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Anyone else VERY excited about next year?


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Just found out I don't have to work full time, just some night waitressing!! SO YES!!! I am super excited. I feel like this is my best planned year ever. So excited about what we are starting (TOG, MCT, Writer's Jungle, Latin) and what we are continuing (WP Animals for Science, MUS, Phonetic Zoo). Now to start planning (my favorite part!). Woohoo!! :D:D:D

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I'm excited! This will be the first year we will not be moving or having a baby! Woo hoo!!!

:cheers2: Me too!


I am ridiculously excited for next year. Thanks to The Thread, we are taking a somewhat different approach to school next year. I am reimplementing Circle Time (morning basket), making history and science interest led, and using a lit based unit study (History of the Horse) with my dd. And no new babies or moves this year. Ahhh. I spent last weekend finalizing my plans and I am SO EXCITED!:D

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:cheers2: Me too!


I am ridiculously excited for next year. Thanks to The Thread, we are taking a somewhat different approach to school next year. I am reimplementing Circle Time (morning basket), making history and science interest led, and using a lit based unit study (History of the Horse) with my dd. And no new babies or moves this year. Ahhh. I spent last weekend finalizing my plans and I am SO EXCITED!:D


We're doing interest led history and science too, alongside the Narnia lit study!

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I am! :seeya:


Tomorrow I order our planners and organize Gardening Wizardry for Kids (http://www.amazon.com/Gardening-Wizardry-Kids-Patricia-Kite/dp/0812013174) into a year long experience.

I've been wanting to do that gardening book since someone here turned me on to it a few years ago. I don't care if it's on the younger side for my kids. It looks like fun!!



Getting very excited!


Helena, care to share how you will making this book into a year long experience. We garden but my kids don't participate much and I'd like to encourage it a little more in a fun way!

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I am really excited too!!! I have received almost all of our new curriculum for the upcoming school year and I love the looks of everything I have chosen. I am wanting to start back so bad, but I know my kids need the summer for a break. My kids were so burned out by our old curriculum and it has been really neat to see them getting excited when the new boxes arrive with their new things for next year. I just hope everything meets or exceeds our expectations.



same here! Only I decided to go to a year round schedule so we states this week. Loving mfw adventures so far! Do much nicer than one worksheet after the next.

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We are so excited to start of preschool year. We've been tinkering around with a less formal preschool this past year (at my daughters request). We had a lot of fun.


I've ordered our books and now they are starting to trickle in. I think my Reading Rainbow order comes today. Very excited! We are going to use FIAR vol 1, OPGTR, Saxon K, and R&S preschool. Obviously not all done on the same day. But I've set out a nice schedule to slowly work through our stuff. It's going to be fun. My daughter is very excited. As she has seen our books coming in she keeps asking when we are starting. She's also going to start a pre--dance class that will be once a week. Just for fun.


It's going to be a great year. It'll be a nice laid back year to get us used to homeschooling so where ready for Kindergarten.

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:cheers2: Me too!


I am ridiculously excited for next year. Thanks to The Thread, we are taking a somewhat different approach to school next year. I am reimplementing Circle Time (morning basket), making history and science interest led, and using a lit based unit study (History of the Horse) with my dd. And no new babies or moves this year. Ahhh. I spent last weekend finalizing my plans and I am SO EXCITED!:D




Will you elaborate on how interest led history and science will work? I'm leaning heavily in this direction but don't know what it looks like.

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Will you elaborate on how interest led history and science will work? I'm leaning heavily in this direction but don't know what it looks like.


He-he. It will not be anything fancy.


So "the plan" is that on Friday after our circle time my 2 oldest need to pick at least 1 history and 1 science book to read from either off our shelf or I will pick some out from library. I have a shelf full of TOG history books and just bought a bunch of the COFA (Childhood of Famous Americans) series. I have some science, but not near as many. I made a word doc. with ideas for each subject in case they draw a blank. I used the lists from Paula's archives to generated ideas. science and history


Part of our circle time on each Friday will be to Freewrite (a'la Bravewriter) about one of their topics. I then plan to use Draw Write Now for them to make an illustration to go along with their freewrite. These will go in a notebook and my oldest will get to choose one each month to edit and revise. On that week we will ditch our regular language arts to just focus on revising.


Clear as mud?

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He-he. It will not be anything fancy.


So "the plan" is that on Friday after our circle time my 2 oldest need to pick at least 1 history and 1 science book to read from either off our shelf or I will pick some out from library. I have a shelf full of TOG history books and just bought a bunch of the COFA (Childhood of Famous Americans) series. I have some science, but not near as many. I made a word doc. with ideas for each subject in case they draw a blank. I used the lists from Paula's archives to generated ideas. science and history


Part of our circle time on each Friday will be to Freewrite (a'la Bravewriter) about one of their topics. I then plan to use Draw Write Now for them to make an illustration to go along with their freewrite. These will go in a notebook and my oldest will get to choose one each month to edit and revise. On that week we will ditch our regular language arts to just focus on revising.


