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Low(er) carb check in

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Does anyone want to heave a separate thread for just general-ness? Apart from the recipe thread. I have questions :D


So, nono is doing some kind of thing where fiber off sets carbs? I don't know much about this. I *must* use phsyllium seed powder. I found this recently and it is the be all miracle I have been searching for. Well that and ridding the grains entirely.....but really I have always struggled with digestion. Basically my whole life. I know it is basically just fiber but I have never found anything else that totally rids my irregularity issues. And now that I have proper digestion I can track my dairy tolerance better. I can do more greek yogurt and twarog (fresh farmer cheese).


And my face is like a grease ball!! This is welcome because I have SUCH dry skin. Now someone tell me never fall back in to my old veg*n carby hellness that I tend to do every now and then.


I am recovering easier from workouts with all the added fat/protein, and I am not always hungry.

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Yes, in the new Atkins plan (perhaps the original too), one of their main tenants is that a gram of fiber negates a gram of carbohydrates. Which makes vegetables very valuable currency on my plate!


My plan is to NOT eschew beer, pasta or my personal breads in the long run. The Low-Carb Endurance Athlete book that the new Atkins guys wrote aim for about 50 g of carbs a day - certainly enough for a roll here, a pasta night there. I simply need to expect that the majority of my days won't have that, and I'm totally fine with that expectation. Once I am at my goal weight, it'll get interesting because as an endurance athlete, I think the same docs may actually recommend that I stay at the low carb state v. finding my personal limit. Since I'm not done the book yet, I'm not sure.


I saw a new "low" on the scale this morning, about 70 days into the program. Even after a low carb wrap with dinner last night. ;)


P.S. I'm going out for a Guinness tonight with my dh. I'm sure the new Atkins docs are just shaking their heads! (I believe alcohol is the last thing of all the "food" groups to add back in!!)

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Today is a fast day for me and I've had a shot of coconut oil, some herbal tea, and coffee. It's almost 3 and I'm not shaky at all. :D No brain fog, either.


You are amazing. I'll bet awesome doesn't describe going from passing out daily to fasting! I lived with an eating disorder my entire life until I found this way of eating. It's the only way my mind is free from it. A little backsliding and I'm back to bad thoughts/habbits.


Yes, in the new Atkins plan (perhaps the original too), one of their main tenants is that a gram of fiber negates a gram of carbohydrates. Which makes vegetables very valuable currency on my plate!


My plan is to NOT eschew beer, pasta or my personal breads in the long run. The Low-Carb Endurance Athlete book that the new Atkins guys wrote aim for about 50 g of carbs a day - certainly enough for a roll here, a pasta night there. I simply need to expect that the majority of my days won't have that, and I'm totally fine with that expectation. Once I am at my goal weight, it'll get interesting because as an endurance athlete, I think the same docs may actually recommend that I stay at the low carb state v. finding my personal limit. Since I'm not done the book yet, I'm not sure.


I saw a new "low" on the scale this morning, about 70 days into the program. Even after a low carb wrap with dinner last night. ;)


P.S. I'm going out for a Guinness tonight with my dh. I'm sure the new Atkins docs are just shaking their heads! (I believe alcohol is the last thing of all the "food" groups to add back in!!)


What is the book called? I think I'm going to get it, at least if not to read and especially if it is geared toward the athlete? I have been a serious weight lifter for several years now, so I do need to cater to that. And I too would like in the long run to have "cheats." I LOVE potatoes, and many of our traditional Polish meals *need* potatoes :D


So today I did not plan on a fasting sorta day, but I have this sore on the roof of my mouth that came out of no where and I'm :crying:. It's hurts so bad! I smashed a banana with some coconut oil because I was so hungry. I swished some salt water, I hope it goes away soon.

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You are amazing. I'll bet awesome doesn't describe going from passing out daily to fasting! I lived with an eating disorder my entire life until I found this way of eating. It's the only way my mind is free from it. A little backsliding and I'm back to bad thoughts/habbits.



I swished some salt water, I hope it goes away soon.


I never could fully fast before. This is good.


Did you try a day of peroxide in water, too? :grouphug: I hate mouth sores.

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My goal is to get my outta control hypoglycemia under control before it reaches full blown diabetes.


Have my health back. No more crashing before I even get started for the day, shakes, hand numbness...


Next I'd like to reach my normal weight/size. I've gone from a size 4 to a size 12 in 2 years.


I eat a healthy whole food diet just need to rid myself of the grains and sugars.

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My goal is to get my outta control hypoglycemia under control before it reaches full blown diabetes.


Have my health back. No more crashing before I even get started for the day, shakes, hand numbness...


Next I'd like to reach my normal weight/size. I've gone from a size 4 to a size 12 in 2 years.


