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girls and their dads

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What cool things does your husband do with your daughter(s)? My dd is 12 and I am wanting some great suggestions to give my husband that he can do with either just our daughter, or with her and her 2 younger bothers. Usually when they do things together, it revolves around sports becasue that is what the 3 guys like...our dd goes along becasue she wants to play something, but isn't overly thrilled with the idea.


I don't want suggestions that revolve around him taking her someplace (the ice cream shop, the museum or theather) becasue we live too far away from any place like that to make it doable.


I am looking for ideas that they can do around at home. They do play a few games so that is one idea to maybe do more of....please help me out here. THANKS!!

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My dh tries to do what each daughter really enjoys doing.


So, for dd1, it's mostly watching or going to movies, because they both love movies.


Dd2 loves to build things and do technical stuff, so they'll often build models together (dh is a professional model builder so he can do some pretty elaborate stuff) or do tinkering sort of things, and he takes her along on trips to Home Depot and places like that.


Dd3 is only 3, so he reads lots of stories to her and she loves it.

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american girls has a great book for that...Just me and Dad My DD just pulled her books out this week!! They are so nice. Fun things for girls to do with dad. We also have Mom & Me. They are sweet.

OK....I was going back reading...and I see she is 12...not sure if she would like that. I know my 11 yo does...but not sure if a 12yo would.


hmmm...I agree with going to the movies, maybe biking, some sporting events?, my husband plays softball with my DD...she loves it.

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What has been great here is for dh to have a particular thing that he does with EACH daughter. And that's "their thing"! They love it. :)


Dd17 has gone to the midnight premier of every HP movie--and others--with dh and they share a love of musicals, too.


Dd15 and dh love soccer! He coached her and they have gone to games and other sports-related stuff, too. They play certain video games together, too.


Dd13 is sort of a daddy's princess. He hasn't found 1 or 2 specific things with this dd just yet, but he will take her out shopping--which she loves--and the other girls could care less, so that's something! LOL


What's nice is that because dh and each daughter have a "thing", the other daughters tend to not encroach on it or feel left out if they don't get to do it, kwim?


(Btw, I have things with each of our boys, too! :) Of course, we don't limit all one-on-one time to these special activities, but it's the special times that tend to make memories for each kiddo.)

Edited by 6packofun
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It would help to know what their interests/talents/hobbies are. But does he do any woodworking? Could he work on a project w/ her? Teach her bike repair and maintenance. Father daughter book study, maybe? Daddy daughter night in the kitchen, and they could fix dinner/desert together. Start teaching her car maintenance- how to check the oil, add water, check tires, etc.

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I don't have a daughter, but I was one! :D


My dad taught me how to change the plugs and points, change the oil, oil filter and air filters and change the tires on a car. After retiring from the Navy, he became a heavy equipment mechanic, and he was very good at it, as well as very good at teaching it.


I have very good memories of doing that with him. Those skills have come in incredibly handy throughout my life. To this day, I can't smell engine oil, look under the hood of a car, or check the tire pressure without thinking of my dad at his best, doing his best.


I miss him.

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Well, around the home my husband and daughter (dd is 11) garden and play around with some science (right now I have a glass of bourbon and a glass of grape juice on my dresser so *they* can see which evaporates faster, lol). Sometimes they do yard work together. They also play COD together on the playstation :glare:.


They do much more outside of the house than in. They are movie buddies (I hate anything animated), Costco buddies, and they often just swing out for lunch (which leads to great conversations between the two).

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My girls have done many things with DH. For a while, they were interested in computers and he showed them how to repair them. (I know it sounds odd, but they enjoyed it and now I can get dd11 to fix mine when I can't figure it out).


Currently, they enjoy doing legos together. We have a second house which he uses as a 'man cave' (and the house is old, so it's nothing fancy). They go over there. For a while, they took over the attic portion of a storage shed. I try to buy new legos every now and then and I always ask for legos when grandparents want to know what to get the girls.


The highlight is for him to take them to a new movie. (We live an hour away from the nearest movie theatre, so it's a big deal for us as well). Sometimes, we'll buy a new dvd and they watch it together.


They play card games, board games together. They walk through the woods and are currently trying to figure out a treehouse. They play soccer and sometimes jog together.


Occasionally, they decide they will cook dinner (usually something fun like pizza).


I think it really depends on what hobbies or interests both your DH and your girls have. Then look for some overlap.


I think Daddy/Daughter time is very important and I work hard to make sure they have materials to foster that togetherness.

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What cool things does your husband do with your daughter(s)? My dd is 12 and I am wanting some great suggestions to give my husband that he can do with either just our daughter, or with her and her 2 younger bothers. Usually when they do things together, it revolves around sports becasue that is what the 3 guys like...our dd goes along becasue she wants to play something, but isn't overly thrilled with the idea.


I don't want suggestions that revolve around him taking her someplace (the ice cream shop, the museum or theather) becasue we live too far away from any place like that to make it doable.


I am looking for ideas that they can do around at home. They do play a few games so that is one idea to maybe do more of....please help me out here. THANKS!!


Well my dh is taking dd15 out tomorrow to The Cheesecake Factory and to a bookstore, but since you added your caveat, these would be my suggestions:

Cook or bake something together

Make something - my dh made birdhouses and a bamboo windchime with the kids

Watch a movie together - popcorn or other goodies makes it more like an event.

Fishing/crabbing/boating figures big in our lives, but I don't know if that has any potential for your family.


Personally, I think the sweetest thing is when a father joins in with his daughter in something that is interesting to her, even if that wouldn't be his first choice activity.

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I don't have a daughter, but I was one! :D


My dad taught me how to change the plugs and points, change the oil, oil filter and air filters and change the tires on a car. After retiring from the Navy, he became a heavy equipment mechanic, and he was very good at it, as well as very good at teaching it.


I have very good memories of doing that with him. Those skills have come in incredibly handy throughout my life. To this day, I can't smell engine oil, look under the hood of a car, or check the tire pressure without thinking of my dad at his best, doing his best.


I miss him.


That is very touching Audrey! You are making my eyes glassy!

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Well my girls are much younger than yours, but I do have fond memories of doing things with my dad.


He taught me how to change oil/oil filter, tires, check air pressure in tires, change most fluid, etc. I think we started that around age 13/14, but it can def be younger.


He taught me to drive a stick shift (around age 17)


He'd take me out for ice cream and to pick up a movie or out to dinner


He taught me to play baseball and we spent many hours throwing the ball back and forth



I think the pp's idea of doing a father/daughter kitchen date once a week/month to cook dinner is a great idea. Lot of memories.


He could take over one subject of her schooling to do with her a couple evenings each week


fishing, canoeing, hiking, gardening, biking, just taking long walks after dinner

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