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Should I be Upset? (Braces related)

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I know little to nothing about braces. My older daughter (with autism) is just starting out with braces and is doing well. I like her orthodontist (the only one who would take her due to her autism).


My middle daughter needs braces. Badly. I have become frustrated with her orthodontist and want to change. The problem is that my daughter loves her orthodontist and doesn't want to change. I've allowed her to continue with her ortho and she has an appointment coming up in a couple of weeks.


Last year, around this time, her dentist urged us to see an orthodontist promptly due to concerns about a bulge in her mouth where teeth were not growing in properly. We saw the ortho who (upon seeing the bulge) suggested oral surgery removing eight teeth (6 baby and two permanent). I didn't completely understand because the teeth being removed didn't seem to be anywhere close to the bulge that everyone was so concerned about, but decided that they were experts in that matter and I wasn't, so we removed the eight teeth.


At a follow up appointment in February, I again expressed concern about the bulge in her gum and they removed two more (baby teeth). (An oral surgeon did all the removals by the way).


She STILL has a bulge in her gum and now that tooth has started growing sideways and backwards. (There was a permanent tooth on top of the bulge that had another permanent tooth trying to grow in under it).


I am aware that I might be looking for reasons to not like this ortho so I'm hoping that others might share if they had a similar experience? The dentist, ortho and oral surgeon were all urging immediate action a year ago regarding the bulge in her gumline. Why is it still there?

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I don't know much about this, we're just getting started in the world of orthodontia (DD is in palette expanders right now).



I think I would definitely take her to your other ortho for a consultation. Even is *she* loves her current ortho, you need to find out what is going on.


Good Luck.

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Get a second opinion, pronto.


I agree. We're just entering the world of mouth appliances. We haven't had anything done yet because I did seek a second opinion after being referred out by our dentist to a particular doc. The second is far less aggressive than the first and made better arguments for what he thought needed to be done. I think this situation definitely warrants some reevaluation.

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I would definitely start getting other opinions. We settled with an ortho that decided to pull no teeth in older dd (the other wanted to pull four). He's being patient, we're doing braces, and we'll see if he can fix things without extractions. Not all orthos are big on extractions, so look around a bit. Also, most consults are free. We didn't have to pay anything until we decided on one and a course of action.

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My dd had similar mouth issues with teeth behind other teeth and had to have 5 baby and 4 adult teeth removed. She had a spacer after the baby teeth and she has had springs and now a chain. We are seeing dramatic improvement in just a few months with braces. If you have been going a year and aren't seeing improvements somewhere...then I would see another ortho.

With each visit, they go over with me what the adjustments and if they add a spring or chain or whatever to the braces...they tell me what it is supposed to be doing to her teeth and what it is going to fix. If your ortho isn't doing this at each adjustment...then you need to find out where you are in the ortho plan and go for a 2nd opinion somewhere.

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My dd had similar mouth issues with teeth behind other teeth and had to have 5 baby and 4 adult teeth removed. She had a spacer after the baby teeth and she has had springs and now a chain. We are seeing dramatic improvement in just a few months with braces. If you have been going a year and aren't seeing improvements somewhere...then I would see another ortho.

With each visit, they go over with me what the adjustments and if they add a spring or chain or whatever to the braces...they tell me what it is supposed to be doing to her teeth and what it is going to fix. If your ortho isn't doing this at each adjustment...then you need to find out where you are in the ortho plan and go for a 2nd opinion somewhere.


:iagree: Get a second opinion.

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Thanks. I'm calling our other ortho today and asking for an appointment for a 2nd opinion. The ortho we currently use doesn't advocate pulling teeth either, he just said it was an extreme situation. (We had 2 teeth pulled on his advice prior to the 8). It just doesn't seem to be resolving the situation and poor dd has had gaps throughout her mouth where her teeth aren't coming in.

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