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Do teenagers really not know these things...

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I don't bag bananas but they are usually in a bag already.
I had never seen bananas bagged to be sold until just last year when we were on vacation and stopped by a grocery in another state. It really amazes me, how different groceries are from one area to another. The grocery with bagged bananas also sold bagged avocados. :001_huh: Crazy.


Conveyer belts, dirty floors, and grocery carts have nothing on the multitude of bugs that have been crawling all over that food. I believe most stores have roaches in some amount in the back, or that is what I have heard from members of my family who work in the grocery business. The produce has been handled and transported by people with germs and dirt, etc.
DH paid his way through college by stocking shelves at a grocery store and would agree about the bugs. Also, most groceries today have visible rat trap boxes around the sides and backs of the buildings - that ought to tell shoppers something about what goes on behind the scenes... ;)


I would say growing my own food is better. Alas, I have also found rats and racoons and possums (all I assume to be dirty...) eating on my tomatoes and squash. :tongue_smilie:


That which does not kill you makes you stronger applies to grocery store germs, too. :lol:

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Why does it need to be bagged?

I often do not bag individually sold produce, because I do not want to create more plastic trash. Individual vegetables or fruits can go on top of my reusable shopping bag.


:iagree: I wouldn't bag corn either if I were only buying a few ears. Same for a couple of potatoes, peppers, tomatoes. However, I do bag heads of lettuce because it is wet and drippy.

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First of all, yesterday when I saw this thread I thought “OH, that has the potential to become a shopping cart, shoes in the house, crockpot, cupcake kind of thread.” :)


Dh does most of the shopping. He’s a bagger. I’m more inclined if it’s a few things to not bag. If it’s a lot of an item I will bag just for efficiency. I’m not worried about germs. The store that I shop at most frequently has a new thing where you scan your own groceries as you go and bag them and then when you go through the checkout you just scan a barcode and are done. For produce we actually more frequently shop at a very small farm market with no plastic bags.

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DH paid his way through college by stocking shelves at a grocery store and would agree about the bugs. Also, most groceries today have visible rat trap boxes around the sides and backs of the buildings - that ought to tell shoppers something about what goes on behind the scenes... ;)


I would say growing my own food is better. Alas, I have also found rats and racoons and possums (all I assume to be dirty...) eating on my tomatoes and squash. :tongue_smilie:


That which does not kill you makes you stronger applies to grocery store germs, too. :lol:



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I honestly never gave much thought to how clean stuff was. I mean, I wash it all anyways. My big reason to bag is because I do not want 8 pears, 6 apples, 10 yams, all rolling around the bottom of my cart. So I bag for convenience. I do not bag bananas or melons. Grapes and potatoes are already bagged. I do wish they had some heavier bags for sweet potatoes. Like the corn, the bag rips every time. I'm too lazy to get around to reusable bags. And I'm not willing to pay the extra for the weight of the bag when they weigh the produce.

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I can see one of my kids doing something similar. ;) I think it just amounts to there being more than one way to skin a cat. In fact, a certain adult in my life, who shall remain nameless, drives me batty with the way he does some things. I try to keep my mouth shut. Sometimes I'm more successful than others. :001_smile:

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