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what would you do?

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I need some perspective here.


I am a long time volunteer for a certain organization. Let's say boy scouts. (it isn't boy scouts IRL) I took on more responsibility in one geographic area. let's say, setting up the places where the boys sell popcorn. you know, in front of businesses. when I asked for the information from the prior person, like who was the contact person at the businesses, or a copy of the request letter from the year before, or any special 'issues' with the businesses, I was told I could not have any of that information. I had to start almost from scratch. they gave me a bad form letter.


now, say I have already been doing this same sort of thing for the 'boy scouts' in another geographic area already for the past 4 years. setting up places for them to sell their popcorn in front of businesses. I have relationships with these businesses. I start sending out letters requesting dates in june, july in order to get the dates wanted during the sale.


here's the problem, and if you've lasted so far, thanks! the new volunteer year technically started october 1 and I was informed yesterday that I was NOT reappointed to the position that I had held for the last 4 years in the second geographic area. I have already sent the letters with my name on them. and started securing the dates for the next sale. It would have never occurred to me that I would not be reappointed since I saw the person in charge in june and she knew I was already at work on the next year paperwork. I also saw her last week and in fact she wrote me a letter dates 9/29 about how I am sooo invaluable to the area. I do know that it was her decision to not reappoint.


I already decided to not hand over any of my contact information, since I wasn't given that consideration from the 'organization' in the first situation. but my question is, what do I do about the letters already out there with my name on them?? or the places that have already gotten back to me?

do I just let everything go??


thanks for listening!


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Part of me would want to put together a simple form letter stating that I apologize, but I will not be organizing this and sorry for taking up their. And leave no contact information. --The idea being new persons needs to start from scratch.


However, I think the right thing to do would be take the letters and info on dates to the person/committee in charge and simply state here's the ground work I started while in this position so the next person can finish securing the sales locations. I guess I would ask for the contact info for the person now handling it so that I could forward responses from businesses to him/her.

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Part of me would want to put together a simple form letter stating that I apologize, but I will not be organizing this and sorry for taking up their. And leave no contact information. --The idea being new persons needs to start from scratch.


However, I think the right thing to do would be take the letters and info on dates to the person/committee in charge and simply state here's the ground work I started while in this position so the next person can finish securing the sales locations. I guess I would ask for the contact info for the person now handling it so that I could forward responses from businesses to him/her.


i hear you about it being the 'right' thing to do. I fear I am not in a good place right now over this. from what I gathered yesterday, there is no new contact person. They try to have someone who lives in the area do this position. when I stepped up 4 years ago, it was becuase no one else would and every year, I say out loud, "I do not own this position. I serve gladly and happily. does anyone want to take over?" and no one does.



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Part of me would want to put together a simple form letter stating that I apologize, but I will not be organizing this and sorry for taking up their. And leave no contact information. --The idea being new persons needs to start from scratch.


However, I think the right thing to do would be take the letters and info on dates to the person/committee in charge and simply state here's the ground work I started while in this position so the next person can finish securing the sales locations. I guess I would ask for the contact info for the person now handling it so that I could forward responses from businesses to him/her.


I would do this. At least, I like to think I would. Being petty feels good in the short term, but it's not good for the organization overall. It isn't the new person's fault, so I would pass on the info.

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i hear you about it being the 'right' thing to do. I fear I am not in a good place right now over this. from what I gathered yesterday, there is no new contact person. They try to have someone who lives in the area do this position. when I stepped up 4 years ago, it was becuase no one else would and every year, I say out loud, "I do not own this position. I serve gladly and happily. does anyone want to take over?" and no one does.




Ah. Then, I would take what I had to the person charge, pass her name on to the businesses and let it go.

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Why couldn't you be given the contact information?


Why did they pull you from that area if there is no one else to take over?


Are you prohibited from contacting the businesses with new contact info?


Or, rather than being prohibited, do you not want to give the businesses the new contact info because you're irritated? If you don't let the businesses know what's going on, (new contact info) you're making the organization (and yourself) look bad and it's likely the businesses won't work with the organization (or you) anymore.

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Why couldn't you be given the contact information?


the prior person is being petty and immature, i suspect.


Why did they pull you from that area if there is no one else to take over?


Not quite sure. They won't give me an answer. I specifically asked because I will be doing it for another area and I sure don't want to make the same mistakes.


Are you prohibited from contacting the businesses with new contact info?


I don't think so. but I don't think there is any new contact info.


Or, rather than being prohibited, do you not want to give the businesses the new contact info because you're irritated? If you don't let the businesses know what's going on, (new contact info) you're making the organization (and yourself) look bad and it's likely the businesses won't work with the organization (or you) anymore.

this whole thing is going to make everyone involved look stupid and bad.

and, yes, I am irritated.



I replied above


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I would do this. At least, I like to think I would. Being petty feels good in the short term, but it's not good for the organization overall. It isn't the new person's fault, so I would pass on the info.


are you sure?? because feeling petty is feeling good at the moment. which is why, I guess, i need to do nothing for the moment. At this point, do i care how the organization looks overall?


i am sooo in a bad place right now.



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I need some perspective here.


