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Teachers Lounge 10-18-2012

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Happy Thursday!



Just felt like having a Smilie Party there! ;)


Last night, while everyone else was asleep, I enjoyed the quiet and drooled over pictures of Colorado, specifically Rocky Mountain National Park. It calls to me. Somebody pray us there! PLEASE!


What or where calls to you? Not to be confused what you think you're called to do but what pulls at your heart and makes you realize you need to make a change in order to make it possible to answer that call?


I know, deep thoughts for a Thursday! :lol:


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Umm...my brain is too overwhelmed at the moment to answer any deep, meaningful questions. It's been "one of THOSE days" today....I feel like I'm drowning in responsibilities today. :svengo::eek::banghead: All I want to is to savor quiet and silence, exercise, and then fall into a deep slumber. Unfortunately, none of those is going to happen today.


To answer your "simpler" question...

Breakfast--I had a cheese stick, two slices of bacon (leftover from yesterday's breakfast), and a cup of raw raspberries. THe kids had pumpkin toast and apples.


Lunch--Half the kids had leftover ravioli from Trader Joe's and sliced bell peppers. The other half of the kids had scrambled egg burritos.


Dinner-- we're going to have a late dinner after soccer practice (unless it rains). I have chicken & dumplings cooking in the crockpot. I've never actually had chicken & dumplings, but thought my southern husband would appreciate it!

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I'm just now getting to the board today, I've been busy all day on the phone chasing down a refill for my thyroid meds that the Dr. has ordered but not yet sent to the pharmacy. As of 2pm today, it still hasn't been called in yet. Did I mention I'm out of it? :glare::glare::glare: I've been trying to get this ordered and filled since MONDAY.


But, in good news, I have a pretty much confirmed buyer on my house. He wants to buy for less than I want, but at least it won't go to foreclosure. Given the issues with this house I'm glad to find a buyer. Now I just need to get a new house found and closed on it. I have my eye on this one http://www.zillow.com/homedetails/5203-Village-Gln-San-Antonio-TX-78218/26364755_zpid/ and I'm waiting for my agent to call me with the exact details so we can put in an offer. I am praying hard that they accept my meager offer of $30k cash instead of the $44k they are asking. We went to look at it yesterday and really liked it, even though it is smaller. It has the same double sized master bedroom setup as our current home, which works well to split into school room and bedroom for myself. The smallest bedroom is quite tiny, but we're going to use it for a storage room so it works.


I'm spending today getting rid of stuff - nearly everything in the Garage is going to have to GO as none of the houses we are looking at have garages. So I've been posting stuff all day on our local homeschool blessing bash FB page, and I'm waiting right now for a few folks to come for things. Everything left after Monday will go to the local thrift shop.


As for breakfast - I've yet to get any. I'm going to make chicken fries & noodles and a can of veggies and call it good :D

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Hi Everyone!


Breakfast - eggs, Thomas' everything bagel thin with p.b. (My gf experiment lasted for less than a week. :blush:)


Calls to me? Hmmm. It used to be that I wanted to start my own cottage school. If I weren't so darn old and achy, I might still want to do that.


I just got back from the doctor. He's put me on prescription strength potassium - thinks that is what caused the chest pain that sent me to the ER last weekend. (I know you didn't ask, but I thought I"d share anyway.)

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Jean, you're so funny! I'm glad to hear that your medical issues are being attended to!


frugalmama, here's to the seller of the house you want being so tired of the whole thing, he/she will accept your offer! I've been looking at houses online today, too. I found one in Estes Park that I REALLY like. I've looked at it a couple of times and we might even be able to afford it. Maybe. Now to just convince the hubby we need to make plans to make it happen! And as long as we're sharing links, here's what's on my wish list:




Jenn, here's to being blessed with a sufficient period of deep rest for you today!


Okay, need to go read to the kids! Later!

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Hmmm...what calls to me? That is a fantastic question, and every answer I can come up with sounds trite. Perhaps it's just that I am yearning for a closer walk with God. It seems like almost everything in my life is out of whack at the moment, but would it seem that way if I spent more energy conforming my will to His?


Which reminds me of that old expression: If it's everything else, then it's probably you.


Anyway, I had eggs for breakfast. ;)

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I just got back from the doctor. He's put me on prescription strength potassium - thinks that is what caused the chest pain that sent me to the ER last weekend. (I know you didn't ask, but I thought I"d share anyway.)


Hopefully, the potassium will do the trick!

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Umm...my brain is too overwhelmed at the moment to answer any deep, meaningful questions. It's been "one of THOSE days" today....I feel like I'm drowning in responsibilities today. All I want to is to savor quiet and silence, exercise, and then fall into a deep slumber. Unfortunately, none of those is going to happen today.




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Breakfast was fried eggs and toast with hot tea.


The post about Charlotte Mason and Living libraries at RedeemedReader.com calls to me. I would so love to create a homeschool library that could be a resource for the community. This would use so many of my abilities and passions in one thing. Now may not be the time, but I am dreaming....



(I can't seem t make a link work today, sorry! It was posted a few days ago in their main page.)


Lunch was cheese, crackers and fruit.

Dinner is beans and rice w/a green salad. Late, after a 5:30 baseball game.

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Hmm, what calls to me? Right now Connecticut. We studied it a few weeks ago, and I realized how much I'd like to visit. Maybe someday :)


Breakfast? Muffin in a mug and a large coffee from McD's for me, eggs and toast with milk for the kids.


Frugalmama - that house is adorable! I love the way the kitchen has been done...and is that POOL I spy in the backyard?

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Hmm, what calls to me? Right now Connecticut. We studied it a few weeks ago, and I realized how much I'd like to visit. Maybe someday :)


Breakfast? Muffin in a mug and a large coffee from McD's for me, eggs and toast with milk for the kids.


Frugalmama - that house is adorable! I love the way the kitchen has been done...and is that POOL I spy in the backyard?


It is a pool :D But as of yet I haven't seen the actual pool - waiting for the house inspector to lift the cover. I am hoping it isn't as deep as I think it is - we really don't need a deep pool as I can't swim and dd hasn't learned yet.


All I really need to do is a little repair and repainting, and it will look great. The purple in the kitchen HAS TO GO! It's going to be Sugared Lime and the dining room white. And I have to re-tile the two small bedrooms and paint dd's pink, and put fixtures in a half bath.


*fingers crossed* and pray hard - we are putting an offer in Monday as soon as my agent gets approval from HUD to do so. And so far no one else has put one!


As for what's calling to me....I've always had a dream of running a used book store catering to homeschoolers. I actually sat down once and figured out what I'd have to have and it was possible, but not practical.

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