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Another CO Wildfire

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There is now anther CO wildfire. This one is near Colorado Springs and is being called the Pyramid Mountain Fire. It is now being reported at 600 acres. Some areas are being evacuated. I can't even imagine :( Is anyone here impacted?




I meant to include that the fire is at Waldo Canyon, an area with hiking trails. It is near Manitou and west of Garden of the Gods.

Edited by SJ.
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We're not impacted at this time (we're about 15 min. north of CS), but I can see huge clouds of smoke above Pikes Peak and even smell the smoke every now and then. I'm standing in my yard right now looking at the mountain and the smoke seems to be getting worse by the minute...


Hope other hive members in the area are ok!


ETA: I just looked at the evacuation zone. I have friends who live in that area, and my mom lives about 10 min. from there. :-(

Edited by Dandelion
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We're not impacted at this time (we're about 15 min. north of CS), but I can see huge clouds of smoke above Pikes Peak and even smell the smoke every now and then. I'm standing in my yard right now looking at the mountain and the smoke seems to be getting worse by the minute...


Hope other hive members in the area are ok!


ETA: I just looked at the evacuation zone. I have friends who live in that area, and my mom lives about 10 min. from there. :-(


I'm sorry to hear that. I hope they get it under control soon. The mayor just announced that all west side residents need to be prepared to evacuate. This is so awful.

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I have several hs friends in the area-it's blowing up fast.


They lost control of the High Park fire again...


I hope your friends are ok and their homes remain safe.


I just can't believe these fires this year. I have only been here for 12 years and I remember fires pretty much every year but not like this. Bah.


I am very thankful that I live in the NE of CSprings but I feel very helpless on behalf of everyone personally impacted by these fires.

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I'm sorry to hear that. I hope they get it under control soon. The mayor just announced that all west side residents need to be prepared to evacuate. This is so awful.


Thanks. And yes, it looks like everyone west of I-25 has been asked to be on alert for possible evacuation. I can't even fathom a mass evacuation like that - hope it doesn't come to that.



I am very thankful that I live in the NE of CSprings but I feel very helpless on behalf of everyone personally impacted by these fires.


Same here - we live in Black Forest. It is a helpless feeling. The article you linked mentioned shelters being set up at a few local schools - I wonder whether they need supplies (canned foods, blankets, etc.)? Off to see whether the local news channels have any info on that - might be one way to help out in a small way...

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And another....


There's a 20 acre fire burning just outside the Beaver Meadows entrance to Rocky Mountain National Park. It started as a house fire, but jumped to the forest. It has destroyed 16 homes so far.


Prayers for everyone in the Springs.


It's going to be a long summer.

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And another....


There's a 20 acre fire burning just outside the Beaver Meadows entrance to Rocky Mountain National Park. It started as a house fire, but jumped to the forest. It has destroyed 16 homes so far.


Prayers for everyone in the Springs.


It's going to be a long summer.


Another fire!? That is terrible. Indeed, it will be.


This picture was taken from my backyard. We're just outside the voluntary evacuation areas.


I hope you continue to stay outside the evacuation areas. They are reporting that the winds are in our favor.


is there an online map that shows the progress of the fire(s)?


I don't think there is one. From listening to the news this afternoon/evening:

- the fire is around 1000 acres and is on US Forest Service land

- about 250 homes in Cascade are in a danger zone

- mandatory evacuation is on the west side of Colorado Springs in the foothills near Garden of the Gods park and Flying W Ranch

- the fire is moving in different directions making it difficult to determine the exact area and difficult to contain

Per KKtV

Officials say the head of the fire is moving towards the northeast, while the tail of the fire is backing to the southwest. The fact that the fire is growing in two different directions is making it difficult for crews to fight. The fire has put up an enormous plume of smoke that can be seen throughout El Paso and Teller counties.




Places under a mandatory evacuation are as follows:


-The Cedar Heights subdivision in the Manitou Springs area

-Gateway to 30th Street, 30th Street north to Centennial, Centennial north to Chuckwagon.

-Cascade area on the north side of Highway 24 from County Line east to Waldo Canyon

Some areas are still under a voluntary evacuation. These include:


-Chipita Park

-Green Mountain Falls


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Same here - we live in Black Forest. It is a helpless feeling. The article you linked mentioned shelters being set up at a few local schools - I wonder whether they need supplies (canned foods, blankets, etc.)? Off to see whether the local news channels have any info on that - might be one way to help out in a small way...


