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Lap top or desktop?

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depends on what you plan to do with it, how you use the computer in your home. Dh had a laptop for gaming but no one ever games together anymore so he's getting a desktop next. The kids have a desktop so I can always check on them. I just got off that desktop and bought a laptop. I need to be able to have our household info with me and sometimes that means on travel. I made sure I have enough gigs for all my photos :-)


We also have several tablets though and the kids do a lot on those now. But school work is on the desktop in the school room. Wouldn't change that for them.

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I would get a desktop--you already have a laptop, desktops last longer-fewer repairs, you can get more for your money.


That. When I needed a laptop for work, we had laptops. You have one for portability already, so that's covered.


We went with a Lenovo all in one pc w/ touch screen last year and LOVE it. It's easy to move (only a power cord), but not what I'd call "portable". It's a monster. Nice for watching videos in the school room, though.

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