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How do I survive this?

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I have two kids, but one in particular, who are *extremely* affected by the full moon. :glare:


The behavior issues become over the top and unbearable and everything, and I do mean EVERYthing turns into a battle. It is simply horrible.


I don't want to give specific examples at this moment, but it's beyond bad. :(


I'm at my wits end. I can't go through this every month. :willy_nilly:


But before I panic about the long term- the issues are cropping up already and the full moon isn't until Saturday. How do I get through the next few days??


I know this may sound humorous to some, but believe me, there is nothing funny about this. I need some serious coping for the next few days. Much as I would like to hide in bed and not come out until next Tuesday, I can't because I have other kids who aren't affected by the full moon who need a functioning mommy.


Also, how does one fix this? Why is it some are more affected by the full moon than others? There has got to be something that can be done, no??

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:grouphug: You didn't mention how old they are. FWIW, one of mine was very affected in early elementary, but over time that got better. Yours may, too.


Have you looked at dietary problems with these dc? Allergies or sensitivities? Artificial colors, gluten, etc.? Just wondering if addressing those things to lower their stress levels might reduce the overall effect.


It doesn't help for this week, but perhaps you could have a discussion with the dc at a non-conflict time next week about options for how to handle the problem. Maybe they'd be willing to work extra on their schoolwork on good days so that when the bad days arrive they can slack. You could still devote time to the others, and these two could stay in bed and read. In fact, you could just have them do that tomorrow and talk with them about the plans when they are reasonable again.

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I have two kids, but one in particular, who are *extremely* affected by the full moon. :glare:



Once again, I'm late to the party. :glare:


I had no idea that you guys were werewolves.


Not that there's anything wrong with being werewolves. We have a werewolf family in our neighborhood and they are nothing but nice.


Except during the full moon. Then they get all furry and they look at us kind of funny. And we hated to do it, but we had to call the police once because the stupid howling started to get really old after a while.


;) ;) ;)




Seriously, though, I'm not sure what you can do about it. I know that some people's personalities truly do seem to be affected by a full moon, but I have no idea what (if anything,) can be done about it. It must be very hard on you, though. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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Once again, I'm late to the party. :glare:


I had no idea that you guys were werewolves.


Not that there's anything wrong with being werewolves. We have a werewolf family in our neighborhood and they are nothing but nice.


Except during the full moon. Then they get all furry and they look at us kind of funny. And we hated to do it, but we had to call the police once because the stupid howling started to get really old after a while.


;) ;) ;)




Seriously, though, I'm not sure what you can do about it. I know that some people's personalities truly do seem to be affected by a full moon, but I have no idea what (if anything,) can be done about it. It must be very hard on you, though. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:




Post of the day!

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:001_huh: how did you realize these behaviors were due to a full moon? My RAD is doing exceptionally well. I need to pay attention to see if there is any correllation between behaviors and moon phases.....


Mostly in hindsight. For months, there would be 3-5 days where 2 of my kids, one especially, would come completely unglued. I'm talking fits of violent rage when I would ask them to wash up and come join us for a meal. :001_huh:


I thought at first it was tied to my cycle and perhaps I was more sensitive during certain times of the month :rolleyes: but that has turned out to not be the correlation.


I don't know for sure that the behaviors are due to full moon. Perhaps there is nothing scientific about it. I wasn't looking for reasons to excuse the behavior or manifesting it somehow by the anticipation in a change of the moon phase.


Perhaps there are other reasons for it all but the coincidence is uncanny.


Once again, I'm late to the party. :glare:


I had no idea that you guys were werewolves.


Not that there's anything wrong with being werewolves. We have a werewolf family in our neighborhood and they are nothing but nice.


Except during the full moon. Then they get all furry and they look at us kind of funny. And we hated to do it, but we had to call the police once because the stupid howling started to get really old after a while.






Seriously, though, I'm not sure what you can do about it. I know that some people's personalities truly do seem to be affected by a full moon, but I have no idea what (if anything,) can be done about it. It must be very hard on you, though. :grouphug:


I wish we were werewolves and wearing silver could fix the fits of violent rage. If only it were so easy. :glare:

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Is it just that it affects their sleep pattern? I have 1 that even a blue night light seems to mess with his sleep pattern and he will be sooo cranky for several days if there is an unusual amount of light in his roommat night. I got rid of an alarm clock that had big blue lit numbers years ago because it had always annoyed me. I had no idea how much until the next morning whenni woke up so much more refreshed. Have you tried dark curtains?

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