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Anyone else starting today?

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I'm about to get the DC up so they can go out to breakfast with DH (a first day tradition) while I spread out their new books, notebooks, supplies, etc., on the dining table. When they return we'll take pics, go through the new stuff, then...start work.


My planning is sort of done (for the first few weeks, anyway) and I have the first field trip scheduled Wednesday (the Titanic exhibit!) so I suppose we are ready.


Or maybe not. Is it too late to crawl back into bed and summer break?

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Yes but we do a soft opening. The buses run this morning and we run....off to IHOP! That is a tradition. Then we will come back and I will walk them each through their new stuff. I am still waiting on the VP info to start those history classes:glare: that I think I was supposed to get by the 15th. Need to check on that. I am using this week to get them into the schedule but we have a few things this week and next week that we need to take care of(dentist, register for dance.....all during "school" hours). After Labor Day we will be ready to go full force!:tongue_smilie:

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We just finished our first day. :) Aside from a few small whines when he realized that chemistry now has math in it, it went wonderfully. We switched our main curriculum to Learning Adventures and I'm so glad! The Kid got to do a variety of different tasks that added just that much more to our day. He's at an age where most curriculum is written for an independent student so it was a nice treat to find something that still incorporated family time.

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We are starting easy also! I too am waiting on the email confirming the VP class my ds is in. That is what he wanted to begin with this week. Other ds is starting his SL stuff, and older ds starts his two cc classes today. I have to ease into the whole school thing so its not such a shock to my lazy summer system :) But it will be good to be back into our regular routine.

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