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Evacuate Florida! According to CNN, 17 ft. python found...I recommend nukes!

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If someone could come get me off my roof, that would be wonderful......


(I'm quite literally snake phobic. I have panic attacks and nightmares after seeing them on TV. I'm pretty sure I would drop dead at the site of a 17 ft long one of these things. Oh my gosh.)


Am I safe in Maryland??????

And to think I was considering a grad school in Florida. Maybe not.....



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Actually, it is a pretty serious problem. When they get too big, many pet owners release them into the Everglades where they have no natural predators. As a result, they are taking over and killing off the wildlife that is indigenous to the area. People who own these snakes as pets really need to be more responsible.


:) Beachy


When I read the story it made me sad. And angry. Stupid people.

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The hunting idea is a good one, except it's the EVERGLADES, so (a) National Park, (b) inaccessible swamp wilderness!


Apparently the pythons aren't just scary (I think they're slightly cool, but YMMV), they're eating every other species in sight--all the varmints are disappearing from the park, along with critters like foxes and raccoons.


The Wikipedia article on this is pretty decent:




If you have a NYer subscription, this article from 2009 is really great:


Swamp Thing - Florida's Uninvited Predators

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Actually, it is a pretty serious problem. When they get too big, many pet owners release them into the Everglades where they have no natural predators. As a result, they are taking over and killing off the wildlife that is indigenous to the area. People who own these snakes as pets really need to be more responsible.


:) Beachy


That may have been how they got there originally, but there are so many now that any irresponsible pet owners would be a drop in the bucket compared to their breeding capacity. However they seem to be all in South Florida/Everglades area. I haven't heard of any north of that found in the wild. Disney seems quite safe, for the moment!

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Ok, so I'll be the lone dissenter here.


I hate that they killed this snake. I agree it shouldn't be in the wild as an invasive species, obviously, but once they found it they should have found a zoo or other conservation facility to house it. What a beautiful animal!


There are no where NEAR enough spots in zoos and such to place these snakes. There are SO many of them. Often people try to give their pets to the zoos, but they are full and can't take them, and that is why they dump them.


But as others said, the main issue now is the breeding.

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That may have been how they got there originally, but there are so many now that any irresponsible pet owners would be a drop in the bucket compared to their breeding capacity.


The freeze in 2010 killed off a lot of them, but at the time, wildlife officials said it would only be a temporary thing. Apparently they made a comeback.



And I thought I'd share a better picture of a little snake cake - I'm snake-o-phobic, and still liked this one. :D




I like this one much better. Plus it looks delicious!

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