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@jimmiebjr*"Dear Britain. Thanks for those Opening Ceremonies. As a token of our appreciation, please keep Matt Lauer and Meredith Viera."


I loved that one and the one about Ann Curry having a drink, reading Twitter and laughing.

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Here are two that I saw and forgot!



Mr. Kaczynski later linked a video clip (now removed from Youtube) that demonstrated how amusingly bad the commentary was. Referring to a scene with *current James Bond Daniel Craig that culminated in Queen Elizabeth appearing to parachute into the venue from a helicopter,*Meredith Vieira seemed unaware of the etymology of the term “money shot,” saying, “… [The] money shot tonight, the one that I think went viral, was the one with the Queen.”


Bob Costas, noting that Luxembourg is actually the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, innocently asked, “why don’t they march in the ‘g-spot’?”


Apparently there's #nbcfail on twitter.


And these!



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Thanks for posting those Stripe! I'm glad people are yelling.


And yeah, when Meredith Viera started singing. :faint: My whole family said "Whhhaaaaatttt????"


Actually, the Matt and Meredith show reminded me of Hoda and Kathie Lee. :glare:

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Here are two that I saw and forgot!



Mr. Kaczynski later linked a video clip (now removed from Youtube) that demonstrated how amusingly bad the commentary was. Referring to a scene with *current James Bond Daniel Craig that culminated in Queen Elizabeth appearing to parachute into the venue from a helicopter,*Meredith Vieira seemed unaware of the etymology of the term “money shot,” saying, “… [The] money shot tonight, the one that I think went viral, was the one with the Queen.”


Bob Costas, noting that Luxembourg is actually the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, innocently asked, “why don’t they march in the ‘g-spot’?”


Apparently there's #nbcfail on twitter.


And these!






I thought this one kind of summed it all up.


Emma G. Keller' date=' writing for the Guardian, said the Peacock turned three and a half hours of action “into four and a half hours of tedium.” Noting that #nbcfail had begun trending on Twitter, Ms. Keller wrote that the hashtag was “an award rightly earned.” [/quote']


I guess we know now why so many Americans were disappointed in the opening ceremony. We didn't get to actually see it! :glare:

Edited by Ibbygirl
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I'm having almost as good time reading this thread as I did reading the summaries of the first series of Survivor on Salon years ago.


I've never seen the show... I feel the need to add that for some reason.

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I'm having almost as good time reading this thread as I did reading the summaries of the first series of Survivor on Salon years ago.


I've never seen the show... I feel the need to add that for some reason.


I read Lord of the Flies. Isn't that the same thing, except British and boys only?


Ever since high school, I've tried to channel my inner Piggy.


Seriously, though, I have been tempted to do this with Downton Abbey. Except I got an email from PBS with these spoilers (written in white font, so select if you want to know and DON'T if you want a surprise, but sheesh, watch the show already) : Mr Bates married Anna and went to prison, Cousin Matthew went to war and came back in a wheelchair unable to, er, produce an heir, and then I inadvertantly found out that Lavinia dies of the flu. Doh! So much for secrets. It kind of was a downer abbey watching after all that.

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I read Lord of the Flies. Isn't that the same thing, except British and boys only?


Ever since high school, I've tried to channel my inner Piggy.


Seriously, though, I have been tempted to do this with Downton Abbey. Except I got an email from PBS with these spoilers (written in white font, so select if you want to know and DON'T if you want a surprise, but sheesh, watch the show already) : Mr Bates married Anna and went to prison, Cousin Matthew went to war and came back in a wheelchair unable to, er, produce an heir, and then I inadvertantly found out that Lavinia dies of the flu. Doh! So much for secrets. It kind of was a downer abbey watching after all that.


But the Christmas episode ties it all up so nicely! :001_wub: I can't wait til season 3 comes on. :)

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The unspoken message was that Britain was an old country, a proud country—and a very different country from China. Boyle’s living diorama, as specifically-drawn a world as Middle Earth or Pandora, was the opposite of Beijing’s vague corporate bombast.


Lauren Collins, http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/sportingscene/2012/07/olympics-opening-ceremony.html


All the more reason to watch DA! But I'll pass on blood sausage.

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Did every country have at least one woman? I thought I read that, and it certainly looked that way, but I'll admit to not watching every second.


This is the first time ever that all the countries are sending at least one woman. It's also the first time that female American athletes outnumber the male athletes.

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OMG, my husband was able to find a link to the opening ceremonies from CTV and it is SO MUCH better than NBC!! Like 1000X better! Not only did I get to see the part that I missed, but there isn't hardly any commentary at all! Wonderful!!! Yay Canada!!! :) canada-flag-68.gif

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I just finished watching the opening ceremony from CTV. Awesome!! It didn't have that disjointed feel that the American broadcast had. They hardly talked at all, only had a few breaks and didn't cut anything out that I could tell. It was fantastic! Really exciting to watch. Well done London!! :) I'm trying to find a link that I can share with you all so anyone else who missed the opening ceremonies and wants to watch it (or anyone that suffered through the NBC version and wants to see what they missed :glare:) can see it. :) I'll update when I find a shareable one. :)

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“So, Britain: two thousand years of deeply f***ing odd and a lot more socialist than some people would like. Bout spot on,†Laurie Penny wrote. To much of the world, the nurses probably appeared an odd inclusion, the equivalent a bunch of DMV employees showing up during a half-time number at the Super Bowl. To the British, they were a reminder of what makes them inscrutable to China, and, for that matter, to Mitt Romney."



