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SN Success! How my DD is teaching me.

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Anyone else ever feel as if you spend your entire life trying to teach the basics, and forget that these kids are working their tails off to do even the simplest of tasks?


My 9 year old (dyslexia, ADD, poor working memory, vestibular & sensory disorders) finally learned to ride her bike this morning. I rejoiced with her, but also had a major revelation. SHE IS WORKING HARD, even when I can't see it ~ Even when our days are a tailspin of battles over buttons or pencil-grip ~ Even when I have to re-teach addition for the zillionth time. She is working hard, and I don't give her enough credit.


I am amazed by her persistence. Here are the photos and the rest of my thoughts if you want the entire story.


Oh, and please excuse any wacky formatting - I am currently switching over to Wordpress and it is only halfway completed.

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And then after working and working on a task and finally giving up.......they get it.


My 16dd has many special needs and has been in OT since she was 2. Finally last year we took shoe tying off her goals as she just wasn't getting it and was very frustrated. Thankfully there are many cute slip on styles, bungie laces, etc. so it really wasn't an issue for her.


Well.....just a few days ago she grabbed a pair of nice leather hiking boots, put them on, tied them, and headed out the door........while I am calling to her "who taught you to tie your shoes?" and she just responded, "I did" and went on her way.


Now I can go back to shopping for clearance shoes that do have laces :-)

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Thanks for the encouragement! My 10 yo is still not riding a bike....it's so wonderful to hear that some kids get it!


Maybe he's right on the cusp! My dd was around that age (10-11) when she finally got to where she could stay up on a bike. I want to get her a custom bike when she stops growing to see if that helps. They can size the frame and the tires separately to make it fit them better. She's rather tall and shortwaisted, so I think it may help. Also, newer bikes have much wider tires than the 1950's bike she's riding right now. But the bike I want for her is $350-400 and has to wait till she stops growing. Then I consider it pretty much a lifetime purchase.

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It is those simple things that others seem to take for granted isn't it? :D My 9 year old is still learning to ride a bike, he'll likely be much older than the norm when he's able to do it confidently---the motor planning involved to coordinate pedaling and steering and balancing is really difficult for him. He's also learning to jump rope. AND he can finally jump off a ledge with both feet together nearly all of the time. He's dx'ed pdd-nos/ocd/spd. Our biggest challenges have been in the physical realms---motor planning, proprioceptive, motor apraxia, oral sensitivity.


I still remember last summer when he started soccer and he was so nervous and even though his team lost and I saw a lot of parents groaning while packing up, I had tears in my eyes because he managed to line up and high five every child on the other team without looking worried. Loss for everyone else---big win for us. He's also in karate where they do some self defense type activities and he partners up and spars without a problem. These kiddos really are working hard at things that are usually taken for granted.

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Maybe he's right on the cusp!


I was thinking the exact same thing. I had basically given up hope of my DD ever learning, and then she proved me wrong. Who knows what will happen tomorrow!

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