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Excercise thread 7/1-7/7

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Good morning,


How's everyone doing? The year is half over so if you've been exercising all this time then give yourself a pat on the back (ala Denise Austen :D).


Yesterday I did nothing. Didn't even clean the house. I sat and read all day. :001_smile:


This morning I ran for 30 min and then did the lower body workout of Crunch: Total Sculpt. Then I vacuumed.


Now for a nice mug of tea, and start lessons.


Negin, You researched ballet type dvds. Do you have any you really like?

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Hello there. I've never posted on this thread - I'm more of a lurker on the Hive, though slowly getting my feet wet. Hope you don't mind if I join in.


I did a Canada Day 10km race yesterday. It was pretty hot, even at 8am, but I managed to keep a nice steady pace. I finished in 49:30.


I'm training for my first marathon in October, and am currently doing a marathon training program with The Running Room, a Canadian everything-running store. I'm very nervous about being able to run for 4 hours and survive, so I'm trying really hard to build up my training as smart and safe as possible.


Anyway, I'm glad to share running success stories with other runners and exercise types, as most of my extended family and friends think I'm weird. :tongue_smilie:

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I am very excited. Last night we went out to dinner and I wore a pair of jeans I have not worn for a year. I put on this 5 pounds and it is TORTURE taking it off!! I finally buckled down about getting back in to my normal workouts and the pay off is motivating.

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I finished week 3 of the C25K this morning. Ended up walking a tad too much between one interval but to my defense there was a dog trailing me, I am a big chicken and his tail wasn't waving. No way I was going to take off jogging. But, finished all the intervals just the same!


Yesterday was my off day and I read ALL day. It was lovely but today my house is paying for it!

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Yesterday I did a 7 mile run.


Today was Insanity: Plyo Circuit + 20 minutes of Flirty Girl Booty Beat, which is probably going to be a part of my daily routine this week, as I've got a whole new set of choreography to commit to muscle memory before Friday. :lol:

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I'm baaaack. Sort of.


I am only doing upper body right now. It's been two weeks since my hernia surgery. I go back for my follow-up on Monday. I can do NO abs for at least another 3 - 4 weeks. At least not things that target abs. I am a bit leary of doing squats and lunges at this point as well. But yesterday and today I did Jackie Warner's Power Circuit Training - just the 15 minute upper body routine. Out of town until Monday. At that point I plan to add in her lower body segment as well. Lightened my weights on the upper body stuff. Just have to ease back into things. But at least I am doing something.

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I'm baaaack. Sort of.


I am only doing upper body right now. It's been two weeks since my hernia surgery. I go back for my follow-up on Monday. I can do NO abs for at least another 3 - 4 weeks. At least not things that target abs. I am a bit leary of doing squats and lunges at this point as well. But yesterday and today I did Jackie Warner's Power Circuit Training - just the 15 minute upper body routine. Out of town until Monday. At that point I plan to add in her lower body segment as well. Lightened my weights on the upper body stuff. Just have to ease back into things. But at least I am doing something.



Just take it easy. How about walking? I would just walk a lot.

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I'm sort of on a partial forum break for reading and curriculum planning.

But I've kept up my exercise.


Sunday-Ran 4.5 miles

Monday-worked, no running, but was on my feet most of the day.

Tuesday-Ran 4 miles (1.5 on the flat, 3.5 which included six hills)

Wednesday-Loafed around, those hills about did me in.

Today-ran 3 miles. It got hot early today and I didn't feel so well.


I need to work on getting up my mileage, but that may have to wait until some of this morning heat breaks.

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I suppose I could go walk at a mall or something, butbitvis too dang hot to be outside.


I walk 4.5 to 6 miles at 5:30 in the morning, before it gets too hot out here. That's usually tolerable, but it was 86 even at that time once last week! If it's too hot or lightning out, I like a nice air conditioned treadmill with a movie on the tv in front of it. :001_smile:

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Wow, haven't posted in here in a bit. Wednesday I took off, with it being the 4th and all, but we still did quiet a bit of walking! Yesterday I did Zumba, and this morning I did 40 minutes of Flirty Girl, and will do another 40 minutes tonight.

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