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OMG, my husband was able to find a link to the opening ceremonies from CTV and it is SO MUCH better than NBC!! Like 1000X better! Not only did I get to see the part that I missed, but there isn't hardly any commentary at all! Wonderful!!! Yay Canada!!! :) canada-flag-68.gif


I watched the ceremony live and with no advertisements on BBC. I thought it was bitty in places, but it had a narrative sweep that could have been destroyed by cutting it up with commercials.



Edited by Laura Corin
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I was reading through the twitter list and took a huge sip of hot tea (NOT TeA you dirty minded people) when I read this one:


32. @robgwilson Matt Lauer and Meredith Viera narrating a show directed by Danny Boyle is like having Carrot Top narrate Shakespeare. #olympics#facepalm


I laughed at the same time and nearly scaled my lungs. I'm sure half the tea went there. I coughed for about a minute. Indy came running into the room to make sure I was okay and kept smacking me on the back.


I'm so glad I didn't have to watch the ceremonies on NBC! The German commentators were awesome. By that I mean they were quiet.


I like to watch the soccer games on German TV because they yell 'Tooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrr!" when someone scores a goal. For some reason it cracks us all up.

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The USA looked like girl guides. Well, the women anyway...


The British were just as bad dressed like pimps, whoever designed those horrible gold collared outfits.


:smilielol5: Spot on!!!




Ha, meant to quote Imp's saying about Germany & England being enemies. The nerdy Aussie announcer had to make a big stinking deal about how the US team once refused to dip their flag for King George. I asked dh what same said Nerdy Announcer would do if they refused to dip it for the current president. But, said Nerdy Announcer was too busy going on about something else & we barely saw the US team past their initial come out. Seriously, we got a hacked view of the teams coming out & they TOTALLY missed off some teams. *tisk*

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I have to admit, I LOL'd when other countries are marching in dignified fashion...and then there's the Canadian athletes, where some of the guys decided to put girls on their shoulders and march.


Screw dignity, lets have FUN! :D:lol:

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I just finished watching the opening ceremony from CTV. Awesome!! It didn't have that disjointed feel that the American broadcast had. They hardly talked at all, only had a few breaks and didn't cut anything out that I could tell.


You know, the CBC 10 pm news (The National) has no breaks in the first 20 min. None! It just feels so different. As in, the emphasis is the news! And their talk shows actually let people talk! What a concept.


Plus on NBC, it was the saaaaame ads over and over again.

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I started a new thread with the link to Canada's broadcast to the London Opening Ceremony and the preview show. It is a link to a torrent only so you will have to have a BitTorrent client or downloader to view them, but if you do have it you can see them both in their entirety. :)


And here's a link to live feeds from the BBC. You'll need a Flash plug-in.



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“So, Britain: two thousand years of deeply f***ing odd and a lot more socialist than some people would like. Bout spot on,†Laurie Penny wrote. To much of the world, the nurses probably appeared an odd inclusion, the equivalent a bunch of DMV employees showing up during a half-time number at the Super Bowl. To the British, they were a reminder of what makes them inscrutable to China, and, for that matter, to Mitt Romney."




That's so perfect.

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I have to admit, I LOL'd when other countries are marching in dignified fashion...and then there's the Canadian athletes, where some of the guys decided to put girls on their shoulders and march.


Screw dignity, lets have FUN! :D:lol:


:iagree:The Canadians, the Americans, the Independent Athletes, they all looked like they were having SO. MUCH. FUN. But some countries were all.... :mellow:. Whaaaaat?


I loved the Parade of Nations though. Always my favorite part, but I hated that it was so fast this year. My favorite countries are the ones that wear traditional clothing. The Americans looked ridiculous. Like overgrown Scouts. :lol:

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Ay you NEED to watch it. I am going to hold you accountable!! I'm going to ask you next Saturday if you've seen it yet! :p

Okay, I'm one day late but ... I SAW IT!


I am glad you pushed me into it. I even teared up -- twice! The best episode of any of them.

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Okay, I'm one day late but ... I SAW IT!


I am glad you pushed me into it. I even teared up -- twice! The best episode of any of them.


Yay!!! I'm so glad you did! I KNEW you would love it. It's just so :001_wub: :)


Now we're all waiting for season 3. I hear Shirley McClaine is going to be in it as Cora's mother. That should prove for some interesting moments between her and the Dowager countess. :D

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The dowager countess is just the best! Her send off to Sir Richard....priceless.


LOL she has some of the best lines. Love her! "Don't be defeatist dear, it's so middle class." :lol:


I corrected my last post, I meant to say Shirley McClaine was Cora's mom not MIL. Maybe I shouldn't drink and post! :p hehe

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