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Where do you read?

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As I was reading through the post on what we are reading, I wondered how and others prefer to read. For instance, coach, desk, chair, bed, etc. I usually find myself reading at the pool, baseball games, bathroom (shame but a girl's got to do what she has to do), bath and in the bed at night.


When I read in bed, I never seem to get very comfortable. I can't get the lighting right and I absolutely detest reading while lying down. This is probably a goofy question but I know you will have some great suggestions for me.

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I read before bed and sometimes in the early morning before everyone is up - I have a nice comfy chair in the l.r. with a reading light that works very nicely or in bed (with lots of pillows for props). When they were smaller I used to get a lot of reading done in the bathroom while they played in the tub :)

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I sit in my chair! My big, red, wonderfully comfortable, microfiber chaise that I got for my birthday last year!


Here's a picture of it.




Of course, I don't get enough time there, but I love that it's big enough to sit sideways, with my legs draped over the arm, or to snuggle with my little girl, or sit cross legged with a lap desk on my lap, or just sit back and snooze a little bit.


If you have an Ashley's furniture store nearby, and you have about $450 to spend, and you have a quiet corner somewhere, get this chair! You'll love it!

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I openly admit to being a bathroom reader. I have always been a bathroom reader. Mom labelled the bathroom "Jennifer's reading room" when I was younger (best place to hide from chores...lol). Every once in a while if I am really into a book it gets to spend some time next to me on the couch.

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Here lately I have done most of my reading right here in front of this computer on these boards....;)


But when I can pull myself away, I will take any place that is quiet and no interruptions.(yea..Right!)


Isn't is weird how nobody will both you until you pick up a book to read, then everyone has a million questions. Sometimes I think that my family can't stand to see me doing something that I like...reading.

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Everywhere. In bed at night, at the breakfast table, while cooking, sitting outside while the kids play...sometimes I even take my book with me in public so if I get a spare moment I can read. QUOTE]


Now that sounds a lot like Madeleine L'Engle: while stirring the white sauce, while brushing teeth, etc., etc.!


I keep one book in the car, for waiting times. Right now it's "The Butterfly and the Diving Bell."


One is by the bedside, something about excellence in education. Not a page-turner, obviously. ;)


A few are stacked by the reading chair in the family room. I am a promiscuous reader when it comes to location: in the dining room where the light is best, on the sofa when hubby is watching the Cards game so I can glance up and keep track of the score, stretched out on the living room sofa if the boys are being too loud in my usual hangouts.

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I love to read lying down, sometimes on the couch, but usually I read in bed.


Here's my goofy admission... after years of mocking my dh for wearing one of those spelunking-type head lights to read in bed, I finally got my own. I love being able to read in a dark room and have the light right on my page! Plus, if you get up and walk around in the house, you don't need to turn on the lights. We keep rechargable batteries in them and switch them out frequently so they stay very bright. I don't know how many people use them like this, but they seem to sell a lot of the things at Lowes, so maybe more than I would guess.


I'm sure this will make many amusing memories for my kids, of how mom and dad walked around like miners with lights on their head all night. I'm sure we look incredible stupid, but it works!

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I love to read lying down, sometimes on the couch, but usually I read in bed.


Here's my goofy admission... after years of mocking my dh for wearing one of those spelunking-type head lights to read in bed, I finally got my own. I love being able to read in a dark room and have the light right on my page! Plus, if you get up and walk around in the house, you don't need to turn on the lights. We keep rechargable batteries in them and switch them out frequently so they stay very bright. I don't know how many people use them like this, but they seem to sell a lot of the things at Lowes, so maybe more than I would guess.


I'm sure this will make many amusing memories for my kids, of how mom and dad walked around like miners with lights on their head all night. I'm sure we look incredible stupid, but it works!


That is great!! See, I knew I would get some good ideas here.

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I sit in my chair! My big, red, wonderfully comfortable, microfiber chaise that I got for my birthday last year!


Here's a picture of it.




Of course, I don't get enough time there, but I love that it's big enough to sit sideways, with my legs draped over the arm, or to snuggle with my little girl, or sit cross legged with a lap desk on my lap, or just sit back and snooze a little bit.


If you have an Ashley's furniture store nearby, and you have about $450 to spend, and you have a quiet corner somewhere, get this chair! You'll love it!


Man, that is so not fair, I want one too!!:glare::D

I read in my bed at night, before I go to sleep.:001_smile:

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I openly admit to being a bathroom reader. I have always been a bathroom reader. Mom labelled the bathroom "Jennifer's reading room" when I was younger (best place to hide from chores...lol). Every once in a while if I am really into a book it gets to spend some time next to me on the couch.