I eat a healthy whole food diet just need to rid myself of the grains and sugars.


It's happened for me, it really has. Hang in there!


Ohh hand numbness? Is THAT where that came from? I had that, too!

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It's happened for me, it really has. Hang in there!


Ohh hand numbness? Is THAT where that came from? I had that, too!


Yup, I once dropped something on my toe and 2 of them turned black with bruise. After a week, I thought holy carp, something needs to change. It was scary.


I went from over 200 after babies, down a little, little more but never could quite get it right....down to a size 0/2. You wouldn't believe what I can weigh at 5'3", but I lift weights so my figure is kinda different.

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I know I have dealt with hypoglycemia for many, many years. (As does my mom. I have a feeling dh does too because we both were told we were probably IR or nearing IR a few years back based on symptoms and diet.) I remember being proud my blood sugar was so low. I didn't like the shakes or the headaches. (I still don't.) Now that I'm reaching the upper limits of my 30s ;) my metabolism isn't quite what I wished it was. It's funny ... after dd was born, I went nightshade free for about 9 months (we were testing an idea). I lost weight and felt healthier as I was eating very, very little grains (except what I felt like making completely from scratch or just brown rice/brown rice pasta - we are already gluten free). Now, I don't think I necessarily felt better because I was depressed about the amount of food I couldn't enjoy anymore (not really the grain/potato starch stuff but the tomato/spices/mayo that weren't allowed). Once I added back in nightshades, I gained 15 pounds (slowly ... not all at once, but I am now 15 pounds heavier than I wish to be). But, I'm also lethargic half the time (some of that is having a daughter that likes to nurse almost non-stop from about 4:30/5am until about 8am, and I just cannot seem to sleep while nursing her very well).


So ... we (dh and I) are both looking at reducing our carb intake (mostly through grains and sugar), and adding in more vegetables (we probably eat the equivalent of a serving a day). We do well with eggs and meat (usually chicken thighs, sometimes chicken breasts, red meat, pork, or fish). So, I'm now looking to come up with new recipes. I'm not sure if completely LCHF is the answer, but I do know that I want to slowly reduce the amount we eat, so I'm starting with breakfast. No more cereals, no more even buckwheat porridge, no more pancakes ...


Today I made "pancakes" from coconut flour and ground up almonds/pecans. I added 6 eggs, some almond milk, a bit of salt & baking soda, a bit of vanilla extract, and some raw honey (which I know gets cooked). They were delicious and even our extremely picky ds#3 ate them willingly. Next time I plan to add only one spoon of honey (I had forgotten how sweet coconut flour tastes), and increase the eggs while decreasing the milk (they need milk or water to offset the coconut flour). I'm not sure what they were in terms of carbs, but I didn't crash after eating them, I am just now feeling hungry (about 3 hours later), and they were much more nutritious than regular GF pancakes. Oh, and they were divine topped with plain coconut milk yogurt and a small drizzle of raw honey. :) (They were also "fried" in coconut oil.)


Now it is lunch time and I don't know what to make! :lol: I'm only working on breakfast, so I know I can do something with bread/pasta if need be. But, I am not sure what to make. Dinner will be chicken soup with homemade chicken broth, veggies, and maybe a small amount of brown rice or brown rice pasta boiled with it. My biggest problem is how to get more veggies in us. Eggs of some fashion for breakfast is easy (scrambled eggs, fried eggs, poached eggs, egg-based "pancakes", fritata). Lunch is always a dilemma around here. And then there's dinner.


It's not like eating like this is new to me. We were somewhat Nourishing Traditions foodies back in the day. We loved our raw milk and homemade yogurt. Then something happened (well, we stopped with raw milk for one as there were problems at times with the dairy, either rightfully or not who knows, being shut-down at times) and we went back to organic, yet conventional, dairy. Now we seem to have major dairy intolerances around here. And, I'm convinced that the Earth Balance and Daiya cheese is only adding to our weight/health issues. It's very hard to basically know that the only options for butter and cheese are not good for you. :( I could care less about ever eating anything gluten-containing again, but I would love to be able to at least tolerate real butter, real cheese (just give me hard cheese even ... I'll live on cheddar and park), and goat milk yogurt. But I am afraid to risk the anxiety (a couple of us have anxiety issues with dairy) and the IBS (which is still an issue anyway; why make it worse).


Ok ... sorry for all that. I was going to weigh in on the other, huge thread but by the time I finally finished it (this morning), I decided to wait and see if a support thread was started instead. So, forgive me my dumping of my woes. :) And if anyone has some fantastic (picky-kid friendly would be great) veggie ideas, I am all ears.

