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If you've gone LC/HP, Paleo, or Primal...

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Did you lose weight? How much and how quickly? I'm a bit discouraged because I've been doing it for two weeks and have only lost 2-3 pounds. I have 15 more to go. :glare: I've also been working out 3x a week, mostly doing (very modified) crossfit workouts. What gives???

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Did you lose weight? How much and how quickly? I'm a bit discouraged because I've been doing it for two weeks and have only lost 2-3 pounds. I have 15 more to go. :glare: I've also been working out 3x a week, mostly doing (very modified) crossfit workouts. What gives???

I do LC/HP. However, I was nursing when I started so I lost a lot quickly.


Make sure you are not eating too many nuts or seeds or avocados. They are high in calories and I need to be careful with those or I gain.


Look for hidden carbs. Cashews are high in carbs compared to other nuts. Milk products have a fair amount of carbs.


Eat a salad with your carb meals as the fiber helps a lot.



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I don't lose weight. :glare:


OTOH, my cholesterol is admirably low.


But I'd sure like to lose weight. Now that I have health insurance, I'm going to try to see an endochrinologist and see if I can blame the weight gain on something other than gluttony. :D

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I lose about 5 lbs when I'm really in ketosis. Otherwise it just makes it easy to maintain, but I am at a normal weight for my size so that's kind of where my body wants to be, IMO. I feel better-less brain fog, more energy, sleep better, my psoriasis is better. I also only cycle on metformin (insulin sensitizing drug used in many women with PCOS) combined with LCing. I have had two naturally occurring pregnancies after going through infertility treatments to conceive my DS1. So IMO, it definitely helps my body function better.


My mom has maintained a 30 lb weight loss for 4 years using LC. Her overall cholesterol total didn't change much, but her components improved. HDL rose, LDL rose just a tiny bit but particle size decreased (a good thing). Her VLDL (very bad form of LDL that is dense and sticky) is nice and low. She has low triglycerides. My dad has had high tris for years and they are under 100 (very good) when he LCs. It also improved his blood pressure quite a bit. He has maintained about a 20 lb weight loss.

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I don't really lose weight unless I cut carbs way down AND count calories. If I keep carbs under 40-50 and calories around 1300, I'll lose 1/2-1 pound a week. Just keeping carbs low to moderate, though, keeps me from gaining the weight back. Or maybe it was cutting out gluten entirely, which I did around the same time I stopped counting calories. Now I'm pregnant, and I found out my thyroid was out of whack and started synthroid right around when I found out I was pregnant....so it will be interesting to see if I lose weight more easily post pregnancy and on the thyroid meds. So far I'm nearly 15 weeks and I'm 2 pounds down from my pre-pregnancy weight (that's without actively trying to lose weight, of course). Anyway....back when I was doing hard core low carb, I lost about 15 pounds over the course of 4 months, and then I kept it off without any particular effort or difficulty for a year. But I wanted to lose another 30-40.


Oh, like a PP mentioned, though, my cholesterol numbers are GREAT. My BP is the lowest it's ever been, too, and my blood sugar is good. So at this point the 30-40 pounds I want to lose are more about vanity than health, it seems.

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Hmm. Interesting. I swear, everything I read/everyone i talk to about the LC/HP diet raves about the weight just FALLing off. :glare:Aaaaand it's not for me. :confused:I do think though that I need to go even lower carb. I was reading about this whole ketosis thing...I'm a bit confused. Is that the goal? To get to that point? I didn't think that was a good thing...I remember my midwife testing me for that and not liking it when I was there...but maybe I'm not remembering right. :confused:


Can someone explain the ketosis thing to me? Also, what I need to do to get there? Like how many calories, fat, protein, carbs? I'm 5'10", 165 pounds.:thumbdown:I want to get to 150. Thank you all so much!

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Hmm. Interesting. I swear, everything I read/everyone i talk to about the LC/HP diet raves about the weight just FALLing off. :glare:Aaaaand it's not for me. :confused:I do think though that I need to go even lower carb. I was reading about this whole ketosis thing...I'm a bit confused. Is that the goal? To get to that point? I didn't think that was a good thing...I remember my midwife testing me for that and not liking it when I was there...but maybe I'm not remembering right. :confused:


Can someone explain the ketosis thing to me? Also, what I need to do to get there? Like how many calories, fat, protein, carbs? I'm 5'10", 165 pounds.:thumbdown:I want to get to 150. Thank you all so much!


Read Marks Daily Apple. It's got a lot of good info. You don't really have much to lose at all, so it's going to take more effort. I have 5-7 pounds that I have a hard time losing and I'm just not doing enough. I'm still drinking alcohol and I'm not exercising enough. I'm waiting for some magical powered energy boost but it's not coming :tongue_smilie:


They weight "falling off" is kinda different when you've got lots to lose.

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I'm doing Atkins Induction right now and the weight is coming off. But I have A LOT to lose, so it makes sense right now. Most days I'm right around 20 net carbs. I've lost at least 8 pounds this week. But I know for sure that if I was as near to goal as you are I would not lose at that rate.


You may want to lower your carbs even lower and up your fat. My plan really is LCHF. It's working for me, but i do keep an eye on my calories . Also check out calorie cycling. Dr Johnson Alternate Day Diet (aka Johnson's Up Day Down Day diet). It caused me to maintain but I know a number of people it's working well for over on low carb friends.

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