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Teachers Lounge Columbus Day!

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Whether or not school is in session for you, come in, take a load off, and chat awhile!


Last night I think I decided that, other than today, I may need to start following the public school calendar in regards to their "days off" just so I can use that extra time to work on my own projects and not feel guilty about it! :lol: That doesn't mean we'll follow it in summer, though. Maybe continuous half days then. ;)


Any major (or minor) decision making going on with you right now?


Are you in or out of school today? Here: one of my son's good friends does not have school today so his mom has graciously said that I may take him over there and I can go out and study!:auto:


If you're in school, what are you studying/doing? If you have a day off, what are you doing?


Talk to me! :bigear:

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I can't remember the last time any district around here had Columbus day off. I know I had it off when I was a kid, but it is not a holiday here. I think you should look at the school calendar and plan "teacher in service" days to match the ps ones. It would be good to take off those days, count them as school and get some teacher work done. Since my older dd is in a charter school, we're following her calendar this year so we're off Friday for a teacher in service day, and we get 2 days for fall break near the end of the month.


Decisions are beyond my ability right now. It is struggle-to-get-through-the-day day thanks to a migraine and the side-effects of the medicine that helps me to function at zombie level with a migraine (we can count the next two days as exactly the same too). :glare:


School will be minimally acceptable work and teaching younger to sew. She's making a stuffed dog as a present for her baby doll's birthday which is Thursday. We're having a party.

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Any major (or minor) decision making going on with you right now? Deciding how to fill out the health history I'm filling out for the doctor I'm going to on Wednesday.


Are you in or out of school today? In school.



If you're in school, what are you studying/doing? Just finished having my "morning seminar" time with ds15. We went over Latin esp. but also looked at all his work for the week. Dd10's "specials" today are Grammar (yes, that is a special once a week subject right now), art and a special assignment in Math where she is hosting a pretend 5K race.

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I can't remember the last time any district around here had Columbus day off. I know I had it off when I was a kid, but it is not a holiday here. I think you should look at the school calendar and plan "teacher in service" days to match the ps ones. It would be good to take off those days, count them as school and get some teacher work done. Since my older dd is in a charter school, we're following her calendar this year so we're off Friday for a teacher in service day, and we get 2 days for fall break near the end of the month.




Oh, I plan on In Service days, too! :) I was just trying to figure out how to get my own studies done well, and everything else, and decided following a ps calendar for days off would be a good thing!


Karen, sorry you're fighting the monster headache. No bueno! :(


Hope the doll appreciates her birthday party! :D


I'm already mentally worn out today. Hoping my 3 hours of ballet tonight will release some of that mental tension! ;)

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Any major (or minor) decision making going on with you right now? Deciding how to fill out the health history I'm filling out for the doctor I'm going to on Wednesday.


Are you in or out of school today? In school.



If you're in school, what are you studying/doing? Just finished having my "morning seminar" time with ds15. We went over Latin esp. but also looked at all his work for the week. Dd10's "specials" today are Grammar (yes, that is a special once a week subject right now), art and a special assignment in Math where she is hosting a pretend 5K race.



I like the hosting of a pretend 5k race for math. Talk about logistical planning!

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We had a light day, we only did math, science and logic. Just a couple of hours of schoolwork and then we met some ps friends at the playground. Had a picnic, played for a bit, and then home for some quiet time this afternoon.


DH was able to leave work a couple of hours early, as many people were off today, so now we are having a relaxing movie night. :)


Usually our Mondays are very busy with girl scouts and dance, but since that stuff follows the ps schedule, it didn't happen today. Yay! :D



This is the most relaxing Monday we have had in a long time.

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Whether or not school is in session for you, come in, take a load off, and chat awhile!


Last night I think I decided that, other than today, I may need to start following the public school calendar in regards to their "days off" just so I can use that extra time to work on my own projects and not feel guilty about it! :lol: That doesn't mean we'll follow it in summer, though. Maybe continuous half days then. ;)


Any major (or minor) decision making going on with you right now?


Are you in or out of school today? Here: one of my son's good friends does not have school today so his mom has graciously said that I may take him over there and I can go out and study!:auto:


If you're in school, what are you studying/doing? If you have a day off, what are you doing?


Talk to me! :bigear:


I just sat down and saw this (at 7:30pm!). We did not take the day off from school for Columbus Day. We managed to get most of our school work done today. I still need to quiz ds and dd8 on their history questions, but we'll have to do that tomorrow since ds has already left for Boy Scouts.


No major decisions being made around here. I'm trying to manage my time wisely each day, spending less time on the forum boards so that I can make the time to work in my exercise each day. In 3 1/2 weeks, I've lost 8-9 pounds and have exercised 3-4 times per week. Today, I worked up to 2.4 miles on the treadmill. I need to remain focused so that I can continue on the road to better health!

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