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Change of plans? Starting school early?

Would you start school early? Please read the post.  

  1. 1. Would you start school early? Please read the post.

    • Yes, having the structure of school would make sense.
    • No, having less to be responsible for would be best.
    • Other - because I have no experience to draw so I'm counting on the hive.

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We had planned to start our school year after Labor Day. As we all know, things don't always go as planned. My dh just had open-heart surgery and is home with limited activity through at least the end of the month and probably well into September. Our relaxed days of going to interesting places and swimming the day away have been cut short.


So, the question is if you already had all your materials on hand and your plans done would you go ahead and start school now to provide structure for everyone and take a break later when everyone is feeling good or would you just let the day flow as it will and deal with filling time as needed?

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My 4 at home are about the ages of your kids. . . .


We started school on Monday, even though I was diagnosed with pneumonia and our basement is torn up with repairs from water damage.


It's been great :) everyone has purpose, and a schedule, and when I let them free from work they are happy to play and hang out and let. me. sleep.


Don't know how your kids function, but that's been our experience.


:grouphug: to you at this hard time!

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We had planned to start our school year after Labor Day. As we all know, things don't always go as planned. My dh just had open-heart surgery and is home with limited activity through at least the end of the month and probably well into September. Our relaxed days of going to interesting places and swimming the day away have been cut short.


So, the question is if you already had all your materials on hand and your plans done would you go ahead and start school now to provide structure for everyone and take a break later when everyone is feeling good or would you just let the day flow as it will and deal with filling time as needed?


:grouphug: I would pray, and ask God what to do. If I were in your situation, I would probably start school, at least Math and English/Reading. A daily structure and productive work times can be healing and refreshing. Perhaps your husband can listen to your little one read aloud to him, or work through math fact drills, or hear a poem recited, or anything else he can manage at this time. It might help to take his mind off his pain and adjustments, which can be a relief when it's so overwhelming.


Also, your children have been through so much stress in their concern over their father's health and surgery outcome. I think if I were in their shoes, I would welcome school work as a relief, as a way of thinking about something else, something less stressful, at least for a part of the day.


Peace to you, your husband, and your children. :grouphug: I am praying for sweet, memorable days ahead and healing for you all.

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I would start early, especially if everything is ready to go. And considering you can't go places anyway, you might as well.

I use the same principle to explain why we school all summer. It's hot, hot, hot here. They kids can't play. We might as well school. Then I take 7 weeks off from Thanksgiving to New Year.


I hope your dh recovers quickly!

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I'd give the children a vote in the scenario. They might prefer to go ahead and get school going, before taking a break later and having a fun autumn vacation. Or the kids might prefer to kick back, take it easy, and start school when you can focus more on them than your dh. Either way if you at least take an informal poll of what the kids prefer, you're less likely to have a mutany in the ranks. ;)

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My suggestion would be to start the lessons and see how it goes with a heart and mind towards flexibility. What ever you get done...gets done and frees you all up later down the line.


:grouphug:I hope your dh's recovery is blessed.


Caregiver stress is very real. If starting school full-bore is going to make things harder on you, I'd keep it light and work it out as you go. I've been balancing this type of thing for a decade now, and full school wasn't possible when mine were younger and DH was home recovering. Certainly keeping them occupied with academics can fit into your day, but don't drive yourself into the ground doing it. Keep in mind that there's a subtle stress on all of you during this period, so pace it for everyone.

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Thanks so much for all the support and kind responses. I'll definitely be getting the kids input on any decision we make. I think a light schedule to start would be a good way to go for us. And as a pp said, if it doesn't work for us we can always regroup and try again later.

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Yes, I'd definitely start now. For one thing - school helps my kids stay quieter during the day & I know my dh would prefer quiet when recovering.


We started earlier than planned, because I found out I'm expecting twins & may need to take more time off this winter than we first anticipated.


I hope your dh heals quickly & is feeling better soon!

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