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Goat and dog and water and poop and trauma update

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We are so much better.


Mama goat went back to vet today. She is doing incredibly well considering everything. She's a little hesitant to leave the barn or the immediate area - I think she's scared and no wonder! But she has let me milk her out every day. The milk is clear. The vet says there is no infection there at all and thinks she will be able to be milked normally. :w00t: The back leg may have some infection in it but we got more antibiotics. She's lost a lot of weight but looks like she'll be fine. It feels like a huge blessing. It really was terrible.


Finally got DD's stool sample. :001_huh: Should know more next week. Praying there.


Dog is going back to the shelter on Monday. I hate that. I wish we could find him a good home - he is completely sweet with people. The girls are becoming resigned. It will help that we start school on Monday and I promised them ice cream at the ice cream shop which is unheard of for mama to do. :D


We have water! :hurray::hurray:


My knee is healing nicely and I got the library painted today. So yay.


Thanks for caring. Grace is a good thing and we have had a lot of it the last few days.


P.S. Here's the full story.

Edited by sunnylady303
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Thank you so much for the update -- I couldn't get you out of my mind -- whenever i started feeling sorry for myself, I said a prayer for you -- I said alot of prayers for you.;)


The doggie will find a wonderful home again - it will be best for everyone.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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We are so much better.


Mama goat went back to vet today. She is doing incredibly well considering everything. She's a little hesitant to leave the barn or the immediate area - I think she's scared and no wonder! But she has let me milk her out every day. The milk is clear. The vet says there is no infection there at all and thinks she will be able to be milked normally. :w00t: The back leg may have some infection in it but we got more antibiotics. She's lost a lot of weight but looks like she'll be fine. It feels like a huge blessing. It really was terrible.


Finally got DD's stool sample. :001_huh: Should know more next week. Praying there.


Dog is going back to the shelter on Monday. I hate that. I wish we could find him a good home - he is completely sweet with people. The girls are becoming resigned. It will help that we start school on Monday and I promised them ice cream at the ice cream shop which is unheard of for mama to do. :D


We have water! :hurray::hurray:


My knee is healing nicely and I got the library painted today. So yay.


Thanks for caring. Grace is a good thing and we have had a lot of it the last few days.


P.S. Here's the full story.


WHEW! I somehow missed the original thread but seriously--- what a crappy couple of days! The story of mama goat going after the dog while injured herself broke my heart.

I notice from your siggy you knit-- that's my stress reliever. In that position I'd have finished a whole sweater by now!


Sending hugs to you and good thoughts for mama goat and dd.


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I notice from your siggy you knit-- that's my stress reliever. In that position I'd have finished a whole sweater by now!


That is totally me! Not a sweater but almost a whole shawl.


Thank you so much for the update -- I couldn't get you out of my mind -- whenever i started feeling sorry for myself, I said a prayer for you -- I said alot of prayers for you.;)


:001_wub: Aww. That makes me feel so warm and fuzzy.

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what a great update. i am so glad that you have rebounded so well. i'm thinking taking a few minutes for tea and chocolate and just to be peaceful would be such a good idea! i read on another thread about making the olympic rings out of M & Ms or smarties (can/brit/aussie/kiwi)




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OOH! What pattern? I knit a lot of lace-- currently working on Semele. This isn't mine; it's just a pic I found. Mine's blue.






That is gorgeous Astrid!


Sunny, Girl, you can handle ANYTHING life throws at you from now on!! :lol::lol:


Seriously, I know what you mean about grace. So glad you are through it and things are looking better. Praying you get some answers for dd and for complete healing all the way around over there!

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Sothia. The shawl pictured isn't mine though it could be. Those are the colors I used.


I love it! Those multi-colored shawls are popping up all over Ravelry and I've had my eye on a couple of them. It's gorgeous! Love the colors!



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