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I can't seem to grow mold.

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I know, not the normal problem. Actually not even normal around here. Stuff seems to turn up moldy often. However when I WANT to grow mold I can't! (And this is one of the few places you can make a comment like that and people not look at you crazy, but automatically understand it is for some sort of science experiment!)


On Monday we took a piece of good bread (no chemicals, preservatives) and two (white flour full of regular perservatives, been sitting around in a bag for a few weeks but still good ) hotdog buns, sprayed them with water and placed them in a ziplock bag and put them in a warm dark place. We even took them outside for a few minutes, rubbed them along the deck rail, the paito table, dropped them in the fresh cut grass, as well as the grass cut awhile ago so it has already started breaking down. Oh and that grass is on top of a thick layer of rabbit manure. So we were thinking we would get some really good mold growing on our bread. Nothing. Not one bit of mold 5 days later!


We even did the two different types of bread to see if the ones with preservatives would get the same amount or less mold growing on them.


It's sort of crazy. You get mold when you don't want it, but when you actually WANT mold, nothing is happening!

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I can't grow it, but I find it on the hot dog buns I wanted to use for lunch! I didn't not use this pack of hot dog buns because they seemed 'better'. Less mushed, not as old. The other pack was on the edge of 'not so great' to eat.


But doesn't it figure? When I need it for school, it won't grow, but when I don't want it, it's on the buns I need!

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That figures:001_huh:.


I can't grow it, but I find it on the hot dog buns I wanted to use for lunch! I didn't not use this pack of hot dog buns because they seemed 'better'. Less mushed, not as old. The other pack was on the edge of 'not so great' to eat.


But doesn't it figure? When I need it for school, it won't grow, but when I don't want it, it's on the buns I need!

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We even did the two different types of bread to see if the ones with preservatives would get the same amount or less mold growing on them.


In my house, from fastest to slowest mold growing in the kitchen

1) Trader Joes sandwich bread

2) Trader Joes flatbread

3) Target sandwich bread


They all grew mold in the original packaging. My house humidity average at 40%. My kitchen lights are usually switched on.


ETA: now then TJ breads go to the fridge to last longer

Edited by Arcadia
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I'm sure I can find a nice starter culture for you.......let me check the frig :lol:


If Raine doesn't come through for you I know I have a couple science fair grade molds in the back of my fridge.


I've always had bad (good?) luck with the bakery breads getting mold on them quickly.

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Ds just grew mold for a science fair project. I think it took more than 5 days if I remember right. We used fresh bakery french bread. (The regular sandwich bread we used at first never got moldy - even after over two weeks).


It is funny how it seemed to take forever to grow. How come bread we want to eat gets moldy in like 2 days? (At least it seems that way!).


Maybe try pita bread? That seems to get moldy super quick.


Also, another mom told me that they don't allow mold science projects at the county fair anymore due to the possibility of growing bad mold. I had never thought of that! We kept ours in the garage, so no one was breathing it or anything.

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