Clear as mud?

I love it! :001_smile: Thanks for sharing your ideas and the links. Where did you purchase your COFA books? Are you selecting books from any and all time periods or do you have a particular era you are working in?


I like the looks of BF's History of the Horse. The boys and I have been discussing it off and on for awhile now. :001_smile:

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I love it! :001_smile: Thanks for sharing your ideas and the links. Where did you purchase your COFA books? Are you selecting books from any and all time periods or do you have a particular era you are working in?


I like the looks of BF's History of the Horse. The boys and I have been discussing it off and on for awhile now. :001_smile:


I bought the COFA books from Amazon. They are on the 4 for 3 plan so I got about 30 books. I have since learned that the originals had timelines and projects in the back. It may be worth it to hunt those down if you are up for it.


I did try to find a representative selection from each time period. I used this list from Paula's archives again. I also made it a point to get a few women biographies from each time period because my dd has been complaining that we study too many men. :D

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I'm really looking forward to the fall! My plans are all coming together nicely, and the kids are excited too, which is awesome!


We're going to be integrating an Afternoon [Morning] Basket, and I'm creating my own Narnia study. Lots of good literature to funnel into this study! Running everything loosely off this schedule.


Last point of contention is once-weekly history... down to three options, all vintage:

1. Builders of the Old World (world history up to Age of Exploration)

2. The Rainbow Book of American History (which dd loves the looks of)

3. Various Landmark and World Landmark books depending on child interest.


I know I'll figure this out before too long! Anyhow, I'm content with the rest, and looking forward to it.


Are you excited about your plans?



Well, I wasn't very excited before, but after reading the posts in this thread, I can feel the excitement building. Thanks so much for posting about your morning basket, I took notes and am thinking of trying it in a few weeks to help ease us into school

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I bought the COFA books from Amazon. They are on the 4 for 3 plan so I got about 30 books. I have since learned that the originals had timelines and projects in the back. It may be worth it to hunt those down if you are up for it.


I did try to find a representative selection from each time period. I used this list from Paula's archives again. I also made it a point to get a few women biographies from each time period because my dd has been complaining that we study too many men. :D


Thanks Tracy! :001_smile:

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As nervous as I am and as unprepared as I feel, I'm actually quite excited. :)


Mary Ellen



This is how I feel. I'm very excited, but for the first time ever, I'm very indecisive on some subjects. Typically I have everything purchased no later than May (sometimes Feb. or March!) and this year I still have to figure out grammar, math, and writing for my oldest. :glare:

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I am excited, but I also feel unprepared and nervous. I am excited about trying my new custom daily planner I made on MS Word and using it to plan my year in advance, which I've never done before. I've always tried to follow a SL IG or something like that (and end up dropping it halfway through the year). I think me planning it out myself will work so much better for a lot of reasons. I'm really hopeful that this year will be my "we can do this" year where I really figure out my organizing and planning and executing.


On the other hand, I just found out I'm pregnant a few days ago. :tongue_smilie: I am due March 10 so I am freaking out a bit about how ridiculously tired I will be, and how I'm going to take time out in March to have the baby and recover and still get all our school days in AND have a summer break. Not sure how to work that out, but we'll see.


So I have mixed feelings I guess. I'm excited with a side of hesitation. :lol:

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I'm excited! After several false starts with other curricula, I've decided to stick with what works best for us: Ambleside Online. :) I'm planning out our entire year, including projects, experiments, crafts, etc. That's where I was slacking off and feeling like I needed something already planned out for me when I stepped away from AO. I was right, I did need a plan. Just not someone else's plan! :lol:


I'm a little nervous about having to keep official records for 2 students for the first time, but I'm confident with my plan, so it shouldn't be a huge transition.

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On the other hand, I just found out I'm pregnant a few days ago. :tongue_smilie: I am due March 10 so I am freaking out a bit about how ridiculously tired I will be, and how I'm going to take time out in March to have the baby and recover and still get all our school days in AND have a summer break. Not sure how to work that out, but we'll see.


So I have mixed feelings I guess. I'm excited with a side of hesitation. :lol:

FWIW, that is sort of what happened to me last fall (baby due early March) and it made me work harder at getting things done earlier/more focused. We were almost done with our main cirriculum by March, and we just dabbled after that.



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We are moving into the Logic stage so lots of new. Logic, Latin, more focus on writing across the curriculum. I'm excited, I don't think the boys have a clue:tongue_smilie: Still have some curriculum to purchase but at least I know what I want to purchase and then continue to enter it all in homeschool skedtrack.

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