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Emergency prayers needed

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About an hour ago we watched fire trucks go zooming past our house. We went out on the front lawn to see what was going on and we could see smoke and flames from a few blocks away. We of course when to be looky loos and see what was going on to find 1 of the houses in our town burning to the ground. We did stay and watch the fire fighters fight to put out the flames for about 40 minutes and then came back home. It would seem they had it under control and fire balls(for lack of a better term) would shoot up and the flames would be huge again. I am not sure who's house it was but in a village of only 750 residents I am sure it is someone I have seen many times around town even if I don't know them.


When we left the firefighters alarms kept going off, I *think* those are for finding heat pockets, but not sure. Just know they were going off and then the firefighters would direct another hose on that section.


The firefighters did a wonderful job tonight so I want to offer praises to God for keeping them safe while they battled this blaze.


I am also requesting prayers for the family that just lost their home tonight. I am sure by morning word will be around about who's house it was and what the people in town can do to help them. Tonight though they need prayers to help them cope with such a loss.


Ds13 and I talked while we watched about what it would be like if it was our home. Every couple years ds goes through a playing with fire phase and while we have had a house fire it has never been to this magnitude. I think seeing the house be burned up like that really made an impact on him. We talked about how blessed we are that when we got chilled watching the firefighters and my asthma started flaring up due to the smoke that we could go back to our home. To our own beds to sleep. With our own things surrounding us and here this family has just lost everything.

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Sure thing.


I few years ago, we had a lay preacher at church who talked about prayer. He suggested that we should consider saying a short prayer for anyone we saw who was in trouble - an accident on the highway, an ambulance going by, etc. Because if that were one of us in that accident or ambulance or whatever, would we not appreciate someone praying for us?

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Will pray! I am so sorry for this family!:crying:


It is an eery feeling to watch a fire burn up someone's home/business. A few years ago we got a call in the middle of the night from a neighbor letting us know that another neighbor's house was on fire and that they had called 911. My husband went to see if he could help. I watched from outside our home. It is a pretty helpless feeling to stand and watch. I felt this weird feeling/sickness for several days/weeks after, especially every time I drove by what was once their home. Thankfully, the family was not at home at the time. My dh saw a car in the garage and was worried they were inside. They had two small boys at the time. However, they were on vacation at the time.


My dh's business burned to the ground. He got a call one Wed. night while at church. He went over there and watched as his hard-earned business went up in flames. I was home with sick children and even though I was not there to witness it, I felt soooo sick over it and soooo helpless. He has rebuilt but it has been hard.


A few weeks ago we were cleaning out one of my ds's closets and my dh found burnt matches. My ds admitted to going into his closet (which up until the cleaning was an absolute mess with clothes piled in the closet floor) a couple of months ago and lighting matches! :ohmy::scared::svengo: I about had heart failure! We have talked and talked to our boys about the dangers of fire and that it is not something to play with and absolutely under no circumstances should they be playing with fire in any way and that they should always have adult supervision when using fire of any kind for whatever reason. But this ds of mine is one to be sneaky and push the limit. He has a hard time with obedience. I hope and pray he gets it -SOON - without severe consequences that he can't undo! Lord, help us! And I am thankful that He was looking over us and protecting us in that instance because we had NO IDEA that was going on at the time.


Fire is a devastating thing. Praying for this family!

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