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Ragweed Allergy?

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It is ragweed season!


Same symptoms here - and I'm not pregnant, nor have I eaten deli meat!


And yes, allergy season makes me kind of half nauseous / half starving. It also makes me physically exhausted and crabby.


Try taking a shower at night - it clears the sinuses, washes off the pollen and maybe relaxes you so you can sleep.


Keep your windows closed, turn on the A/C, and veg out until a good hard freeze!



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yes. Until we had DS6 tested for allergies last year and figured out why HE feels bad so often, I never made the connection. I thought I just got a really bad cold that dragged on for months every year at exactly the same time. Knowing that I can take zyrtec to make it mostly better and that I don't have to live on Afrin and ibuprofen for weeks at a time has been very helpful.

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I struggle with this every year. I also have to avoid avocado, bananas and melons, which can contain ragweed, unless I plan to take a Benadryl at the same time.


My survival involves:


Mucinex D & Mucinex DM


Afrin Nasal Spray or fluticasone/Flonase

Orange juice with vitamin C powder every morning


Since you're pregnant, I would do Vitamin C, Benadryl & Afrin nasal spray. You should be able to take plain Mucinex (without the "D", which contains pseudophedrine). It's still immensely helpful since it thins out all the mucous and thus helps with the congestion.

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I was told not to take Benadryl when pregnant, but Claritan and 4-hour (real) Sudafed (not extended kind) was okay.


I found an inhaler with some essential oils in it at a health food store that helps too, I think it was mostly eucalyptus oil, with rosemary and a few other things too.

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I struggle with this every year. I also have to avoid avocado, bananas and melons, which can contain ragweed, unless I plan to take a Benadryl at the same time.


Wait! What? Avocados contain ragweed? I'm addicted to them and have major allergies. Maybe that's why my sinuses are stopped up and my sense of smell is off. Shoot.

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Just sending out sympathy. Two of us have not been feeling well this week, and I've been wondering if something is different in the environment. Headaches, fatigue, and drip is what we're dealing with. My eyes have really been bothering me.


Last year, I tested negative for environmental allergies, but I know in spring and fall, I'm a zombie. I always have the post-nasal drip that causes nausea but also D.

Edited by NJKelli
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Wait! What? Avocados contain ragweed? I'm addicted to them and have major allergies. Maybe that's why my sinuses are stopped up and my sense of smell is off. Shoot.


Yes, I used to wonder why my throat itched and felt tight after eating certain fruits and vegetables.


Ragweed pollen can be found in: [from wiki] banana, cantaloupe, cucumber, green pepper, paprika, sunflower seeds/oil, honeydew, watermelon, zucchini, echinacea, artichoke, dandelions, honey (if bees pollinate from wild flowers), hibiscus or chamomile tea


That doesn't mean those foods necessarily WILL contain ragweed, or enough to cause a major reaction. I only notice it when I eat melons, banana or avocado with avocado and cantaloupe being my worst offenders for some reason. It's never been more of a reaction than Benadryl could treat, so I usually opt to eat avocados anyway. I love them! :001_smile:


ETA: Hmmmm...I just noticed that avocados are listed under allergy to birch pollen--not ragweed.

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Thanks :) That's exactly what I have. In the Spring and Fall too. From what I read, the fall one is the Ragweed and the spring one could be grass. I'm going to get tested as soon as I get around to it.


This might not be a good option when you're pregnant, but I read on a post here not too long ago that some acid reducers may help with the GI effects. I may try that at some point because, besides the fatigue, that is the most debilitating problem.

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Yep, I've had ragweed allergy since I can remember, and my poor son has inherited it too. Mine used to be so severe I had to get a steroid shot. I couldn't have it the year I was pregnant, so my doctor moved me to a steroid nasal spray. I've taken that ever since, and it's worked just fine... although this year is a little worse because allergies are just so bad around here.


I never used to have fruit problems, but in recent years I realized bananas and canteloupe bother me too.


OP, if it continues, you can always talk to your doctor about a nasal spray. I think many of them are considered safe to use during pregnancy now (and I took one almost ten years ago with less research filed away, but I didn't have a choice if I wanted to breathe!). You'd want to talk to your doc to see what would be a good option, though. It's also my understanding that Zyrtec and Claritin are safe to use, but again, check with your doc to be sure. Good luck, it is NOT fun.

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