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UGH! Recent pictures show.....(and need some suggestions)

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It doesn't sound like you are eating enough and that will stall weight loss in its tracks. I would be interested to hear how that translated into the 8months of Raw that you tried. When eating Raw you have to eat a lot and often or you will likely feel starved all the time AND you won't lose weight. You also have to get a good bit of good fat in your diet every day. In the beginning I routinely ate a whole avocado every. single. day. Avocados and coconut oil are the two best fats, in my opinion. Are you drinking enough water? Dehydration will stall weight loss as well.


Moving more is essential too. Even if you eat Raw you still have to move.


I should mention also, that I am about the same height as you - actually an inch shorter - and was about the same weight (185 - 200ish) when I started.

Edited by contessa20
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I have thought of that as well. I have never had a vaginal yeast infection in my life but I am reading that that is not necessarily an indication that you have no yeast in your system.


I DO have a lot of gastrointestinal problems and have for many, many years, I would say at least 13 years. I can't eat wheat and that does help, but I still have issues.


I haven't looked at it too much yet, just an initial google search. Do you have any resources? Part of me shies away from websites claiming that yeast growth causes everything from sleep issues to cancer, and then tries to sell me some pill or potion, and that seems to be what I am finding out there so far.




Have you consider candida overgrowth/yeast?
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I did mostly recipes from Allisa Cohan.


I made her pizza "crust" in the dehydrator (loads of flax seeds so lots of fat), as well as her crackers, and a few other similar items.


I also ate a lot of raw nuts, flax oil, coconut oil, I would make lettuce wraps a lot with avocado (as well as raw yellow peppers and tomato.) Sometimes I would make guacamole for it or for the raw pizza.


I got plenty of fat. I guess I was under the impression that the weight would "just fall off." That did not happen.


It doesn't sound like you are eating enough and that will stall weight loss in its tracks. I would be interested to hear how that translated into the 8months of Raw that you tried. When eating Raw you have to eat a lot and often or you will likely feel starved all the time AND you won't lose weight. You also have to get a good bit of good fat in your diet every day. In the beginning I routinely ate a whole avocado every. single. day. Avocados and coconut oil are the two best fats, in my opinion. Are you drinking enough water? Dehydration will stall weight loss as well.


Moving more is essential too. Even if you eat Raw you still have to move.


I should mention also, that I am about the same height as you - actually an inch shorter - and was about the same weight (185 - 200ish) when I started.

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If wheat/gluten bothers you so much have you considered that perhaps you have other intolerances. Dairy is a big one that often goes with wheat, due to the damage done to the villi.


Fwiw if it is just an issue of money. I say if you have it and then you've found something that will work for you in terms of accountability and as a lifestyle I would spend the money.

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How do you know? Is it just trial and error? I know the gluten/wheat intolerance is something I just found out by eliminating it after years of stomach pain. I was amazed that it got so much better! I have found I can tolerate small amounts, not a slice of bread or soup with flour in it, but if I have oats I don't seem to be bothered if it isn't specified as gluten free.


Although as I said earlier, I felt fantastic on a Raw/Vegan diet and I am thinking I did not have dairy during that time. Hmmmm.....




If wheat/gluten bothers you so much have you considered that perhaps you have other intolerances. Dairy is a big one that often goes with wheat, due to the damage done to the villi.


Fwiw if it is just an issue of money. I say if you have it and then you've found something that will work for you in terms of accountability and as a lifestyle I would spend the money.

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Yeah, I think I may have to.


I was thinking last night of a friend of mine. She has always been a runner and thin, not skinny, but well within her weight for her height.


She spent last year doing some sort of modified paleo diet where she cut out ALL grains, including beer, which she loves. She now eats only meat/protein, fats, vegetables and fruit.


She was downright skinny, almost too much so! She said that eating this way made the weight fall off effortlessly and she doesn't count calories or anything. She even switched out beer for tequila! :lol:


However, she does keep up with her running 5 days per week.




I wonder if you might want to develop a taste for meat and eggs. :tongue_smilie: Maybe there's a special way of preparing these that you will enjoy? Experiment more.



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How do you know? Is it just trial and error? I know the gluten/wheat intolerance is something I just found out by eliminating it after years of stomach pain. I was amazed that it got so much better! I have found I can tolerate small amounts, not a slice of bread or soup with flour in it, but if I have oats I don't seem to be bothered if it isn't specified as gluten free.


Although as I said earlier, I felt fantastic on a Raw/Vegan diet and I am thinking I did not have dairy during that time. Hmmmm.....



I'd just give it a trail for a month, have none at all. On the gluten I'd be very, very careful that could be screwing you up if you are eating little bits here and there. I'd go 100% off as well. Can you try that for at least a month and see how you feel off of both 100% and then trail adding back in little bits of dairy and see how you feel and see if it makes a difference in how you feel and the weight loss. Gluten causes some people to lose too much and others hang onto extra weight with it in their diet. I'd vote for a modified paleo/primal. Obviously the high carb/low fat Weight Watchers doesn't work for you. You can eat lots raw with lc/hf it sounds like a combo would be helpful for you.