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Can you explain yogurt to me? I've seen several people mention they're eating Greek yogurt, but my 6 oz. Chobani has 13 g. carbs, no fiber. Are you eating {gag} plain yogurt? Or is that 13 g somehow okay?


If you eat plain yogurt, do you add something to make it more palatable? I love Chobani, but can't stand the plain stuff.

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Can you explain yogurt to me? I've seen several people mention they're eating Greek yogurt, but my 6 oz. Chobani has 13 g. carbs, no fiber. Are you eating {gag} plain yogurt? Or is that 13 g somehow okay?


If you eat plain yogurt, do you add something to make it more palatable? I love Chobani, but can't stand the plain stuff.


Is that for one serving size?


Fage Total has 8 grams of carbs.


Sorry, I eat it plain. Sometimes with nuts. If you're not sensitive you can add some blueberries?


There's another brand that's 10% fat that I can't think of.

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MLW, those pancakes sound great, my kids will love you!


I've really enjoyed Nom nom Paleo's blog


Thanks for the blog link. :)


Here's the basic recipe (pulling from a few from online):


1/2 c. coconut flour

1 1/2 c. almond meal & pecan meal mixed (I just threw what I had into the food processor - it wouldn't finely ground so it had some chunks in it, which ended up being good to eat as it was a bit crunchy)

6 eggs

1 cup almond milk

1/2 t. vanilla extract

good dash of salt

dash of cinnamon

2 "table" spoons of raw honey (I just used a soup spoon from the drawer, which IIRC, is more of a teaspoon in actual measurement)


I mixed it all together (and added a wee bit more milk as it was still thick - coconut flour absorbs a ton of liquid) and then cooked them on a heated griddle in coconut oil. The pancakes were only about 3" in diameter; they held together really well but I didn't want to tempt fate. :tongue_smilie:


Next time I think I'll add a few more eggs and hopefully lesson the amount of milk. Also, a really ripe banana or two are very good in there if you can handle the carb/sugar in them. Ds#1 just finished the few that were leftover cold out of the fridge. They were very sweet on their own, though the boys dipped theirs in a bit of pure maple syrup. Dh and I enjoyed ours with plain coconut milk yogurt and a drizzle of honey on top. :)


Oh, and I finally figured out lunch. We had roasted zukes and carrots (tossed in olive oil and seasoned with some no-salt all purpose and a bit of sea salt), and brown rice pasta topped with ground beef browned with an onion, garlic, salt, and pepper. The boys had a bit of tomato sauce poured over the top; dh and I ate ours without.

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MLW I LOVE roasted zukes and any veggies


Geez I'm such a horrible night time snacker!! I have got to stop the night snacking. It's a bad bad habbit. I'm not hungry just munchy.


I am excited for tomorrow. My Uncle from Utah is driving through and we are having a BBQ. We are grilling ribs, Mmmmmmm

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So, you know that fine line between knowing something in terms of knowledge and then knowing something in terms of experience? Yea ... sugar is evil!!! I've known that for a long time (though it never stopped me from eating it) but unfortunately know I know that from experience. Yesterday was a very good food day - we had the great grain-free pancakes with honey, at lunch we had roasted veggies, ground beef and a small amount of brown rice noodles. And at dinner we had chicken and veggie soup cooked in homemade broth. I felt pretty good too - not really hungry in between meals and relatively no headache. Today started good - scrambled eggs for breakfast but then we went too long before eating lunch as we were out running errands. So, we made chicken salad. Unfortunately, I used up the last of a pack of candied pecans in it (from now on we will only use plain pecans) and Best Food mayo (also has sugar). Plus, the rotisserie chicken from Costco apparently has sugar in the seasoning (why???). Now I have a headache, a post-nasal drip, and a sore throat. It came on not too long after eating lunch. I swear it's the sugar, especially after having none yesterday. Ugh ... I just feel like curling up and sleeping. Sugar is evil I say. :rolleyes:

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Is that for one serving size?


Fage Total has 8 grams of carbs.


Sorry, I eat it plain. Sometimes with nuts. If you're not sensitive you can add some blueberries?


There's another brand that's 10% fat that I can't think of.


If I make yougurt from my raw nubian's goatmilk does anyone know what the carb count would be in a serving?

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I am doing really well, just a few days in, but I have noticed more energy and increased memory. I do not feel nearly as spacey. I have ordered a gallon of coconut oil from azure so I hope that sends me over the edge. :)

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My latest obsession, speaking of coconut, is coconut butter. I don't want to pay the money to keep buying the Artisana brand, so I'm making my own. One 8oz. package of shredded coconut can make about 1 cup of coconut butter (which I can eat in about 24-36 hours!). But, I think I'm going to buy the shredded coconut from Amazon (12 pack), which will take the price down even further. Unfortunately my food processor cannot get it as smooth as the store-bought kind, but it is still very good mixed with a little raw honey. :D It's my go-to snack. (Dd loves it too, which is fantastic as coconut oil is especially good for her growing brain, but she's not a fan of coconut oil off the spoon. She does eat a container of coconut yogurt every day, but I want more of the oil/fat in her.)

