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Need book recommendations - Colonial-Revolutionary war years

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I am following a rabbit trail.


I am looking for books. It is a bit hard to describe, which is why my google searching is failing me.


I am interested in reading about or of the lives of people, specifically women and children, during the years between the first colonists up to the Revolutionary War years. Non-fiction would be great. Either historical accounts, biographies, or journals. Anything involving a sense of what life was like for women, children, and families during that time. So that would include education, housekeeping/cooking, the home, medical practices, employment experiences, etc..... Very well done historical fiction would also be interesting.


Please tell me such books exist!

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this is not a book, but the john adams' series is awesome that was on hbo a few years back. you can get it on netflix too. also the book johnny tremain is great for that time period. there was a movie made from that book that you can get on dvd. 2 years ago we did a revolutionary war trip up east coast and it was so awesome. my son is now in 10 grade learning us history and still talks about that trip. everything on early history of forming our country he has seen with his own eyes. just a thought.


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My kids participated in a Colonial era historical intrepeter's group for children for a few months last year. The recommended reading for learning about the time period included The Journal of John Harrower: An Indentured Servant in the Colony of Virginia 1773-1176 (primary source about a tutor to some children near Fredericksburg, VA); Journal and Letters of Philip Vickers Frithian (another primary source about a tutor, this one in the Tidewater area); and Child Life in Colonial Days by Alice Morse Earle (she also wrote Home Life in Colonial Days).

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