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Yes, in fact, Lindora was my first weight loss center I want to when we lived in SoCal. This is the diet where they found out that I needed to have even fewer carbs than most people in order to stay in kitosis. I was down to about 30gr per day and if I went over, I went out of kitosis.


In kitosis I lost weight but my brain was so foggy I could barely remember my own name. I stayed with the diet (this was pre-kids when I had $$) for the entire 10 weeks and lost all of 15 pounds. I was thin then as I didn't have as much to lose to start, but in order to get my brain back I had to add some more carbs! I eventually gained the weight back.





Have you ever hear of Lean for Life? It's a book, and basically a how-to, with a simple plan that is already laid out for you. You just follow along, writing anything that goes into your mouth down! It even gives you a ton of recipes in the book :)
Edited by DawnM
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Guest submarines
I have heard of it. It is basically just another low carb, get your body in kitosis book.


Gently: Do you find you have a negative attitutde towards LCHF diets? This attituded might be preventing you from following through and getting healthier.



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A TSH over 2 is an indication that you may need some help there. Traditionally, doctors say that anything under 4 is okay, but a good endocrinologist usually likes to see it under a 2. It could be that your thyroid is just sluggish enough that you can't lose weight, and you need a little help. I would start looking for a good endocrinologist; if you have friends who have needed fertility help, you might ask them for recommendations. Often, women who have fertility trouble see a reproductive endocrinologist, who discovers the underlying problem of mild hypothyroidism; RE's generally like to see the TSH under 2, the closer to 0 generally the better.

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You are probably right.


I have been mulling this over since last night and think doing something more like my friend did is probably a better way for me to try.


I don't know of any support groups or accountability groups with it other than online. I hope that will be enough.


I'd just give it a trail for a month, have none at all. On the gluten I'd be very, very careful that could be screwing you up if you are eating little bits here and there. I'd go 100% off as well. Can you try that for at least a month and see how you feel off of both 100% and then trail adding back in little bits of dairy and see how you feel and see if it makes a difference in how you feel and the weight loss. Gluten causes some people to lose too much and others hang onto extra weight with it in their diet. I'd vote for a modified paleo/primal. Obviously the high carb/low fat Weight Watchers doesn't work for you. You can eat lots raw with lc/hf it sounds like a combo would be helpful for you.
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I really do need to see an endocrinologist. I have been putting it off.


I had a pituitary adenoma back in my 20s. I am sure it is still there but I haven't messed with it for a LONG time. I should probably get an MRI and see if that is causing some issues.




A TSH over 2 is an indication that you may need some help there. Traditionally, doctors say that anything under 4 is okay, but a good endocrinologist usually likes to see it under a 2. It could be that your thyroid is just sluggish enough that you can't lose weight, and you need a little help. I would start looking for a good endocrinologist; if you have friends who have needed fertility help, you might ask them for recommendations. Often, women who have fertility trouble see a reproductive endocrinologist, who discovers the underlying problem of mild hypothyroidism; RE's generally like to see the TSH under 2, the closer to 0 generally the better.
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Yes, I do! However, if you read the rest of that post you can see why some of that is there. I had to go down to 30gr or less to stay in kitosis and I had such terrible brain fog and lethargy I could barely function.




Gently: Do you find you have a negative attitutde towards LCHF diets? This attituded might be preventing you from following through and getting healthier.



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Can your friend be a support to you?


I always love being a cheerleader for people losing weight, even when they aren't doing things exactly like I have done. I have a friend losing weight right now and she checks in with me and I try to cheerlead her every time we talk and encourage her on to stay on track. I'd ask your friend if she would help you out with that. I think marksdailyapple would work fairly well for you as it is not strictly paleo and not super low carb either, imo there is a lot more flex than other low carb plans and if you look at Mark's eating plan he eats a lot of veggies.


I've already forgot about exercise but perhaps you could find a partner for something you might enjoy doing or use some money to get a trainer to at least get started out. I do like MDA's exercise plan as well personally, he really stresses bodyweight exercises which build up muscle and don't require equipment.

Edited by soror
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No, she isn't local and is a professor and very busy.


I will take a look at Mark's Apple. I know I have heard of it before but haven't really looked closely at it.


Can your friend be a support to you?


I always love being a cheerleader for people losing weight, even when they aren't doing things exactly like I have done. I have a friend losing weight right now and she checks in with me and I try to cheerlead her every time we talk and encourage her on to stay on track. I'd ask your friend if she would help you out with that. I think marksdailyapple would work fairly well for you as it is not strictly paleo and not super low carb either, imo there is a lot more flex than other low carb plans and if you look at Mark's eating plan he eats a lot of veggies.


I've already forgot about exercise but perhaps you could find a partner for something you might enjoy doing or use some money to get a trainer to at least get started out. I do like MDA's exercise plan as well personally, he really stresses bodyweight exercises which build up muscle and don't require equipment.