I am a long time volunteer for a certain organization. Let's say boy scouts. (it isn't boy scouts IRL) I took on more responsibility in one geographic area. let's say, setting up the places where the boys sell popcorn. you know, in front of businesses. when I asked for the information from the prior person, like who was the contact person at the businesses, or a copy of the request letter from the year before, or any special 'issues' with the businesses, I was told I could not have any of that information. I had to start almost from scratch. they gave me a bad form letter.


now, say I have already been doing this same sort of thing for the 'boy scouts' in another geographic area already for the past 4 years. setting up places for them to sell their popcorn in front of businesses. I have relationships with these businesses. I start sending out letters requesting dates in june, july in order to get the dates wanted during the sale.


here's the problem, and if you've lasted so far, thanks! the new volunteer year technically started october 1 and I was informed yesterday that I was NOT reappointed to the position that I had held for the last 4 years in the second geographic area. I have already sent the letters with my name on them. and started securing the dates for the next sale. It would have never occurred to me that I would not be reappointed since I saw the person in charge in june and she knew I was already at work on the next year paperwork. I also saw her last week and in fact she wrote me a letter dates 9/29 about how I am sooo invaluable to the area. I do know that it was her decision to not reappoint.


I already decided to not hand over any of my contact information, since I wasn't given that consideration from the 'organization' in the first situation. but my question is, what do I do about the letters already out there with my name on them?? or the places that have already gotten back to me?

do I just let everything go??


thanks for listening!



IF I am understanding the situation correctly.... four years ago you stepped into a position where the person wouldn't give you contact info for the business and now four years later they are letting you go with no warning or explanation??? IMHO I think that is what happened four years ago too to the other person and they were being petty. I would sooooooo want to be petty and mean and spiteful and angry and gnashing of teeth, but more than likely, I would find a middle ground, and list on a piece of scrap paper the business I had contacted but not the contact person and hand that to the person in charge and walk away. But that's just me. Many people are better than me and are nicer.

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IF I am understanding the situation correctly.... four years ago you stepped into a position where the person wouldn't give you contact info for the business and now four years later they are letting you go with no warning or explanation??? IMHO I think that is what happened four years ago too to the other person and they were being petty. I would sooooooo want to be petty and mean and spiteful and angry and gnashing of teeth, but more than likely, I would find a middle ground, and list on a piece of scrap paper the business I had contacted but not the contact person and hand that to the person in charge and walk away. But that's just me. Many people are better than me and are nicer.


not exactly, I took a position 4 years ago in one 'area'. they are letting me go with no explanation. a few months ago, another 'area' asked me to do the same volunteer position for them. the person who this area before before me won't give me contact info. The organization sent me a letter saying you can't have any info. it isn't a big deal because I've been doing the same 'job' for 4 years so I know the ropes. it would have been easier to know, though, when I walk in to abc pizza, do I talk to tom or joe.


so, 2 areas, same volunteer position title. different businesses.


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yesterday: no

today: no, not so much.


tomorrow, maybe?




I guess it would depend. My scouts? I would feel like I was punishing the girls if I didn't do the right thing. Something like Junior League, where they are adults and there are a lot of politics involved? I would lean toward petty.

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they are letting me go with no explanation. a few months ago, another 'area' asked me to do the same volunteer position for them.


The coincidence of being asked to take on another area then asked to leave your current area makes me wonder a couple things....


A: Did the person in charge of the second area complain that you are in charge of an area that's not really your responsibility, leaving you unavailable to help in the area you'd normally be assigned? That might put the person in charge in the difficult position of having to let you go without being able to really explain why.


and B: Did the person in the new area burn some bridges (because clearly they're a least a little petty or angry themselves), so the person in charge of that area really needs someone who knows their stuff and can start from scratch?


No matter what's going on, it sounds like they're not handling it well. :(


But eventually the old area may replace you and it's not really the fault of the new person that the people in charge aren't handling things well. I'd either contact the businesses with the new contact information, or pass on the contact info to the director and let her contact everyone. No need to stoop to their level, otherwise the pettiness keeps spreading and you could damage your own reputation with the businesses and the organization.


:grouphug: It sounds like it just stinks. I'm sorry.



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ok. I'd still want to be petty - BUT with a few days under my belt, I'd probably feel different. I'd give myself sometime and some space and then try to be a "gracious" person.


I guess it would depend. My scouts? I would feel like I was punishing the girls if I didn't do the right thing. Something like Junior League, where they are adults and there are a lot of politics involved? I would lean toward petty.


ahhh. you all have such wonderful advice. and I appreciate the talk through.


I am looking towards positives: more time with my family. less stress during sale time...



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Treat others the way you'd want to be treated, and behave according to YOUR ethical standards, not the standards of this organization. If you think you might deal with those businesses in the future, send your contact a brief note saying you are no longer working on this project but you thank them for their generosity and time.


Good luck!

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are you sure?? because feeling petty is feeling good at the moment. which is why, I guess, i need to do nothing for the moment. At this point, do i care how the organization looks overall?


i am sooo in a bad place right now.




It sounds like they treated you like dirt. Are there "powers that be" above the people who decided not to re-appoint you this year?


I only ask this because it seems to me that by not re-appointing you, and not appointing a new person, the organization stands to lose quite a bit of money, and I would wonder how the higher-ups would feel about that.


I'm sorry to sound so clueless, but I don't quite understand what's going on here.

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