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Can you explain yogurt to me? I've seen several people mention they're eating Greek yogurt, but my 6 oz. Chobani has 13 g. carbs, no fiber. Are you eating {gag} plain yogurt? Or is that 13 g somehow okay?


If you eat plain yogurt, do you add something to make it more palatable? I love Chobani, but can't stand the plain stuff.


Flavored stevia. Cinnamon is my FAVORITE. Plain stevia is not good with milk products IMO.


Mylittlewonders, where do you get PLAIN coconut yogurt? I can only find flavored..... Which is DELICIOUS but sooooooo sweet. Brand name So Delicious. What is your brand name?

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My latest obsession, speaking of coconut, is coconut butter. I don't want to pay the money to keep buying the Artisana brand, so I'm making my own. One 8oz. package of shredded coconut can make about 1 cup of coconut butter (which I can eat in about 24-36 hours!). But, I think I'm going to buy the shredded coconut from Amazon (12 pack), which will take the price down even further. Unfortunately my food processor cannot get it as smooth as the store-bought kind, but it is still very good mixed with a little raw honey. :D It's my go-to snack. (Dd loves it too, which is fantastic as coconut oil is especially good for her growing brain, but she's not a fan of coconut oil off the spoon. She does eat a container of coconut yogurt every day, but I want more of the oil/fat in her.)


Coconut oil, stevia, raw cacao. SO healthy and apparently delicious! I am waiting for my raw cacao t come.

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Not low carbing, but researching and cooking for a husband who is. And becoming more and more curious about trying it myself, but still...there's things I'd miss.


I made WendyK's ground beef and shredded cabbage concoction for dinner. I added some ground ginger, brought pre shredded angel hair cabbage, and cooked it down a little more than crisp tender. It tasted exactly like egg roll filling! DH loved it and so did DS. I liked it and loved that it took me no time to throw together.


Momof3Littles shared some links for salads and I've been making the Big Mac In a Bowl for DH for part of his lunch and he's so pleased.


He comes home full and despite being in and out of the heat, up and down 30-50 foot rigs, and sitting in his truck for long periods of time...he's been coming with energy. Which is a first since he's started this job.


He is thinking about doing actual Atkins at some point, but we're still reading about it. Right now he has eliminated all flour products, all rice, all white potatoes, and corn. He's still eating carrots and 1-2 servings of fruit a day.

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If I make yougurt from my raw nubian's goatmilk does anyone know what the carb count would be in a serving?


By what I've seen by googling, it's about 7. But I obviously can't vouch.



I am doing really well, just a few days in, but I have noticed more energy and increased memory. I do not feel nearly as spacey. I have ordered a gallon of coconut oil from azure so I hope that sends me over the edge. :)


Yay! Non spacey is good!


Not low carbing, but researching and cooking for a husband who is. And becoming more and more curious about trying it myself, but still...there's things I'd miss.


I made WendyK's ground beef and shredded cabbage concoction for dinner. I added some ground ginger, brought pre shredded angel hair cabbage, and cooked it down a little more than crisp tender. It tasted exactly like egg roll filling! DH loved it and so did DS. I liked it and loved that it took me no time to throw together.


Momof3Littles shared some links for salads and I've been making the Big Mac In a Bowl for DH for part of his lunch and he's so pleased.


He comes home full and despite being in and out of the heat, up and down 30-50 foot rigs, and sitting in his truck for long periods of time...he's been coming with energy. Which is a first since he's started this job.


He is thinking about doing actual Atkins at some point, but we're still reading about it. Right now he has eliminated all flour products, all rice, all white potatoes, and corn. He's still eating carrots and 1-2 servings of fruit a day.


I'm so happy he's enjoying it and has energy. :001_smile:

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My latest obsession, speaking of coconut, is coconut butter. I don't want to pay the money to keep buying the Artisana brand, so I'm making my own. One 8oz. package of shredded coconut can make about 1 cup of coconut butter (which I can eat in about 24-36 hours!). But, I think I'm going to buy the shredded coconut from Amazon (12 pack), which will take the price down even further. Unfortunately my food processor cannot get it as smooth as the store-bought kind, but it is still very good mixed with a little raw honey. :D It's my go-to snack. (Dd loves it too, which is fantastic as coconut oil is especially good for her growing brain, but she's not a fan of coconut oil off the spoon. She does eat a container of coconut yogurt every day, but I want more of the oil/fat in her.)


