so its hard to know where to begin?

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I used level 1, level 2 and about 1/3 of level 3 last year during my son's 3rd grade year. I am pleased that I can use the program at my son's pace. We actually have been crawwwwwling through level 3 because I thought level 4 was going to be introduced more towards the fall/winter of 08 instead of now -- it was a pleasant surprise to see that level 4 is finished. I plan to finish level 3 this fall (Sept./ Oct), work through level 4 (Nov/Dec/Jan) and be ready for 5 in the spring (of course I don't know when it will be ready, but we will be!).


When my ds#2 is ready, we'll work through AAS at his rate -- I don't see how each level can match a grade. It is really much more child-led IMHO

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I would take momof7's advice over mine, but...I'll share my opinion anyway! I purchased AAS for my ds10 who can't spell to save his life. He's getting better, but it is still pretty bad. After reading the reviews of AAS, I was hooked and so I purchased it (used for a really good price). I got Level 1 and 2 and plan to start my 3 oldest ds's (ds10, ds8, ds7) on it as soon as I get myself organized. I've looked through both levels and I like what I see. My ds10 will benefit from starting in Level 1. He'll likely fly through the basic, CVC words (duh!). But, there are some rules in the latter half of level 1 that I know he has trouble with. For most older students...AAS would be a waster. But, for my ds...this is what he needs. I'm checking into How to Teach Spelling for my dd11, per momof7's recommendation, though. HTH a bit. FWIW...I think AAS does move slowly, but you can always speed through what your dc already knows and move at your own pace. I'm hoping my ds10 will get to Level 3 by the end of the year and possibly level 4. Once that "foundation" is rebuilt...he will likely just fly through it.

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The thing you have to realize is that AAS levels do not correspond with grade levels. I don't think the author intended for the words to be "grade level", they were chosen because they support the rule being learned. There are going to be 6 books that will cover all the way through 12th grade, so obviously grade level is not the focus of this program.

I guess I don't see the big deal about the words seeming easy in the early levels as the intent of the program is not necessarily to learn the specific words, but to learn the rule and words that support that rule so it becomes second nature and can be applied to other words the child comes across.

I think (as with anything :)) it comes down to each persons perspective and what they are looking for in a program. This program will fit some families and work great and others will find they need something else. But because of this, you will see that people evaluate the program differently.

I highly respect momof7 and her opinion, but we do have a different take on AAS. I think that is ok. :) We seem to be looking for something different from the program and for one of us AAS fits and the other not so much. I am glad that she shares her perspective because I am sure it will help someone who AAS might not be right for. I am glad that I am able to share my opinion as I hope it might help someone, too.

Anyway, take my comments for whatever they are worth. :)

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For those who use this ...do you utilize the file box review system????


It worked very well for us with Level 1 last year, so we'll be using it again this year with Level 2 & 3.


As far as AAS moving too slow, I have to agree with some other posters. We are going through it at a pace that suits my dd. I don't think the author intended it any other way.

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I started AAS this month with my 10 yo and 8 yo who have really bad spelling and am really impressed by the program. First, the kids love doing spelling which says a lot. I also think the phonics review is good at any age. My kids actually like that it isn't a workbook. And it doesn't take long. All plusses in my book.


My oldest is getting through a Level 1 very quickly. A step every day or two. It's review for her, but she knows no spelling rules from the curriculum they used at her private school. I was thinking the two levels would last all year, but I know they won't for her.


It's taking my 8 yo a while longer to move through the steps, but I see the program as not being rushed through such as with grade level workbooks that want you to finish by the end of the year so you can move on to the next. Each child is moving at their own pace without any pressure. The levels do not relate to a child's grade and that's what I told my two when we started. That each level builds upon the other.


We do use the file box system. I have two, one for each child. I also bought each their own letter tiles so there would be no arguing. They keep their baggie of letters in their binders and bring them out when it's their turn at the whiteboard.

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I am using AAS for both my ds9 and dd6. My ds could not spell to SAVE his life. I don't know why. He was reading at a very young age, and we went through a lot of spelling rules with the phonics program we used (Saxon). I started him on level 1 and he flew through that, although there were some things that he never really "got" that FINALLY made sense to him. He flew through level 2 and we are now working through level 3. He will be in level 4 soon. His spelling has improved so much, I am stunned.


