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39 week check up....

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I went in for by 39 week appointment today. My BP was high when they first checked it. They had me lie down and checked again, it was lower but still not great. I have been 120/60 ish in all three pregnancies. Today it was 145/89ish and then 134/75ish I think. I have to go back on Friday. She is currently giving me the option of breaking my water on Monday. If my BP stays high she definitely wants me In on Monday. I don't really want to be induced in anyway, but I am miserable!


Last week I was kind of a 3. She said outside was a 3 but inside was not disliked at all. Now I am a 4. Baby is still high.


I would appreciate any prayers....I need this little man to move down and labor to start on its own. And I need my BP to go back down.

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:grouphug: My bp shot up in the last 4 weeks of my last pregnancy. After two days of bed rest, I lost 3 pounds and my bp was normal. I spent two days resting and going to the bathroom. I basically had a lot of fluid to get rid of even though I didn't have obvious swelling. (It was obvious to me because my bony feet and hands looked cute, but not like my hands and feet at all.)


When I started normal activity my bp would rise again. I learned I did well with a lot of rest and very mild activity (ie. no more grocery store trips etc.) That kept my bp down until she was born.


Also, if you notice any swelling at all, increase your water intake.... a lot.


BTW- after worrying about my bp, it would spike any time I went to the Dr. Dh bought me a bp cuff and we monitored it at home.

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Ok, BTDT with the blood pressure! Get some magneisum ASAP. The brand my midwife has me take is called Natural Calm. Most health food stores, Vitamin Shoppe, etc carry it. It is a drink mix. Get the rasberry lemonade flavor if you can, it is the tastiest, but whatever works. Also, dandelion leaf tea, 1-2 cups a day. NOT dandelion root..that is too strong for pregnancy. Finally, avoid MSG like the plague. No fast food, no eating out. REgular sodium in moderation is ok, but MSG kicks the blood pressure right up.


HUGS and prayers! Feel free to PM me if you have questions on what I said.

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Thanks. I am doing my best to rest and sit in positions that will supposedly help baby move down...I wish I knew where my Pilates ball was....


Remember, after the 1st baby often they don't drop until you are in labor. And as for breaking your water, I would NOT allow that to be done when baby is high...it could be dangerous regarding cord prolapse. Just something to think about.

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Remember, after the 1st baby often they don't drop until you are in labor. And as for breaking your water, I would NOT allow that to be done when baby is high...it could be dangerous regarding cord prolapse. Just something to think about.


She said she would not break my water if he is still high. If the BPdoes not improve, then she said it might take a little pitocin, which I really don't want. I would rather just wait. She will pretty much let me do whatever I want as long as I rest and get the BP back down. We ate horribly over the weekend!! So far today I have had a lot of water, black beans and rice mixed with garden fresh veggies and a little grilled chicken! Tight we are having chicken burgers.


I am feeling much better after my yummy lunch - not shaky or tired. I did have to take my dog back to the vet and we were told he might not last the week :( not helping me relax, but we expected it.


I am going to snuggle up with my kids and watch the Olympics!


I have had a few really good contractions with some pressure and the wrapping around from the back feeling, not just tightening of the belly....swelling was minimal after being in the heat and has gone down now.


Thanks for the advice.

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She said she would not break my water if he is still high. If the BPdoes not improve, then she said it might take a little pitocin, which I really don't want. I would rather just wait. She will pretty much let me do whatever I want as long as I rest and get the BP back down. We ate horribly over the weekend!! So far today I have had a lot of water, black beans and rice mixed with garden fresh veggies and a little grilled chicken! Tight we are having chicken burgers.


I am feeling much better after my yummy lunch - not shaky or tired. I did have to take my dog back to the vet and we were told he might not last the week :( not helping me relax, but we expected it.


I am going to snuggle up with my kids and watch the Olympics!


I have had a few really good contractions with some pressure and the wrapping around from the back feeling, not just tightening of the belly....swelling was minimal after being in the heat and has gone down now.


Thanks for the advice.


Could have been the stress and the MSG then. Avoid the msg, rest, and get some magnesium. I think you can even get it on Amazon with Prime shipping, but not sure.

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I don't think I will make it to the health food store today, but I looked at a few lists of foods and most of today's menu items are high on the list. I have some almonds to snack on and I will have a spinach salad. I may head to walgreens to check by bp in the morning.

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Your BP has gone up a bit, but you have no symptoms. It is not at dangerous levels. I would absolutely not let them induce me, especially when the baby has not dropped yet. Take it easy, and wait would be my advice.


PS. I'm 39 weeks this week as well!

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After a day of rest, I took a quick trip to Walmart to pick up a few things, including a bp monitor....115/74 after the shopping trip.


Yay! sounds like it was just a fluke, from stress or diet or what not. Glad to see it back down, I know how happy that can make you!!!

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