How are you making coconut butter? Share!

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Where do you get your coconut oil? I can't find any that is affordable.


It is pricey and it sucks.


I buy mine from Wilderness Family Naturals, by the gallon. I buy the expeller pressed because I don't like everything tasting like it. :-)


I also tried Tropical Traditions, but I didn't like the taste at all. I've had Extra Virgin coconut oil before, and it's a very sweet, fresh, coconut taste-not very heavy coconut, mind you, just a hint. TT's had an old taste to it. I started using it for my skin, and I bought a few jars of Spectrum (7 bucks) to get me through until Wilderness Family is up and shipping again.


It's just something I budget in. It's more imperative for me, because we have Alzheimer in our family, so I really look at it as a supplement for our mental health.

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I started "The Belly Fat Cure" at the end of January. For the previous 4 years, I had lost and regained the same 15 pounds. My previous attempts at weight loss left me hungry and thinking about food all the time. Then the holidays or stress would come and the pounds would creep back. This January I decided to try a low-carb diet. I was thrilled to see the pounds coming off without hunger. I did not feel deprived and had more energy. I also realized that I was waking up earlier and felt more alert. I could make it through a school morning without a second cup of coffee.


What I didn't count on was that my peri-menopause symptoms would disappear. After 7 weeks of steady weight loss I was sleeping better, my hot flashes were gone, my cycles were normal, and I was more alert. Then.......I stopped losing weight. After 3 weeks of not losing I realized that at the age of 45.......I was pregnant!


I have Gestational Diabetes with this pregnancy which points to the fact that I was probably having IR leading up to the pregnancy. I am still following lower carbs, but have to add in some carbs to allow for proper fetal development.


I've been doing a lot of research and realize that low-carb is the way to prevent or reverse Type II diabetes. I'm at major risk for TypeII with Gestational Diabetes showing up early in this pregnancy. I've learned a lot from reading the low carb threads.


I thought I might add.......watch out.....your fertility may return. ;)

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If you eat plain yogurt, do you add something to make it more palatable? I love Chobani, but can't stand the plain stuff.


Yes, plain yogurt (I buy the fat-free; I'm not trying for HF).


I eat it for breakfast with blueberries, pecans, and a packet of stevia.


I eat it for "dessert" with slivered almonds, a few drops of Chocolate/Raspberry liquid stevia and sometimes some no-added-sugar carob chips (these are da bomb).


I also use less than a cup for my serving size, so it's actually less carbs than "one serving".


I also use it unsweetened in place of sour cream, mayonnaise, and also with other savory dishes that suggest regular yogurt.

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I thought I might add.......watch out.....your fertility may return. ;)


Ok based on this info, I am going out to amazon and ordering a chastity belt. I'm not even sure what one is, but it sounds like a good idea suddenly! ;)

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I've read so many of these threads with great interest, and I am slowly working my way through the mega thread and the links shared.


I will say that I am totally intrigued by this idea of a low carb/high fat diet. I was also so touched by many of the stories I read on these boards, so many thanks to those of you who shared.


Those stories touched me because I can totally relate. I am obese, but I am not lazy or gluttonous. I have earnestly tried to lose weight and just cannot. After looking at some of the links provided, I feel a bit angry. I have been trying so hard to lose weight by watching my fat intake and eating whole grains. With each pound gained, I have felt more like a failure. I have watched my skinny friends eat all these foods I have been denying myself for DECADES, and bemoaning my slow metabolism. I've tried eating every few hours, but I felt I was planning my entire day around food. I don't have a schedule that allows me to eat every 2 or 3 hours. Besides, I always felt hungry. I was alarmed at the amount of hair I was losing, but I was afraid to up my fat intake and gain even more weight. Anyway.....


I decided I would give this LC/HF way of eating a try. I started on Sunday, and by Sunday afternoon, I had a killer headache. Monday was the same thing, but I was quite sure I was having withdrawal symptoms from not having any sugar. Tuesday evening my sensei told me he thought I looked like I had slimmed down some and he also mentioned how great my skin looked. He said I had a "glow." On days I don't have karate, I go to classes at a local CrossFit type gym. I have recovered well from these training sessions and have not been sore today at all. I did decide to weigh myself this morning. According to the scale, I am down 6 pounds since Sunday. However, I need to add that is not accurate. Sunday I weighed after breakfast and after getting dressed (in jeans). This morning was before breakfast and wearing shorts and a tee. However, I don't think that would account for 6 lbs, so I think I have lost 3 or 4 total.


