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Sleepover recovery

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My 2 oldest girls got back from a sleepover today. Both were so irritable and grumpy from the lack of sleep and general craziness. My oldest still doesn't understand (or at least admit to me) why that is unacceptable.


I've considered banning all sleepovers. However, that seems harsh in light of the fact that second dd immediately stopped the grumpiness and apologized for her part of the argument.


For my oldest, she has a birthday party (sleepover) for Friday. I told her that her attendance is contingent on an apology letter detailing why she should not have behaved as she did. (I am making it due tomorrow so that I can RSVP the mother of the birthday child)


However, I need some guidelines for this sleepover thing. Coming home and sleeping all day is not an option, since my kids have farm responsibilities that must be done, and getting their sleep cycles out of whack is no good.



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When my daughter wants to have friend spend the night she is not allowed to be extra crabby the next day due to not sleeping. All chores must be completed without arguement or complaint THEN they are allowed to rest extra.

We do not have farm chores but have many pets and dogs with lots of daily training, different walking needs and cages/litterboxes that are cleaned a few times per day.

I will ignore some crabbiness to myself but she is NOT allowed to be crabby to her brother at all! If she loses her temper with him then she has to do his chores for the day and he can play or rest at will or many times in his case help her with the chores anyway:001_huh:.

Interested in hearing how this turns out for you!

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This used to happen to us. I finally talked to my kids about it, and told them that they needed to get some sleep (at least 4 hours). I also started talking to the hosting parents, who were always accommodating. I'm sure they loved me being the bad guy when they announced at 2AM - "Mrs OC Mom says you all need to go to sleep now!"

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I have found that feeding a protein-heavy breakfast seems to help with the grumpies, too. DD18 does quite a few sleep-overs with her friends (excuse to stay up late!) and recovers better with a ham and cheese sandwich than with a donut....

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My 2 oldest girls got back from a sleepover today. Both were so irritable and grumpy from the lack of sleep and general craziness. My oldest still doesn't understand (or at least admit to me) why that is unacceptable.


I've considered banning all sleepovers. However, that seems harsh in light of the fact that second dd immediately stopped the grumpiness and apologized for her part of the argument.


For my oldest, she has a birthday party (sleepover) for Friday. I told her that her attendance is contingent on an apology letter detailing why she should not have behaved as she did. (I am making it due tomorrow so that I can RSVP the mother of the birthday child)


However, I need some guidelines for this sleepover thing. Coming home and sleeping all day is not an option, since my kids have farm responsibilities that must be done, and getting their sleep cycles out of whack is no good.




Is there a day they get off from chores? I don't see how you could control the sleepover if it is not at your house as far as making sure she gets rest. If my daughter goes on a sleepover when she comes home she knows to do her chores but that only takes about half an hour then she can sleep all she wants. That is kind of the fun in sleepovers.

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My daughter is only 10 and she can have sleepovers as often as she wants with the kids whose parents make them get sleep (going to bed around 9-10), while with the kids where they're up all night we only schedule them on days where she can take a long nap the next day.


That might be a little harsh, but it's the reality. She really needs her sleep and does get incredibly cranky. So far it's worked out, because I've been able to connect with her close friends' parents and problem-solve.


I like the idea of a hearty meal when they get home, too!


All the best!

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I just think life's too short to not give a day off now and then.

Sleepovers are so fun--some of my best memories of childhood were sleepover-related. Giving a little now and then--seems ok to me.

I'm not saying no chores the next day, but maybe a little less, a nap, and a relaxed day. Once in a while seems fine to me.

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