Someone should do a "where do you read poll' and include bathroom.


Sometimes it's the only place you can get more than five minutes of privacy and then only if you deadbolt the door.


I remember a few years ago someone posted about making bookshelves that fit on their toilet tank top.

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Half an hour in the tub just tonight!


My big claim to fame though is reading Don Quixote almost exclusively in the bathroom.:D




Now that is something to be proud of!! I've started that book about 5 times but I never tried the bathroom.:001_huh:


I'll give it a try.

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As I was reading through the post on what we are reading, I wondered how and others prefer to read. For instance, coach, desk, chair, bed, etc. I usually find myself reading at the pool, baseball games, bathroom (shame but a girl's got to do what she has to do), bath and in the bed at night.


When I read in bed, I never seem to get very comfortable. I can't get the lighting right and I absolutely detest reading while lying down. This is probably a goofy question but I know you will have some great suggestions for me.


The only time I can get enough privacy to actually put two thoughts together is after I go to bed at night -- so I'm not much help! If I have my back to the lamp, the light is perfect, and I prop the book up on a pillow -- it works great. *And* I can read without my glasses on -- I'm still trying to get adjusted to these bifocals.


Of course, this method doesn't work too well if someone else is in the bed with you. ;-)


And also it takes a long time to read a book because I keep dozing off. :D

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I love to read lying down, sometimes on the couch, but usually I read in bed.


Here's my goofy admission... after years of mocking my dh for wearing one of those spelunking-type head lights to read in bed, I finally got my own. I love being able to read in a dark room and have the light right on my page! Plus, if you get up and walk around in the house, you don't need to turn on the lights. We keep rechargable batteries in them and switch them out frequently so they stay very bright. I don't know how many people use them like this, but they seem to sell a lot of the things at Lowes, so maybe more than I would guess.


I'm sure this will make many amusing memories for my kids, of how mom and dad walked around like miners with lights on their head all night. I'm sure we look incredible stupid, but it works!



I use one of these a lot too, Kay. Very handy. The boys are merciless if they catch me with it on, though.


And, to answer the original question, my favorite place in the house to read is our screened in back porch. I can shut out the noise from the house and sit in one of the big squishy chairs and disapper.


I also read: in the kitchen, bathtub, in bed, in the car while I'm waiting, dr's offices, practices, you name it.

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I use one of these a lot too, Kay. Very handy. The boys are merciless if they catch me with it on, though.


And, to answer the original question, my favorite place in the house to read is our screened in back porch. I can shut out the noise from the house and sit in one of the big squishy chairs and disapper.


I also read: in the kitchen, bathtub, in bed, in the car while I'm waiting, dr's offices, practices, you name it.


Oh, to have a screen porch!! We live in a parsonage so it wouldn't be feasible for me. However, in my next house.

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Oh, to have a screen porch!! We live in a parsonage so it wouldn't be feasible for me. However, in my next house.


I cannot tell you how much I love our porch. There's much I don't like about our house, but the porch is my favorite thing! The best is to sit out there during a good thunderstorm. Ahhhh.

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I cannot tell you how much I love our porch. There's much I don't like about our house, but the porch is my favorite thing! The best is to sit out there during a good thunderstorm. Ahhhh.


We have a covered front porch and my dd, who was currently petrified of storms, now goes out there and sits during storms. She takes a magazine and says she like the sound. I think I should start joining her.

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I carry around a book with me -- usually it's a rather light fiction book I can read in spurts. (I also have several other books going at a time, but they tend to stay in one place.) The carry-around book is read wherever I find myself with a few minutes to spare -- family room while a commercial comes on TV, bathroom, near the kitchen while waiting for something to get to the next step in cooking, bed, in the car, in a waiting room of any kind ...One place that sounds good, but where I can never get comfortable enough to read, is in a hammock. When I was a kid, I would climb a tree and sit up in it to read.

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Someone should do a "where do you read poll' and include bathroom.


Sometimes it's the only place you can get more than five minutes of privacy and then only if you deadbolt the door.


I remember a few years ago someone posted about making bookshelves that fit on their toilet tank top.


Hey, we wouldn't be caught dead without reading material in the bathroom. Our magazine rack in there is even built into the wall and made with corian. It is a lovely thing!


For most of my reading I sit on the couch or prop up in bed with giant floor pillows. I have been known to read outside on the chaise as well.

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My favorite spot is outside lying in the hammock. However, it's has been too hot and rainy to do lately.


I read in bed, day or night. I usually read while sitting in the recliner. Ds and I have been having quiet reading time every morning. He'll sit and read, but doesn't like to be alone while reading.

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