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Homeschooling and out of control Internet use

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I have this problem as well. Here's what works for me. I make a list of chores for the day. I do one, about 30 minutes of work. Then I set the timer for 15 minutes, surf online, and drink water. Buzzer goes off, do another chore. Take an Internet break with the timer on. If I don't use the timer it doesn't work. I use this plan on the weekends, since I work Monday thru Friday.


For homeschooling, you could make a schedule, like if you get a,b, and c done before a certain time you get 20 minutes of Internet, and set the timer.

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I have a schedule for my kids, and they cannot be on the internet during 'school' hours, so mostly, i cant either. when 'school' is over we all run to our separate computers and it is blissfully silent in the house! I do have to have a pretty firm starting time to get my off my pc - but it also has to be realistic - i have breakfast while checking up on the web. we dont start school until 10 am. the kids get up before I do so they get some game time in.


we still spend way too much time on the web, but we are able to get our work done. i mean, aside from cleaning :001_huh:

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I have to be 'connected' remotely to work during standard business hours so I can't turn off the Internet or lock the computer away during the day. Weirdly, one of the things that helps me stay disciplined is exercise ...if I notice my focus and discipline wavering I try to pop in a half-hour yoga or pilates Dvd, it seems to help me keep my attention where it needs to be the rest of the day. Also, a reward system for both me and the kids : all of us get 'computer time ' after morning lessons!

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I'm the same way. I have to pretty strict with myself and the kids that there is no internet use during school hours unless it's part of school. I let the kids play on it or I'll get on a bit during the little ones nap. Google Nanny helps. You can set a certain time limit that a website will be available and after that it will click off with a message "shouldn't you be working?"


It helps for those times that one gets sucked into something. So instead of turning the whole internet off, it'll just keep --say WTM forum :lol: or Facebook inactive during certain hours of the day.

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Computer is off until all schoolwork, chores and errands are done.


Then binge during the weekend. :tongue_smilie:

This is what I do! I check my email from my phone before I get out of bed but I don't turn my personal computer on until after school. The laptop and media center we use for school stuff doesn't tempt me.

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One thing that is helping (notice the -ing! I'm a work in progress) me is that all the amazing plans, in depth research, and getting a "feel" for homeschooling by perusing forums and blogs won't amount to a hill of beans if I don't DO things with my kids.


This was a helpful read. http://www.elizabethfoss.com/reallearning/2010/07/velveteen-methe-years-the-locusts-ate.html



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Yeah, I'm going to have to reign it in too.. I think I'm needing school to start as badly as the kids right now. I suck at not having a routine. Just have to get DD through camp, and then we're buckling down..


:iagree: this is me. Girls get back Friday and we are starting Monday because we need to start before I lose my mind!

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You get a mama


1) who wants to homeschool


2) but has long history of being bad at controlling Internet use and even shirking responsibilities because of it


Is there hope?

Oh dear, this is me, to a "t".


I have this problem as well. Here's what works for me. I make a list of chores for the day. I do one, about 30 minutes of work. Then I set the timer for 15 minutes, surf online, and drink water. Buzzer goes off, do another chore. Take an Internet break with the timer on. If I don't use the timer it doesn't work. I use this plan on the weekends, since I work Monday thru Friday.


For homeschooling, you could make a schedule, like if you get a,b, and c done before a certain time you get 20 minutes of Internet, and set the timer.

I like the sound of this plan!
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I have this problem as well. Here's what works for me. I make a list of chores for the day. I do one, about 30 minutes of work. Then I set the timer for 15 minutes, surf online, and drink water. Buzzer goes off, do another chore. Take an Internet break with the timer on. If I don't use the timer it doesn't work. I use this plan on the weekends, since I work Monday thru Friday.


For homeschooling, you could make a schedule, like if you get a,b, and c done before a certain time you get 20 minutes of Internet, and set the timer.


I do this too, not just for internet use, but for doing whatever it is I'd rather do than housework--read, watch television, art/craft stuff. ;) I'm always amazed at how much housework I'm able to get done when I know I get a reward after 30 minutes. :tongue_smilie:

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You get a mama


1) who wants to homeschool


2) but has long history of being bad at controlling Internet use and even shirking responsibilities because of it


Is there hope?


God I sure hope so because it appears you are talking about me behind my back

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One thing that is helping (notice the -ing! I'm a work in progress) me is that all the amazing plans, in depth research, and getting a "feel" for homeschooling by perusing forums and blogs won't amount to a hill of beans if I don't DO things with my kids.


This was a helpful read. http://www.elizabethfoss.com/reallearning/2010/07/velveteen-methe-years-the-locusts-ate.html




This is so key and simple yet easily overlooked. My dd opened my eyes to my shortfalls on that a couple years ago. I was lamenting to my mom that I just didn't get it, I researched and picked out the best curric, planned all my beautiful lessons, and tweaked, and replanned and couldn't figure out why it felt like we were never moving forward. DD piped up "mom you are a planner not a do-er" I was spending so much time online researching and creating beautiful schedules and lessons I didn't stop long enough to just teach the dang material. Talk about a duh! moment

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God I sure hope so because it appears you are talking about me behind my back


:iagree: OMG I thought it was ME!! (I sit here as the dog is waiting to be walking, house is waiting to be picked up, world is waiting for me to join and I just have to check one more website!!)

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