I have been very low carb. I have had no grains, sugars, etc, so I have really had only the carbs contained in the veggies I have eaten. I haven't meant to cut out that much. I was planning to have some plain Greek yogurt and blueberries, but just wasn't hungry. If I decide I want them, I will allow myself to have them. Meanwhile I am enjoying my bacon and eggs, cheese, and full fat blue cheese and ranch dressings. I think I may even have some deviled eggs. I LOVE those and have not had one in years because I thought the yolks and mayo were so bad for me.


I know I am a newbie at this LCHF thing, but I am excited. I am taking it one day at a time, but now that the sugar withdrawals have stopped, it is pretty easy and enjoyable. I know it will get harder as I try to expand my food choices, and I'm sure I will have lots of questions -- esp. regarding sugars and sweetners.


Anyway, I just wanted to thank all of you for the information and stories you have shared.


:) Beachy

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I've read so many of these threads with great interest, and I am slowly working my way through the mega thread and the links shared.


I will say that I am totally intrigued by this idea of a low carb/high fat diet. I was also so touched by many of the stories I read on these boards, so many thanks to those of you who shared.


Those stories touched me because I can totally relate. I am obese, but I am not lazy or gluttonous. I have earnestly tried to lose weight and just cannot. After looking at some of the links provided, I feel a bit angry. I have been trying so hard to lose weight by watching my fat intake and eating whole grains. With each pound gained, I have felt more like a failure. I have watched my skinny friends eat all these foods I have been denying myself for DECADES, and bemoaning my slow metabolism. I've tried eating every few hours, but I felt I was planning my entire day around food. I don't have a schedule that allows me to eat every 2 or 3 hours. Besides, I always felt hungry. I was alarmed at the amount of hair I was losing, but I was afraid to up my fat intake and gain even more weight. Anyway.....


I decided I would give this LC/HF way of eating a try. I started on Sunday, and by Sunday afternoon, I had a killer headache. Monday was the same thing, but I was quite sure I was having withdrawal symptoms from not having any sugar. Tuesday evening my sensei told me he thought I looked like I had slimmed down some and he also mentioned how great my skin looked. He said I had a "glow." On days I don't have karate, I go to classes at a local CrossFit type gym. I have recovered well from these training sessions and have not been sore today at all. I did decide to weigh myself this morning. According to the scale, I am down 6 pounds since Sunday. However, I need to add that is not accurate. Sunday I weighed after breakfast and after getting dressed (in jeans). This morning was before breakfast and wearing shorts and a tee. However, I don't think that would account for 6 lbs, so I think I have lost 3 or 4 total.


I have been very low carb. I have had no grains, sugars, etc, so I have really had only the carbs contained in the veggies I have eaten. I haven't meant to cut out that much. I was planning to have some plain Greek yogurt and blueberries, but just wasn't hungry. If I decide I want them, I will allow myself to have them. Meanwhile I am enjoying my bacon and eggs, cheese, and full fat blue cheese and ranch dressings. I think I may even have some deviled eggs. I LOVE those and have not had one in years because I thought the yolks and mayo were so bad for me.


I know I am a newbie at this LCHF thing, but I am excited. I am taking it one day at a time, but now that the sugar withdrawals have stopped, it is pretty easy and enjoyable. I know it will get harder as I try to expand my food choices, and I'm sure I will have lots of questions -- esp. regarding sugars and sweetners.


Anyway, I just wanted to thank all of you for the information and stories you have shared.


:) Beachy


I'm so glad it's working out for you!


Eggs are amazing, aren't they? Especially the yolks. Not being hungry is amazing too. Tonight I forgot to eat dinner. I'd had lunch a bit late, and had a pretty solid lunch (a can of tuna with mayo, olives, and lots of veggies on a 1/2 avocado) and was out and about with the kids at dinner time. I fed them, but nothing looked appealing to me. I was at a big festival with a bazillion food vendors and nothing looked all that good, because I was so satisfied!

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Hey folks! Hit a new "low" on my way back to normal for the last couple days.


Still buying into my bacon theory. ;)


As I was running my 5 miles this morning, I thought, "Border Collies." Border collies work out aerobically all day long, yet, they aren't carb-loading to have enough energy...maybe these low carb/high endurance athletes are onto something.


And then I started fantasizing about having bacon for breakfast before my next race. :tongue_smilie:

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Thanks ya'll. You're right. It is a journey, and I am just at the beginning of a long one. I have so far yet to go, but I am optimistic.


So, I weighed again this morning (again wearing jeans and after breakfast -- trying to make it as close as possible to last week). I cannot believe my eyes. After 1 week eating LCHF, I am down 9 lbs. I swear. I am eating. I am eating a lot -- at least it feels like a lot. I mean I am not hungry at all. I am really enjoying this. I have had only the carbs found in veggies, protein, and full fat dairy. I did have fruit one morning. I measured out a cup of sliced strawberries and raspberries. Then I had the nerve to pour 4 tablespoons of half and half over them. O.M.Goodness. It was so delicious and decadent. I think I even giggled out loud at the thought that this was "diet" food.


