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Wanting to dance, but not much ballet

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I don't know how to word this. I will try to be brief. DD has that way of moving that makes me stare at hip hop dancers. You know, that beat thing. My sister could have been music video dancer, seriously.


So I don't know how to find a dance studio. It's like they make you do more than 1 ballet class per week before you can do another genre. I get that ballet is important for technic and form, but I cannot afford nor do we want to be living at the dance studio. DD has no desire to be a ballerina.


Suggestions? I guess I don't know what to ask so I don't sound like a moron.

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My dd has friends who have done hip hop classes (no ballet reqired). I'd check different community class offerings vs. just the traditional dance studios.


Also, is your dd interested in something like Irish dancing? If so, those are often specific studios that teach just that (no ballet).

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As a former dancer I am keeping my daughter in ballet and possibly tap until she has had her big growth spurt (14 or 15) Hip hop and other dance forms can do a lot of damage to joints that they will carry forever. Just something to think about.


Ballet is smooth, it teaches you to dance up (not land harshly on the floor) It is not just technique, but it strengthens the muscles that are needed for all forms of dance.


I am a little more strict about when she can branch into other dance forms than most, but I am an almost 40 year old woman with a lot of joint pain, most of it from my Jazz and Dance team days.

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My daughter does Just4Kix. Do you have one of those in your area? It's cheaper than a lot of the dance studios in our town and more hip hop/dance routine type stuff. She done it for 7 years now. We ended up there because she wanted to start mid-year and that was the only place that would take her then.

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As a former dancer I am keeping my daughter in ballet and possibly tap until she has had her big growth spurt (14 or 15) Hip hop and other dance forms can do a lot of damage to joints that they will carry forever. Just something to think about.


Ballet is smooth, it teaches you to dance up (not land harshly on the floor) It is not just technique, but it strengthens the muscles that are needed for all forms of dance.


I am a little more strict about when she can branch into other dance forms than most, but I am an almost 40 year old woman with a lot of joint pain, most of it from my Jazz and Dance team days.


I didn't really know that. I don't know how serious I want to get in to it, I just wanted her to be able to do something she likes. I would have her do ballet one day and another day for something else, but I don't think she wants to go several days.

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Do you have a choice of several studios n your area? There is actually a studio on the other side of my city that *only* does hip-hop.


At our current studio, ballet is encouraged, but not required. Many students only take HipHop. Call around and ask around!


Another thing: ask a gymnastics or cheerleading gym for recommendations.


Good luck!


p.s. I agree that ballet is an EXCELLENT foundation for all forms of dance, but if someone really wants to dance and only wants/has time/money for hip-hop, I wouldn't let that hold them back.

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Do you have a choice of several studios n your area? There is actually a studio on the other side of my city that *only* does hip-hop.


At our current studio, ballet is encouraged, but not required. Many students only take HipHop. Call around and ask around!


Another thing: ask a gymnastics or cheerleading gym for recommendations.


Good luck!


p.s. I agree that ballet is an EXCELLENT foundation for all forms of dance, but if someone really wants to dance and only wants/has time/money for hip-hop, I wouldn't let that hold them back.


Thanks for the tip, I will call a few places. I just don't want to sound argumentative with them. I could definitely do one day of ballet, I just don't want to do more than 2 days. I'm sure there are more than the 2 studios I have talked to.

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As a former dancer I am keeping my daughter in ballet and possibly tap until she has had her big growth spurt (14 or 15) Hip hop and other dance forms can do a lot of damage to joints that they will carry forever. Just something to think about.


Ballet is smooth, it teaches you to dance up (not land harshly on the floor) It is not just technique, but it strengthens the muscles that are needed for all forms of dance.


I am a little more strict about when she can branch into other dance forms than most, but I am an almost 40 year old woman with a lot of joint pain, most of it from my Jazz and Dance team days.


:iagree: I have joint pain from hip hop that I did in high school. We were not told we needed to take ballet to help curb that. :( I know that now, and my dd will have to do both if she wants to do hip hop. It is hard to spend a good bit of time at the studio though.

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My DD's dance studio does not require specific classes unless a child wants to be on a competitive team. They strongly encourage ballet, but there are girls who just take "Street Jazz" (same style of music as hip-hop, but more Jazz steps and technique) or Acro.

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