Very true, I will be watching for ways to help.

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Unfortunately the news is reporting that there were around 20 cases of arson in Teller County this past week. The weather department says it is impossible for the fire to be weather related. I just can't fathom what type of person would purposely start a fire*. If that isn't sad enough the CS Gazette reports

7:17 p.m. From Bill Vogrin: Residents of Woodmen Valley report numerous deer and other wildlife running in a panic through the forest.







Fortunately there are many, many good people left in this world. Numerous kennels are offering free boarding and it was reported a family with acreage is offering to house evacuated horses.



*A cause of the fire has not yet been definitively been reported, arson is being speculated on the news.*

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I have a homeschooling friend whose dh is stationed at the academy (I'm not sure quite where they live), and their family has chosen to evacuate down to Peterson. Last I heard, they were having difficulty locating one of their cats as they were packing up and it had the dc very concerned.

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I have a homeschooling friend whose dh is stationed at the academy (I'm not sure quite where they live), and their family has chosen to evacuate down to Peterson. Last I heard, they were having difficulty locating one of their cats as they were packing up and it had the dc very concerned.


I hope they can find their kitty. I couldn't imagine having to leave a pet behind. I'm assuming they aren't in a mandatory evacuation area, if that is the case then they should have time to look for their cat (hopefully).

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75% of DH's family and a huge # of his friends from high school, work, and military are in Colorado Springs. Some have evacuated, some are watching, we're all praying...


my niece was married this past week, and DH's high school class is having a reunion this weekend. He's not there, he had to work, but he's been Facebooking with some of them. Crazy to have this threat hanging over those happy events!

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I wonder whether they need supplies (canned foods, blankets, etc.)? Off to see whether the local news channels have any info on that - might be one way to help out in a small way...

We went through this last year here in SE Texas. I know one of the needs that struck close to home was curriculum. Quite a few families lost all their books and curriculum when there homes burned. :crying:

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Yup, we're about 1/10 mile from the required evacuation line. But we're still home.


It's a real mess this AM. Yesterday, watching the plume of smoke was other-worldly. The wind took it high in the sky. Now, the wind died down over night and now it's "snowing" ash and the air is smoky outside (and somewhat inside as I woke up with NO voice...).


Pray for the people in the evacuation area. One sweet old couple at our church evacuated from a neighborhood that has had small flash fires. No homes damaged but they'll be the first to get damage if it does happen.


Anyway, this is the closest I've been to a fire for this long.


Eagle Lake is a Christian camp run by The Navigators. My kids went there years ago and it's a beautiful camp. The fire is less than a mile from them. Our neighbor's two kids were signed up to go there this week and last night, camp was cancelled.


This fire is so much smaller than the big one in Ft Collins. But it's close to home.


The firefighters need prayers, of course.

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Yup, we're about 1/10 mile from the required evacuation line. But we're still home.


It's a real mess this AM. Yesterday, watching the plume of smoke was other-worldly. The wind took it high in the sky. Now, the wind died down over night and now it's "snowing" ash and the air is smoky outside (and somewhat inside as I woke up with NO voice...).


Pray for the people in the evacuation area. One sweet old couple at our church evacuated from a neighborhood that has had small flash fires. No homes damaged but they'll be the first to get damage if it does happen.


Anyway, this is the closest I've been to a fire for this long.


Eagle Lake is a Christian camp run by The Navigators. My kids went there years ago and it's a beautiful camp. The fire is less than a mile from them. Our neighbor's two kids were signed up to go there this week and last night, camp was cancelled.


This fire is so much smaller than the big one in Ft Collins. But it's close to home.


The firefighters need prayers, of course.


Wow, Bassoonaroo that sounds almost apocalyptic. Hopefully the firefighters are going to be able to keep fighting the fire away from structures. You are right, it is close to home.


I have many friends who are being evacuated. The Springs is my home town and my family still lives there. My mom's house is receiving a covering of ash. My friends in Manitou recevied a reverse 911 call and have been told to evacuate.


I just found out about Manitou. I can't imagine being called or having someone knock on my door in the middle of the night because my family needs to evacuate our home.

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is there an online map that shows the progress of the fire(s)?



There is a map of the Waldo Canyon Fire that the El Paso County Sheriff used during a news conference last night posted to facebook. The dark spot is the fire and the shaded area are the areas in danger (I think). I'm sure it is different by now since the fire has grown by 500 acres and more neighborhoods have been evacuated.

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