I do have a question though..... On Mark's Daily Apple, he says less than 50g of carbs a day will put a person in ketosis and that one shouldn't stay in ketosis for more than a few days. However, if I understand the Diet Doctor correctly, he feels we should all maintain a lifestyle of eating less than 50g of carbs a day. Is long term ketosis a bad thing?



:) Beachy

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Ok first for coconut butter. I just put a package of shredded coconut in the blender and let it go for about 10 minutes. I had to stop it and scrap the sides every now and then. But otherwise it's pretty easy. It's not as smooth as store bought but cheaper and still good.


And I'm finally reading Why We Get Fat. It's a fantastic read. Dh and I are also doing the Whole30 challenge except we are allowing raw, local honey. I think I will real It Starts With Food next.


When starting to eat this way, did anyone else seem to go through any detox period where maybe digestively things weren't quite right? Just wondering. Dh and I both seem to be having some issues and I wonder how much is detox/resetting of our systems.

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When starting to eat this way, did anyone else seem to go through any detox period where maybe digestively things weren't quite right? Just wondering. Dh and I both seem to be having some issues and I wonder how much is detox/resetting of our systems.


Well, I'm still a newbie, and I would say that I am not quite as, um......, regular as I have been in the past. It isn't anything that is really bothersome to me though.


The coconut butter sounds delicious. I was planning a trip to the local health/whole foods store today to see what I can find. Our local grocery just has the sweetened kind.


So..... I started this 2 weeks ago, and I am down 12 lbs. The weight loss slowed down a lot this week, but that's okay. I expected it to. I was certain a lot of the loss the first week was water weight. However, this week, I began to see more changes in my body and noticed my clothes getting looser, etc. I am going to try to continue going super low carb for a little longer. I no longer crave sweets, but I do crave breads, etc, so I am not wanting to give in to those. I'm hoping that in a few weeks those will also subside. Overall, though, I am really enjoying this kind of eating.


:) Beachy

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The first week I actually gained weight. Over the next two I lost about 15. Right now I seem to be plateauing, but I am riding a very difficult horse outside in Houston weather almost daily. My whole body is reshaping and I have muscles again.



I have noticed that I have far less digestive issues than I did before. Actually, that is what keeps me going more than anything else. I feel good!



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I'm 15 pounds away from my goal weight. I'm so happy, I could stop here, but I'm going to keep going down and then play with it a little to see my set point for carbs when I reach it.


Ok first for coconut butter. I just put a package of shredded coconut in the blender and let it go for about 10 minutes. I had to stop it and scrap the sides every now and then. But otherwise it's pretty easy. It's not as smooth as store bought but cheaper and still good.


And I'm finally reading Why We Get Fat. It's a fantastic read. Dh and I are also doing the Whole30 challenge except we are allowing raw, local honey. I think I will real It Starts With Food next.


When starting to eat this way, did anyone else seem to go through any detox period where maybe digestively things weren't quite right? Just wondering. Dh and I both seem to be having some issues and I wonder how much is detox/resetting of our systems.


That's for the coconut butter recipe!


Yes, I totally went through a detox. I gained a ton of water weight, kept it on, then peed like a racehorse for days and bottomed out at about 5 pounds less than where I started.


I got headaches, but the really weird thing is that coffee, which I used to be able to drink and then go to sleep, now effects me in terms of keeping me up! So yay, it's doing what it's supposed to do!


Also, the upped coconut oil kinda makes things...rumbly. When I cut back on it (less than one tbsp a day) that went away.


For the rest, I've not had any problems, it anything, my body has normalized. When my Dd17 was a teeny baby, she went through a growth spurt and didn't go for 10 days (b-fed). Frantic, I took her into the Dr, who sweetly told me her body is using all of her food it to grow. I'm telling this story to say that I don't go as much, and it's not because the plumbing is clogged. ;) I feel absolutely great.


I have found that when I don't get enough sleep, my carb craving goes through the roof. Those days are hardest. Otherwise, it doesn't bother me at all to watch the kids eat bread, sweets, or fruit. I just don't crave them anymore.


The bad part is that none of my clothes fit (even bras and panties). Not even my shirts. And I'm not done so I don't want to go out and buy a new wardrobe, esp when we're heading into a new season. So I'm wearing the same dresses all the time. :D

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The first week I actually gained weight. Over the next two I lost about 15. Right now I seem to be plateauing, but I am riding a very difficult horse outside in Houston weather almost daily. My whole body is reshaping and I have muscles again.



