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Memoria Press K and 1...advanced?


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Hello. First let me say I am not boasting!


Does anyone else have first graders reading Little Bear @ the start of first grade? I think this is a little advanced. I am ok with it, it just took me off guard and we are having to finish K Phonics to be ready to start first grade Memoria.


I LOVE their PHONICS!! It is really good. (This is my fifth child to teach to read, and I love it the most!)

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My first grader was reading Little Bear before first grade. She is 6 almost 7 and reads books like the Magic Treehouse Series.

Once she started reading she literally took off overnight. I still don't know how she did it. She loves to read.

She's my oldest and I really have no idea what is "typical". That's just where we're at currently with reading.

But it really seems like every kids takes off with reading at different times. So I'm not sure if there really is a "normal" when it comes to those skills.

We used Phonics Road Level 1 in K and are finishing it this year.

I don't know if that helps you at all. If your child isn't quite ready for the first grade year, just stretch out the K phonics if they need more practice. Once it all clicks I bet things will pick up.

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I think every child really is on their own schedule. My two sons were both reading Magic Treehouse books in the K year of school. They are 1st graders now and are reading condensed versions of every classic on our shelf.


But they are my only two, they are the same age and they played with alphabet puzzles and Leap Frog alphabet letters, were read to tons from day one, and watched Leap Frog videos on learning letter sounds when they were three and four. I started them on OPGTR when they were four also.


They also just happened to have brains that were ready to read at this time, so everything fell in to place accordingly.

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Both if of my youngest kids were able to read books of that level by the beginning of grade 1. My youngest is actually well beyond that at this point and he's in Kindergarten. My oldest on the other hand was not even close to reading actual books, but he has APD.

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My oldest did the StoryTime Treasures set (which includes the Little Bear stories) before 1st grade. But language arts is the strongest area here and I didn't think of starting at that age as advanced. It was just something that worked at the time and almost exactly follows the way I was with reading at the same age, according to my parents. I wasn't particularly gifted.


I won't be concerned if my younger ones aren't ready as early.

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Once you teach them to read, they read. kwim?



:smilielol5: No, I don't kwym.:tongue_smilie:







Grade level is ambiguous. Just go with what fits your child. Finish K phonics. There is no rush.


One of mine could not read Little Bear at the beginning of 1st, or 2nd.;) Another would have been bored and insulted at Little Bear at the beginning of 1st. And #3 is just at the beginning of 1st grade now, and is almost to the point of reading Little Bear.

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My older DD could not have read Little Bear at the beginning of 1st. She's in 3rd and still struggling.


My younger DD (who is doing MP 1st grade this year) did read it. I didn't think she would be able to because we had done OPGTR last year - maybe only half of it - and hadn't tried to read any books. But she can read them slowly - her retention is good though. We just finished week 6 of MP's package and I'm already seeing improvement.

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I just bought it for my 2nd grader to do ... we tried reading part of Little Bear this Summer ... he could do it but it was a struggle. I think now he will do better with it because we've covered a lot of phonics instruction. My K'er isn't at that level yet but by first will probably be. LA is not my son's strongest area of learning ... much more science and math driven.

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Nope. I can have my kids with all their basic letter sounds under the belt and still unable to blend at 6, even early 7. :) My 2nd DD has known all her short letters (yep LeapFrog) since she was 4, she's 6 now and still not quite getting blending. That's okay though, my oldest didn't really starting reading until she was 7 and was reading very well within a year.

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#1 couldn't but I'll be surprised if #2 cannot by then.


I think a good phonics program is great but you cannot make a kid ready that is not ready. A lot of it is developmental and there is no timeline on when exactly any one kids will be ready.

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My ds (7) recently finished the Little Bear part of Memoria Lit. He is an older first grader and on his own time schedule when it comes to reading. He did very well, but of course there were some harder words. He actually enjoyed the book and activities in the workbook. Blueberries for Sal was much more difficult and not as enjoyable.

I do believe the Memoria press lit guides are a bit advanced for the grade level they are posted as. My dd is in 3rd and a wonderful reader. She just finished the Little House in the Big Woods literature guide. It says it's for 2nd grade. I would think many kids that age would have problems reading and understanding the book because there are many cultural/historical words to sift through.

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Nope. I can have my kids with all their basic letter sounds under the belt and still unable to blend at 6, even early 7. :) My 2nd DD has known all her short letters (yep LeapFrog) since she was 4, she's 6 now and still not quite getting blending. That's okay though, my oldest didn't really starting reading until she was 7 and was reading very well within a year.


Same here.

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