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C/P Special needs and school incident

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Do you have a child in the public school special needs program? I know this is a homeschooling forum, but I don't have a lot of resources outside of the homeschooling community. My ds's first day of school resulted with a couple of students erupting in "fits". As a result, my son got hurt. He has three distinct finger marks on his arm and a gouge of skin taken out by one of the students. He is TOTALLY vulnerable (wheelchair, no protective reflexes). I've called his social worker because the last time (8 years ago with the same school administration) something like this was happening, they did nothing and were going to do nothing. What should I do? There is only one special needs classroom for his age group and it has all the kids who can't be mainstreamed so there's quite a range of special needs.



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I took pictures. My gut is feeling like I should keep him home tomorrow until I'm sure these students are under control. I have a good relationship with the teacher and she said, "the parents who make the most fuss get the most attention." I then asked if I needed to be a squeaky wheel. She said, "yes".


I'll call the school and say, "ds is staying home due to safety issues in his classroom". He needs one on one full school day attention to accomplish any of his goals. I can't give that to him - I'm again not liking the whole public education in that there are NO CHOICES!



Edited by bethben
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I would certainly document and call the school ASAP. Sometimes you can have a great teacher that the administrators just overload with kids that have too many needs for the teacher to adequately handle. Sometimes the squeaky wheel can get them to hire more staff to give the support needed to ALL kids.

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Everyone in that classroom has one on one, but the teacher feels that these students need two on one or a different situation which the administration is very hesitant/unwilling to provide. What happens when this student erupts, is that the aids become human shields to their students. That is not what I want for my child -their aid becomes an untrained body guard.



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I know our life skills classes have just gotten huge in the last few years. I remember hearing years ago that they were supposed to be about 13 kids. DD's class was more than 20 last year with 2 teachers and many aides. Now she's off to high school with 20 kids and 1 teacher, several aides. My dd is also in a wheelchair, non-verbal, visually impaired. She always has an aide with her. It's not exactly a one-on-one situation since they may have other kids with them too, but there is always an aide or teacher with her and it's that person's job to keep her safe. I would push for that with your ds. And I would have no problem with keeping him out the first week until all of the craziness settles down.


ETA: Okay, just read your last comment. If that still happened with a one-on-one aide, and everyone has their own aide, it sounds like the perpetrator should not be in the classroom. It is the school's responsibility to provide a safe environment, and that's not happening.

Edited by Ali in OR
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Unless his IEP calls for a one on one aid I would change what you plan to say.


A safe environment is necessary for your son to accomplish is goals. Your ds cannot defend himself in any manner (blocking or moving away). The environment is not safe for him. If the school cannot provide a safe environment then they cannot provide the FAPE ( free appropriate public education).


I might take him to the doctor. I'd get the doctor to document your ds's inability to defend himself and the level to which you ds is fragile. I'd include the doctor's letter (keeping a copy for yourself) in my second request for a safe environment being necessary for FAPE. I would not wait to take ds to doctor to see if they will act the first request though. I'd get it now and have it ready.

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Unless his IEP calls for a one on one aid I would change what you plan to say.


A safe environment is necessary for your son to accomplish is goals. Your ds cannot defend himself in any manner (blocking or moving away). The environment is not safe for him. If the school cannot provide a safe environment then they cannot provide the FAPE ( free appropriate public education).

I might take him to the doctor. I'd get the doctor to document your ds's inability to defend himself and the level to which you ds is fragile. I'd include the doctor's letter (keeping a copy for yourself) in my second request for a safe environment being necessary for FAPE. I would not wait to take ds to doctor to see if they will act the first request though. I'd get it now and have it ready.


:iagree:That is how I would approach it as well, under safe environment.

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One of the many reason I home school my special needs child. Do you have an ARC near you? They will provide advocates to help your son get what he needs in school. DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT everything. Get a binder just for that and write down any issues, who you called, time of call, results, etc. Schedule a meeting with the principal right away. If you don't get help move up the chain of command or get a lawyer to help.

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