I have noticed that I have far less digestive issues than I did before. Actually, that is what keeps me going more than anything else. I feel good!




Me too!! I have *never* had good digestion. I am horribly lactose intolerant. Long boring story short, now I can drink cream/whole milk in my coffee and eat greek yogurt and homemade fresh cheese. When I first went back to LCHF it was the first thing that improved, but I was still not doing any dairy. But I was regular, without stomach pain. Then I started using a tiny bit of cream in my coffee, then yogurt, and so on. I only do cream or cultured dairy, but still, it's like a miracle.


I actually remember growing up, and as young as 6 or 7 I would cry in the bathroom because it hurt so bad to go, after being blocked and not going for a few days. I never told my mother. I still have to take something for the damage I found out I have, but the way it's going I won't have to do that forever :D. That is a great feeling. I have no doubt my youth trouble was from the "old" food pyramid. As long as it said fat free it was ok

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I'm 15 pounds away from my goal weight. I'm so happy, I could stop here, but I'm going to keep going down and then play with it a little to see my set point for carbs when I reach it.




That's for the coconut butter recipe!


Yes, I totally went through a detox. I gained a ton of water weight, kept it on, then peed like a racehorse for days and bottomed out at about 5 pounds less than where I started.


I got headaches, but the really weird thing is that coffee, which I used to be able to drink and then go to sleep, now effects me in terms of keeping me up! So yay, it's doing what it's supposed to do!


Also, the upped coconut oil kinda makes things...rumbly. When I cut back on it (less than one tbsp a day) that went away.


For the rest, I've not had any problems, it anything, my body has normalized. When my Dd17 was a teeny baby, she went through a growth spurt and didn't go for 10 days (b-fed). Frantic, I took her into the Dr, who sweetly told me her body is using all of her food it to grow. I'm telling this story to say that I don't go as much, and it's not because the plumbing is clogged. ;) I feel absolutely great.


I have found that when I don't get enough sleep, my carb craving goes through the roof. Those days are hardest. Otherwise, it doesn't bother me at all to watch the kids eat bread, sweets, or fruit. I just don't crave them anymore.


The bad part is that none of my clothes fit (even bras and panties). Not even my shirts. And I'm not done so I don't want to go out and buy a new wardrobe, esp when we're heading into a new season. So I'm wearing the same dresses all the time. :D



Baggy clothes syndrome :D. Doesn't it feel great? When I first lost my ton, it was close to 100 pounds. Then I sort of strayed and remembered some bad habits and put 5-7 back on. I could lose them for the life of me, and was back to feel like poo and the bad digestion. I can FINALLY wear my old clothes with confidence again as of last week. I was just wearing stretchy things before that LOL.

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DH is still at it. He tried going back to carbs for a couple of days and immediately noticed a difference in how he felt. Staying away from carbs seems to be working out really well for him. I continue to notice an improvement in energy and mood.


I tried and had trouble. For now I'm back to Weight Watchers and struggling to prep meals that meets all of our needs. Cooking meat plus several sides has not been the way I usually made meals as we couldn't afford to make meat the star of the show. I used a lot of veggies, rice, beans, and pasta, so it's a work in progress.


I did make a recipe for an enchilada bake using cream cheese, cheese, and egg as the crust and DH loved it....I might keep a casserole on hand for him some nights.

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I just sub half bacon fat in my regular mayo recipe. Alton Brown's may recipe sans sugar is great!

Love Alton, so I will look for his recipe! I have a ton of bacon grease because I cook about 4 lbs of bacon at a time and keep it in my freezer so all I have to do is pull out a couple of slices and zap for 30 seconds.


I am doing pretty well. I lost about 11 in the first 2 weeks, then stalled all this week. Woke up this morning UP 4 pounds. :001_huh: I did not do ANYTHING different. I did eat sunflower seeds last night, which are quite salty, in combo with not having all my water yesterday, so today I am watching the sodium like a hawk and drinking about a gallon of water. Nuts are not on Atkins Induction, but it was a good substitute for my beloved popcorn in the movie, so I don't regret it too much. I also had about 5oz of cheese yesterday, so that was likely too much. I just wonder if I am sensitive to sodium. It's something I crave, and eat too much of, but so many low carb foods are salty. Anyways, my new goal is to keep an eye out for the salt!


Overall though, I feel fantastic. Sleeping better, no more low low energy in the afternoons. I am okay in the digestion dept because I take magnesium and also make flax muffins. My skin and hair have improved, and it hasn't even quite been 3 weeks yet! People eating chips and sweets are not bothering me at all any more. That's a big *wow* moment for me.

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