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Pinterest Christmas ideas?

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This is my Christmas board: http://pinterest.com/nolongertwo/adeste-fidelis/


I made this Paper Cone advent "calendar" last year. Instead of putting treats under the cones, I put a paper in each with a different activity. Some were community events like the local Christmas tree lighting, parade, etc., while some were home activities like making treat plates for neighbors, watching a Christmas movie, drinking hot chocolate. I used heavy card stock for the cones so that I can reuse them.


For our neighbor treat trays I used some recipes that I have pinned on my Food board, including Cherry Cheesecake Cookies, Raspberry (or Apricot) Strippers, Wintery Snack Mix, and Marshamallow Fudge.


I don't think I pinned this, but we will be doing Truth in the Tinsel this year. I was going to do it last year and even purchased all the supplies but ended up having some other commitments that kept me from having the time to focus on it. Since it's all ready, we'll be doing it this year.


I haven't started looking at Christmas pins yet; I'm trying to keep it simple. We'll see how long I stick to that. :lol:

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I just started this morning and had to kick myself off after 3(!!!!) hours. Who knew it could be so addicting? Definitely going to have to save it for only when the kids are in bed. :tongue_smilie:

It's ridiculous. I started it so I could start getting wardrobe ideas for myself and then found out why it's so freaking addicting.


You want something else to get sucked into - Houzz.com. Oh my. Dreaming of my dream house someday :)

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