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Dr. Hive: I am pregnant and have kidney stones

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I just passed a 9mm stone a few weeks ago and now have been urinating gravel/sand/pebbles whatever you want to call it constantly.


What do you all suggest?



2)Also I have that horrible pubic pain (5th pregnancy). I tried two of those maternity belts and to no avail. Been to the chiropractor and no relief. Ice every night. Any suggestions?


I am tired of being misery, in pain and a grump and I am not due til November but look like I am about to burst. Everyone keeps saying "oh you must be due any day now." And I just want to cry.

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Sorry, you're feeling so awful. I don't really know anything about the kidney stones except to keep drinking LOTS.


The pelvic pain, I know all about that. I'm now overdue with number 5 (come on baby!!) and have had issues since I was 10 weeks. For me nothing much works except to choose to stay still. Other days I choose the pain. This is the third time I have had pain like this (I have ended up with crutches before). Physios may help if you get an experienced one, but they are more helpful afterwards I think.


Take it easy, you will get through it.


Oh, and about your bump - I was exactly the same - so enormous I looked full term at 20 weeks. It has settled down now though, and although I'm still on the big side, I don't look so disproportionately huge. I hope the same thing happens for you.

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I didn't think it was physically possible to pass a 9 mm stone. I had one that size when I was pg w/ ds, and the dr. just said I'd have to wait until after delivery to have lithotripsy.


I would think that after passing a stone that big you'd need stents put in to keep your ureters open.


(((HUGS))) It stinks being pg and having kidney stones.

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I didn't think it was physically possible to pass a 9 mm stone. I had one that size when I was pg w/ ds, and the dr. just said I'd have to wait until after delivery to have lithotripsy.


I would think that after passing a stone that big you'd need stents put in to keep your ureters open.


(((HUGS))) It stinks being pg and having kidney stones.


I am surprised you passed one that big, too. Golly. I had a 13 mm stone during my second pregancy and had to have stents to keep me in business until a post-delivery litho. Hang in there, and drink lots of water.


Are you having twins? (in your sig) Congratulations! You have reached the point where size becomes a bit burdensome and irritating, but it will be over before you know it.


:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: These are the situations we look back on and know we are a stronger person for having gotten through it. Do anything and everthing you can to make yourself more comfortable.:grouphug:

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I was in a lot of pain lower abdominal when it happened and thought I was in preterm labor. I went in and the doctor said it was probably digestive-stomache flu. OK --whatever!!! Found blood in my urine...but I always have blood in urine because of my kidney disease but the next day I had the flank pain so I became more suspicious it was kidney stones. Then the side stitch came and pain down thigh and vulva pain and then finally the screaming burning pain of the urethra with vomiting. Plus the urine was just drip drip drip the whole time.


They told me too that I would have to wait until the baby was born to get it out.


Well they were wrong as usual. I am with Kaiser which basically feels I am with no insurance.


Anyways, I have no idea how it happened. I went in around Feb/March or so with excrutiating upper right flank pain. They thought it was gall stones and the doctor was a total jerk. ANyways they found the 9mm on my right kidney and he said it wasn;t going anywhere.




It came and I had it analyzed-calcium based and I think they have a newfound respect for me at Kaiser now.


So I remember using homeopathy beforehand and drinking olive oil and lots of lemon juice before and during this misery. Oh also drank a lot of pregnancy tea-red raspberry, nettles, dandelion or alfalfa and marshmellow root. I also walked A LOT too. Perhaps that all helped that stone be expelled. Now I am interested to know what other stone is coming down.


I heard stents are pretty darned painful so I am glad I avoided that misery.


The misery continues with this gravel like urine.

Edited by happycc
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My hat is off to you enduring all that pain... I guess there's no choice, but still.


Oh, people can be so rude about baby bumps. I once went to get my hair cut and the woman was bringing me back to wash my hair. SHe asked when I was due and I told her about a month. She says "Oh, wow, so you're having twins?" I told her no, just one, and she says "You are SO HUGE I thought for sure you were having twins or even triplets...":lol:

I told her thanks for her time but I will get my hair cut somewhere else

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My sil has had kidney stones with each of her pregnancies. She is currently drinking 1 GALLON of distilled water every day plus avoiding calcium rich foods until the baby is born so she can try to stay out of the hospital.


Hang in there and take good care of yourself. Switch to distilled water if you haven't already.

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i was 36 weeks, looking like i was due any day, and walked into the hospital at 2am, and they sent me to labor and delivery. i kept saying "i'm not having a baby; i'm having a kidney stone". only afterwards did i understand the odd looks i received. finally, an intern hesitantly said, "you know, she's not dilating." to which i of course said, "no, i'm not having a baby; i'm having a kidney stone". they all looked at one another and then the brilliant intern said, "have you had them before?" and i said "oh yes, nine of them.... and only one other baby." he ordered an ultrasound, and sure enough, there was the stone.... oh, and the baby showed up in the ultrasound, too ; ). a week later, i walked in and they all looked. yup, i'm having a baby this time. they were relieved...... me, too!


there are dietary things you can do to keep some kinds from forming, but at this point, it passes at some point.... i've had shunts and they didn't bother me At All.




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When will this misery ever end!


I was feelling not great all day yesterday but I kept myself busy and moving and drinking lots of water. And it was HOT last couple of days


Oh darn. Forgot to get husband to buy distilled water.


I have been drinking a ton of marshmellow root tea.


I still feel a sharp pain in my lower left abdominal area. Perhaps another one coming down. I refuse to take pain meds. I took two-three doses when I passed the 9mm a few weeks ago and felt so bad for the baby. Yes, when I passed that stone and went into Kaiser, they thought I should be in labor and deliver. I said "No it is a stone!!!! I am only 22 weeks. I cannot deliver even though I look full term."

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I've had stents in pregnancy. You do not want them. They are so painful. I passed at least one stone each pregnancy. Usually multiples though.


Drink a ton of water, avoid leafy greens, soda, tea, and grapefruit.


If you get another one, you can take Flomax (prostate med). 95% of people will pass their stone within 12 hrs.


The reason you're peeing out bits now is because you probably scraped the crap out of your ureters. So you may be passing bits of clot/scabbing from your ureters.


And it is more stressful for your baby for you to be in agony than for you to take meds. Really. Take them.

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I heard it is for men only. I heard maybe incorrectly that Kaiser will not fill Flomax rx for women. Does anyone know?


By the way I helped husband pass his huge kidney stones that got stuck in his bladder/urethra..I will let you know how I did it if you pm me. It is too embarrassing. But let's put it this way, think of what causes the urethral area to contract multiple times and what fluid that comes out of man that is sort of slippery. Husband wasn't per se in the mood but I told him I believe it will get it out. And it did!

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