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Today must be Powerstruggle Day, instead of Tuesday?

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Today has been the homeschooling day from eeeeeek... both boys have HORRID attitudes. I have a 10 year old crying at the dining room table because he doesn't feel like doing school today... he went to bed at ten last night, was up at 9am. So he has had sleep. I gave an extra snack and cup of milk to eliminate potential hunger.. and now, we are just enjoying the ride of this power struggle :/ It is only week 2 of being back to our studies... I suppose it is a given.. Although, I will admit to being tempted to call and see if the charter school still has a waiting list ;) (not really)

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Today has been the homeschooling day from eeeeeek... both boys have HORRID attitudes. I have a 10 year old crying at the dining room table because he doesn't feel like doing school today... he went to bed at ten last night, was up at 9am. So he has had sleep. I gave an extra snack and cup of milk to eliminate potential hunger.. and now, we are just enjoying the ride of this power struggle :/ It is only week 2 of being back to our studies... I suppose it is a given.. Although, I will admit to being tempted to call and see if the charter school still has a waiting list ;) (not really)




My ds admitted today that he "wants to be a lawyer because i really like arguing.":tongue_smilie:

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We are having big issues here too. It's funny that my aspie is doing pretty well, he likes the routine and everything is review so far. But my ds9 is making me crazy. Math is complete review. He is sitting in his chair and staring at nothing, like he has forgotten how to add and subtract. And handwriting. He had a page of tracing his cursive letters (serious review, since he's been doing full paragraphs) and it took him 45 minutes worth of complaining to get it done. They all had over 10 hours of sleep and have eaten plenty of protein. But it's really hard to start up again. Today is only day 2 for us, but it's not going well.

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We are having big issues here too. It's funny that my aspie is doing pretty well, he likes the routine and everything is review so far. But my ds9 is making me crazy. Math is complete review. He is sitting in his chair and staring at nothing, like he has forgotten how to add and subtract. And handwriting. He had a page of tracing his cursive letters (serious review, since he's been doing full paragraphs) and it took him 45 minutes worth of complaining to get it done. They all had over 10 hours of sleep and have eaten plenty of protein. But it's really hard to start up again. Today is only day 2 for us, but it's not going well.


:grouphug: I think all first months of studies should begin with an unlimited supply of chocolate.


He has now went from sour attitude and smart remarks to a great mood. Mind you I am sitting at the table on my laptop. I really feel like part of his issue is he wants me sitting there while he works :/ well, that just isn't going to happen all the time, and all of these problems are review as well. Nothing difficult at all :/


Guarantee you when he realizes he still has grammar and history to complete within the next 1.5 hours he will become sour attitude man again...

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Shoot, I've hit the chocolate chips three times today! Ds had class at the college, but then the prof kept him late to tell him he doesn't get any work hours this semester. And that made him late to pick up his sister, which made his lunch rushed in order to get back to the college for his physics lab, only it was cancelled, but no one told him. He at least met a guy who might make a good lab partner before they both noticed the note ON THE FLOOR saying class was cancelled! He's now doing chemistry labs.


And dd spent two hours learning how to do dogsitting chores so that's put HER hours behind and they all want to go to the last square dance of the season and if middle dd calls me ONE MORE TIME to ask me about dropping Honors and taking something else in order for me to tell her to TALK TO HER ADVISOR for the umpteenth time, punctuated by dh telling me that I never talked to him about actually PAYING ds's tuition or dd's room & board (yes, we had the discussion numerous times but this is how he handles paying bills--he just DOESN'T!)


At least dd is now practicing piano!


You all have my sympathy! :grouphug:

oh my, I would have inhaled the entire bag of chocolate chips and would be rummaging for more sweets in the pantry. Hope your day gets better!


We are on the home stretch, one picture to color and a section to read :auto:

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Yep. My K'er earned himself the privilege of extra chores because of his mouth this afternoon.


:lol: DH called DS10 from work to inform him if his studies weren't finished at midnight when he arrived home from work, that he would be dragged out of bed for chores and to finish his studies, even if it took all night.. needless to say he is working happily LOL


The threat of chores at midnight will always get kids moving ;)

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I call these types of days WHY IS THE RUM ALL GONE. Not that I drink alcohol, but wow is it tempting.


My dd informed me that she finished all her history, so I couldn't assign it to her to do while we drove around the countryside helping my Mom. Yes, you read that correctly - I was helping Mom when I should have been sitting across a table tapping a ruler in my palm. It's a conspiracy to drive me bonkers, I tell ya!

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Yeah, I wish someone had warned me about that.


The whining started at the beginning, when I had the audacity to make him do a full math lesson. (He thought we were going to stop after the first problem?)


And then, constant whining/whimpering/crying WHILE I am trying to explain the lesson. He was *not* *listening*. It is NOT okay to make noise constantly when I am trying to explain things.



Last Tuesday was no better. It was Day 2, and there was a major writing freakout. (Mind you, I wasn't actually asking him to write anything at the time.)


A big bowl of ice cream was consumed. I feel like I need another.

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I thought it was National Mean Eyes Day, as in "Moooooommm!! He/she is looking at me with mean eyes!!"


:grouphug: I totally understand. I have a 12yo dd.


OMG I get the "moooommm he is looking at me hateful" all.day.long. some days LOL He waits until I walk around the corner of the hall.. thing is I remember doing that as a kid to my brother and i still feel he deserved all he got :lol:

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My 11 yo whipped through grammar, writing, vocabulary and logic this morning. And she seemed to enjoy it. Meanwhile, her brothers sat there <not> doing their 1/2 page of spelling and grammar review.


I sat behind them and did grading. And then I had to run out to a meeting, which no one showed for... So I ran some errands, came home, and found one of the boys at the dining room table <not> doing math, and the other one upstairs in the school room, in the dark, <not> doing math with a graphing calculator. :glare: (The girl child was happily reading after finishing a very "fun" algebra lesson)


The rest of their week is not looking too good on the leisure front.

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