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Gluten free...now what do I do with my Nutri Mill

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Well, I now know that I have to be gluten free forever. It is kind of sad because I had been grinding wheat and making our bread for the last few years and we all love it. I find myself being really picky about anything I cook now because I don't want gluten contaminating my kitchen. I have allowed frozen pizzas for everyone else a few times and I cringe until I scrub everything.


I have held onto my Nutri Mill, telling myself that I could still make bread occasionally for everyone else, but flour flies all in the air. So, I thought about using it in the garage, but it is just too much trouble. Plus, I am not so sure that two of my kids wouldn't benefit from a gluten free diet as and the more research I do, perhaps grains are bad for everyone. The kids get enough at grandparents' and church functions. Dh eats it at lunch. But, I am struggling with deciding about selling that silly Nutri Mill. I guess I just miss the bread and still think I JUST MIGHT make some for someone at some point. But, it is a large, expensive machine that hasn't been used since the beginning of the year.


Should I suck it up and sell the thing or will I regret it later?

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First of all, do you ever want to use it to grind anything else (not wheat), or you think you will be making wheat bread to give someone as a gift? That seems silly. If you really think your friend needs some wheat bread, buy her a loaf. Seriously. Why save that big machine just for that?? :grouphug: I think it has significance to you as a symbol.

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First of all, do you ever want to use it to grind anything else (not wheat), or you think you will be making wheat bread to give someone as a gift? That seems silly. If you really think your friend needs some wheat bread, buy her a loaf. Seriously. Why save that big machine just for that?? :grouphug: I think it has significance to you as a symbol.


I can't eat anything ground in it because it is full of gluten and you can't actually get to the grinding mechanism to clean it, it is enclosed. I guess I just feel bad for my family because they love the bread so much and ask for it. And, yes, it does have significance to me as a symbol. When I purchased it, I was doing what I thought was healthy for us all. And, it tastes sssooooooo good.

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Sell it. You are starting a new phase in your life. A healthier phase. Use the money to buy a nice mixer like a KitchenAid or Bosch.


I got rid of everything in my kitchen except dishes and pots/pans. New bakeware, stoneware, new small appliances.


You can still make bread. GF bread. You will be amazed at the different breads you can make.....and with things that are much healthier than wheat.

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I would let it go...then go and buy yourself a new kitchen gadget if you can. I also eat GF, CF...actually I eat completely grain free, dairy free, mostly egg free, nut free, legume free, and corn free. I follow the Paleo Diet. My four new best friends are by crockpot, my cuisenart, my juicer, and my pressure cooker :).


Maybe you could buy a new grinder and make yummy gf breads? Cuz trust me...most of the gf baked goods out there taste like cardboard :(.

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I can't eat anything ground in it because it is full of gluten and you can't actually get to the grinding mechanism to clean it, it is enclosed. I guess I just feel bad for my family because they love the bread so much and ask for it. And, yes, it does have significance to me as a symbol. When I purchased it, I was doing what I thought was healthy for us all. And, it tastes sssooooooo good.


If you buy real cheap bags of white rice and geind a BUNCH of them, would that help?

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You could probably get a lot of money for it if you sold it on Craigslist. I would put that money towards a new Nutrimill. I'm so lucky (or lazy, whatever) that I had never used my Nutrimill for anything with gluten. So when we went GF for the boys, I didn't have to worry about it. I buy brown rice and grind it. I make my own AP flour mix from the book Cooking for Isaiah. Her book calls for white rice flour, but I used brown rice and the results have been just fine. It calls for rice flour, tapioca flour, potato starch and xanthan gum. I've just discovered a new book that has a AP flour mix using sorgham and millet flour (and some other things. I haven't made anything out of that book yet). You can also grind your own popcorn and make corn meal. I would still used the Nutrimill, just a clean one.

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Can you run a few batches of throw-away stuff through the machine??? I love using bean flours - for veggie burgers, Ethiopian shiro wat, French socca... I think one of the best reasons to have one is to grind up otherwise-very-specialized-and-expensive flours. Oh, yum. Chick pea flour is my favorite! :)

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OP, if you have celiac disease you really need a new one if you want to grind stuff. Don't take chances that your food be contaminated with wheat. It's NOT worth it.



I just got sick from eating field peas that my sil gave me. She had prepared them at her house and then froze them. I imagine she put them in her colander to rinse them. Colander = gluten.


Even though I rinsed and sprayed the peas as best I could, I still got sick. The tiniest amount of gluten can get a celiac sick.


I'm now dealing with the healing process from gluten contamination which takes weeks. Painful celiac rash anyone?


Not worth it. Don't mess around with celiac.

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