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Ok, I made an appt. with an endocrinologist, but I can't be seen for 8 weeks! Yikes.


Should I wait it out or keep calling around? This one comes highly recommended which is why I started there. They must be good if they have that long of a waiting list.



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I'd rather wait for an appointment with a highly recommended doctor, personally, so that's what I'd do. In the meantime, I'd have a copy of your most recent test results sent to their office and ask if they want any additional bloodwork done prior to the visit.


Good for you, making the call!

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That is good that you're making the appointment with the endocrinologist. I would wait to be seen by one who comes highly recommended rather than shooting in the dark to be seen earlier.


In the meantime though, try eating in a way that is healthy and makes you feel good. That seems to be high-raw for you, with no wheat or dairy. My personal bias is 100% raw, but I know that's not for everyone. Add in some exercise that you ENJOY and try not to worry so much about losing the weight. Try to focus on being healthy and how your body feels. I would also journal everything you eat as well as your daily exercise. It could be a journal just for you, a post on here or a blog. Whatever makes you feel most accountable. Regardless of whether or not you find that there is something physically preventing you from losing weight, it would behoove you to have the healthy habits in place.


Also, just a thought, do you have a lot of stress and anxiety? Those things can cause you to hold onto weight, particularly around the midsection. Have you ever tried detoxing or green smoothie fasting/feasting? I find that the more green leafy veggies you eat, the easier the weight comes off. A pound of green leafies a day is pretty standard.

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I have thought of that as well. I have never had a vaginal yeast infection in my life but I am reading that that is not necessarily an indication that you have no yeast in your system.


I DO have a lot of gastrointestinal problems and have for many, many years, I would say at least 13 years. I can't eat wheat and that does help, but I still have issues.


I haven't looked at it too much yet, just an initial google search. Do you have any resources? Part of me shies away from websites claiming that yeast growth causes everything from sleep issues to cancer, and then tries to sell me some pill or potion, and that seems to be what I am finding out there so far.




I like the product candex. It cured me and my husband of weird symptoms but most importantly it cured out 8 week old breastfed baby from constant screaming/crying that drs kept saying was just colic :-(

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I have done green smoothies. I should do them again.


Wanna hear the biggest reason I stopped being Raw/Vegan? :bigear:?????


It was SO much WORK! Between the chopping, washing and peeling, I also had to soak things for a certain amount of time, mix, plan for dehydrating, and on and on it went. I got very bored very easily with just eating things in their natural state. I don't want to pick up 5 apples a day and eat them, I want to make raw applesauce or raw apple pie or whatever. I was in the kitchen prepping or cleaning most of the day. Not to mention my family had no intention of joining me, so I had to prepare something for them too.




That is good that you're making the appointment with the endocrinologist. I would wait to be seen by one who comes highly recommended rather than shooting in the dark to be seen earlier.


In the meantime though, try eating in a way that is healthy and makes you feel good. That seems to be high-raw for you, with no wheat or dairy. My personal bias is 100% raw, but I know that's not for everyone. Add in some exercise that you ENJOY and try not to worry so much about losing the weight. Try to focus on being healthy and how your body feels. I would also journal everything you eat as well as your daily exercise. It could be a journal just for you, a post on here or a blog. Whatever makes you feel most accountable. Regardless of whether or not you find that there is something physically preventing you from losing weight, it would behoove you to have the healthy habits in place.


Also, just a thought, do you have a lot of stress and anxiety? Those things can cause you to hold onto weight, particularly around the midsection. Have you ever tried detoxing or green smoothie fasting/feasting? I find that the more green leafy veggies you eat, the easier the weight comes off. A pound of green leafies a day is pretty standard.

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I have done green smoothies. I should do them again.


Wanna hear the biggest reason I stopped being Raw/Vegan? :bigear:?????


It was SO much WORK! Between the chopping, washing and peeling, I also had to soak things for a certain amount of time, mix, plan for dehydrating, and on and on it went. I got very bored very easily with just eating things in their natural state. I don't want to pick up 5 apples a day and eat them, I want to make raw applesauce or raw apple pie or whatever. I was in the kitchen prepping or cleaning most of the day. Not to mention my family had no intention of joining me, so I had to prepare something for them too.




Oh I SO understand that, Dawn. Prepping can be torture sometimes. I try to make a general menu for the week and then over the weekend spend some time in the kitchen prepping. For a full week I might spend a Saturday afternoon making:



  • kale chips
  • dehydrated mushroom burgers
  • eggplant bacon
  • chili
  • red pepper tortillas
  • blueberry white chocolate cheesecake
    I'll load up the dehydrator all at once and that gives me some pretty good options for the week. I'll throw in some really easy recipes that just take a few minutes throughout the week like:
  • spinach dip
  • zucchini pasta
  • fajita mix
  • guacamole
  • oatmeal
  • apple or blueberry cobbler

Some weeks I don't make anything though; I'll just eat everything in its natural state.

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