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Are California Achievement Tests from Seton considered "Good enough?"

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Depends on why you're doing them, I suppose. Are you hoping for some useful information or are you just doing it to satisfy regulations?


Personally, I find the CAT a good test to determine where my kids weaknesses are. I do, however, use the most recently normed test. I've never used Seton, so I'm not sure when it was normed.

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Depends on what you want out of a standardized test.


For me, it is just a legal hoop I have to jump through in grades 3, 5, & 8. it is the easiest to administer, and the least expensive. So now I have a $25 piece of paper to stick in my child's portfolio. :glare:


No standardized test has ever told me anything I didn't already know.

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It satisfies a requirement for me, so yes. I used the IOWA with my eldest. Neither test has ever surprised me. I know what they know because I teach them, check their work, etc. If testing were not required, I would not test annually.


All three boys have done well. I don't think eldest ever fell below 92 % overall on IOWA, and the younger boys have all been the same (this year 97% and 93%). Perhaps the younger ones wouldn't do as well on the IOWA, but how much worse could it get, really? Ben's math scores were 99%. It doesn't really worry me, IYKWIM.

Edited by nestof3
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Depends on what you want out of a standardized test.


For me, it is just a legal hoop I have to jump through in grades 3, 5, & 8. it is the easiest to administer, and the least expensive. So now I have a $25 piece of paper to stick in my child's portfolio. :glare:


No standardized test has ever told me anything I didn't already know.


:iagree: Especially the bolded. Except in my state we have to test or portfolio every year.

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The one from Seton is very easy and behind several years, imo. And we are not that academic here.



I use it to go through the hoops for state testing, but it is not the bar I want to set for my children's education, iykwim.

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We use it. No, it doesn't tell me anything I don't already know. It does 2 things: it satisfies the state and lets the dc acclimate to the timed, fill-the-bubble test experience. It is not a difficult test, but dd who is slower and more methodical, has come up against that timer, and she is learning to balance that time better.



ETA: Dd has scored in the 89th-94th percentile in the 3 other times she has taken this test. We are waiting on this year's results. Ds has only taken the test one time before and he did not do as well, but the reasons had nothing to do with the test.

Edited by jewellsmommy
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