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S/O: Non-income-producing SAHMS

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I'm a SAHM who produces no income. I tried babysitting a little one last school year, but I had to give it up b/c of my own little one's special needs & the attention she requires, not to mention homeschooling duties as well. So, nope, I don't make any money, but I do try to save it.;)

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Just another lazy, no-incomer here! ;) ;) ;)


We live in a very reasonable city. Only one of my homeschooling friends works for money, and honestly, I'm pretty much only friends with other homeschoolers, so I think I have a disproportionate number of non-income-producing friends!

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No income from me right now, although I was tutoring 2 days a week for the last couple years. For the last 12+ years I've worked full time for only a small handful of years but have mostly been at home. The time I worked was absolutely necessary, but I quit working again as soon as I could.


We have a business now that dh runs and I help support him in it.

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Another 100% mother/wife/homemaker here. I actually really, really like the term homemaker on its own terms--my role is to create and maintain a home for my family. I prefer to list "mother" as my occupation on official forms, though, I think it looks very nice on our tax return:tongue_smilie:


We used to live on the West Coast and non-working moms were definitely a rare bread, except in the military community (partly because it is so hard to work a career around a spouse's transfers, deployments, etc.). Cost of living made it really, really hard to get by on one income, but a few of us managed. Now we live closer to the middle of the country and there are a lot more families living off of a single income. It's nice to not be the only mom home during the day!

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I have actually had no career other than being sahm. We were 19 and 20 when we got married, and started with our family a year later. I've had some part time positions here and there, but I've mostly stayed home.

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I don't produce an income and haven't since I was about 6months pregnant with DD (we moved then and I never got a job). However I don't really feel like the odd one out here, since there seem to be a LOT of SAHM's around. I do think there may be fewer when my kids get older and we're spending more time with families with school-aged kids, but right now I'd say 80-90% of the moms around me are SAHM's. I live in upstate NY in a very reasonably priced town.

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I'm about 3 hours northwest of you. I have always been a SAHM and have not worked since I got married. I finished college in December and got married December 30. DH and I both knew we wanted me to be a SAHM. We decided it would be a good idea for me to not work from the beginning because we didn't want to get used to a second income.

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:seeya: I'm a sahm and produce no income. Because of dire current circumstances which will likely continue for the next 2-3 years while my husband is going to nursing school, we are looking at having me finally do something with my massage therapy schooling on a temporary, part-time, by-my-own-rules basis. And I'm also looking at trying to generate at least a little WAHM income online, but we'll see how quickly that blossoms. ;)

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