The program was kind of hard for me to "get" how to teach at first. Once I finally understood it, we were on a roll. It seemed like there was too much of me stopping to try to figure it out at first, that he was getting bored. Now that we both understand it, he really enjoys it. He said "I don't ever want to see another spelling workbook again...let's just do this forever." Well, enough said. It works for us.


Good luck. Figuring out the best program for spelling has been one of the hardest things for us. This is the one program that actually seems to be working.


Hot Lava Mama

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Thanks everyone for your insights. I think one of the strengths of this program is its "self-paced" quality.

I wonder if you start in level 2, is there any built in review of level 1??


Yes! the first step in level 2 is a "fast paced review" of all concepts taught in level 1 (quoted from the book).Plus, there's a pretty thorough introduction to teaching concepts for mom in the preface of the book.

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For those who use this ...do you utilize the file box review system????


I'm using level 2 for 2 of my dc, and I didn't want to have to buy 2 sets of the cards. So, I typed up all the of the words on an excel sheet with a blank row next to each column. In the extra column, I mark whether she's mastered a word or if we need to review it again. I actually kind of like it more this way rather than the box of words. I remember which phonograms and rules I need to review with each child just using the cards.


I do love the constant review system of AAS. We're really enjoying this program! I've ordered levels 3 & 4, and I'm really looking forward to them!

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I'm using level 2 for 2 of my dc, and I didn't want to have to buy 2 sets of the cards. So, I typed up all the of the words on an excel sheet with a blank row next to each column. In the extra column, I mark whether she's mastered a word or if we need to review it again. I actually kind of like it more this way rather than the box of words. I remember which phonograms and rules I need to review with each child just using the cards.


I do love the constant review system of AAS. We're really enjoying this program! I've ordered levels 3 & 4, and I'm really looking forward to them!


THis is a great idea. Not as cumbersome as the box.


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THis is a great idea. Not as cumbersome as the box.



I am going to just put my kids initials next to words or rules only one needs to review. Sometimes I just put it in the book if we're mid-lesson & one or the other needs to re-do some of the dictation phrases/sentences, or words.


I started both of my kids with book 2 (9 & 11) and that has worked fine for us. I think some kids would be overwhelmed learning everything in just a year. But you can take the program as quickly or as slowly as the child needs. If you have a child who is more of a natural speller, it might seem slow, but for kids who need lots of repetition & review it's wonderful.


HTH! Merry :-)

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I am going to just put my kids initials next to words or rules only one needs to review. Sometimes I just put it in the book if we're mid-lesson & one or the other needs to re-do some of the dictation phrases/sentences, or words.


I started both of my kids with book 2 (9 & 11) and that has worked fine for us. I think some kids would be overwhelmed learning everything in just a year. But you can take the program as quickly or as slowly as the child needs. If you have a child who is more of a natural speller, it might seem slow, but for kids who need lots of repetition & review it's wonderful.


HTH! Merry :-)



Do you mean that you put the initials next to the words/rules in the BOOK? Or on the cards?

Do you use teh file box at all?

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Do you mean that you put the initials next to the words/rules in the BOOK? Or on the cards?

Do you use teh file box at all?


I do it in the book if we are mid-lesson and I want my kids to "get it" more before we move on. I don't think it would work for review--you'd have to keep finding previous pages. Maybe if you flagged them all with stickies, but I guess I'd find that cumbersome!


If we've passed that lesson, then I do it on the cards that are in the review section. Then I know which child needs to review them. I've done both kids together to this point but am splitting them up this fall so my oldest can work faster through the books.


I may also set up a separate tab-divider for ones just my youngest needs to review...I haven't really decided yet on that.


But, I like the card file--I just keep it with our book & it seems to work for us. Is there a reason that it's not really working for you or seems inconvenient to use the box? (Actually that's a funny question since AAS doesn't include the box, LOL!) I did already have a box though. Maybe your's is bigger than mine & isn't convenient to hold? Not sure what you have & what makes it not work well for you, but maybe there are other solutions. Hope you find one!


Merry :-)

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My dd worked through Levels 1 and 2, and 1/3 of Level 3 in first grade. I like that we can work at our own pace. I agree that the words are not on grade level. I'm not sure dd came across any words that she didn't already know how to spell. But what I love is that she is learning a whole lot of ways to figure out the spelling of other words, which I never learned in school. She is learning how to divide words into syllables, different types of syllables, that english words don't end in certain letters, different functions of silent 'e', etc. I personally love this program! To me, it is equivalent to teaching phonics instead of just memorizing sight words. DD is learning to spell, not just memorizing spelling lists.

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