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my 5yo is only learning letter sounds, not names, EVEN THOUGH I'M NOT TEACHING HER THAT WAY? I know the sounds are more important right now, blah, blah, blah, and that would be fine if I was ONLY teaching her sounds. But I'm not. I'm also teaching her the names. But when I evaluate her, she can correctly identify and write letters by their SOUND but not by their NAME. Is this something I should be concerned about? Is there some sort of disconnect going on that we should have her tested for? I don't want to miss something that will cause an issue later and we've been struggling with letters for a while. But I also don't want to create issues where there are none. HELP! :confused:

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My youngest son, who'll be 7 in January, can't remember many of the letter names (and some other similar things), but he knows all the sounds and is an excellent reader.


I know from cognitive testing that he has very poor long term memory, so I think that's why he has trouble, but it hasn't hampered his reading development at all. He can't spell things orally, but he's fine if I let him write the words down rather than spell them aloud.

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My almost seven year old struggles with many of her letter names but reads at the second grade level. Her speech issues exacerbate this. It can be embarrassing when it comes out in public that she doesn't know or that she can't say the alphabet (not for lack of my trying to teach her), but we just hold our freak heads high.

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I don't think it's a problem. My youngest has more sounds memorized than names. What are you using to teach the names/sounds? If you do any tv/videos leapfrog letter factory worked great here.


we have used multiple things over the last year and a half. she's seen letter factory so many times she refuses to watch it anymore. we are currently using phonics pathways, but haven't made it past the short vowels yet. anyone know if we should move on or sit on the vowels for a while longer?

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I wouldn't worry. My (now 8 year old) younger son could read before he could sing the ABC song. He just couldn't get the song right. It sounds silly, but it was very weird at the time.




My son is a fluent reader and had the same issue. A handwriting problem came up involving the alphabet and he said "what is the alphabet?". I LOLed and taught him the song.

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Unless you're seeing other quirks, I wouldn't worry at all. If it were *me* (and I know it's not, lol), I'd just drop the letter names completely and work on sounds / reading. Come back to the names later on, when they're actually useful (for spelling aloud or using a dictionary).


I wouldn't worry too much that it's a sign of a learning disability or anything unless there are other things that are ringing bells and raising red flags for you. ;)

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