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If Singapore worked for your 1st-6th grader, what did you use next?


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We will be there in a few months and have decided to go into Discovering Math (DM) 7A. Dh (a math dude) and I are planning on using it all four years (if it works for us) and then spending the last couple years on advanced math. Knowing my kids, I think only my middle son *might* not completely implode or explode with AoPS. DM, after doing SM during elementary, will be a much better fit.

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Singapore in 1-6

Singapore 7-10

Concurrent enrollment 11-12


We've used both NEM and DM. NEM was used before DM came out. I prefer DM. We added AoPS to the line up as well.


IMO, if you don't plan to put your students into the system, keep doing what is working. Singapore is excellent and has yielded excellent results for us.

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