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Has anyone ever read "The Heart of Anger"?

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We used to go to church with the author. The book has some good practical applications, and the heart journaling is helpful. He recommends parents read the book first and apply the principles to themselves. There's a workbook available, too, but I haven't seen it.



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I have read it and also recommend it. We didn't really have sever anger issues, but parts of it were still helpful. A good companion book is "Stop the Whinning, Complaining, and Arguing in You and Your Kids." Or at least the title is close to that.

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I read it 5 years ago or so, very good. I really like The Young Peacemaker too.


It really hit home for me and some of my own issues as well as those dealing with my kids. We do not have significant anger issues but I was able to see how I contribute to conflict. (Sometimes the obvious needs to be pointed out!):)


We also used the Young Peacemaker and thought it was worthwhile. In fact we did it twice. Once when the kids were quite young and again maybe a year or two ago.

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I've read it. I didn't like it. I prefer "Kids In Danger" by Ross Campbell (coauthor of Five Love Languages for Children).


A good companion book is "Stop the Whinning, Complaining, and Arguing in You and Your Kids." Or at least the title is close to that.


Could you mean Say Goodbye to Whining, Complaining, and Bad Attitudes...in You and Your Kids ? Great authors of parenting books. They have one on anger, too:


Good and Angry: Exchanging Frustration for Character in You and Your Kids!

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Could you mean Say Goodbye to Whining, Complaining, and Bad Attitudes...in You and Your Kids ? Great authors of parenting books. They have one on anger, too:


Good and Angry: Exchanging Frustration for Character in You and Your Kids!


Yep, that's exactly what I was trying to come up with. Thanks!:hurray:

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