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tattoo women/people unite!!!!

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Thanks for sharing mamas. Beautiful stories. I don't have any tats (too chicken), but I don't think they're trashy either. They have meaning for the person who has gotten it.


I've wanted to get one in honor of my children, but I'm so un-creative, that I'm afraid it would end up looking like junk. Sad, but true (did I mention that I fear pain lolol).

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I have a tattoo.


Most people upon meeting me irl would NEVER guess that this skirt wearing, headcovering, homechurching, homeschooling housewife has a tattoo. :D


It's a small heart, about 1-1 1/2 inches. Red with a black border. Very simple. On my left shoulder blade. No one EVER sees it anymore but my dh.


I got it when I was 19. The *reason* I got it was just to prove to myself that I could do something that I was terrified to do. I guess at that point in my life, I needed to feel strong; and for some reason, being able to get a tattoo was terrifying for a number of reasons, so I did it.


I didn't read much of the other threads. If someone wants to judge me as something based on the fact that I have a tattoo, well, that's their perogative. I find it sad, but whatever. I've been judged for much worse. :tongue_smilie:


Well, knock me over with a feather. :D You are correct, I would have NEVER guessed that. Even though I will never get a tattoo I certainly don't think it is some immoral choice. So.....no judgment here.

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I will say that often those 'lowly' people so many here seem scared to be associated with are the best people. They will come help you in a heartbeat. They don't care what others think, so you can truly be yourself with and not be judged. And they often are wiser than you would judge them to be. Dh has a white collar job so our circles are often the same kind of people. But the few people we know outside of that circle are really good people. And I wish people wouldn't judge on style. Hair color, piercings, job, tattoos. People don't have to fit your ideal to be good people. I wish the judgement of the other thread wasn't there. but it shows what people really think around here. :001_huh:



This is so true.


I have enjoyed reading each of your stories. If I see someone with a tat, I always want to ask what the story is behind it. I LOVE people's stories. If people would just ASK, I don't know how they could ever judge.

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I don't have any but have always wanted one. I even have the design in my head - DH and I are both anthropological geneticists and joke that our kids are our little cloning experiments. So, if I get one it will be a strand on DNA, but instead of the usual letters that make up the genetic code (ATCG) I would have the first letters of our 4 kids names (SXCL). There are two things holding me back; 1) I am not sure if we are done having children and where would i put their initials, and 2) I have no idea where I would want it on my body.


The greatest tattoo I have ever seen IRL was a very petite, feminine girl with flowing long hair who liked to dress in back-baring hippy style dresses at the University I went to for grad school. When she would put her hair up, her whole back was covered in angel's wings that were spread and open (I am not sure how the artist managed it). It was exquisite work and looked just breathtaking on her. I definitely do not have the guts to do that.

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OK, NOW I want a tattoo like hers!! :D


Me too, LOL. There's going to be a influx of folk demanding Harry Potter-inspired tattoos, haha.


I don't have any, but I have my wishlist. :D DH and I have always loved them and used to go to book stores and browse the ink magazines before we had kiddos. If I had the $, I'd get:

1. wedding band tat

2. script of "Esse quam videri" somewhere, wrist maybe. It's Latin meaning "To be, rather than to seem." It also happens to be my state motto, haha, but that had no bearing on the choice...

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I have two black tattoos. A small one on each shoulder. I want to get a large one between my shoulder blades but I lost my inspiration photo and it's going to cost more money than I'd like to spend at the moment.


It was similar to this




Just the tree, in black, straight trunk, lots of curly limbs.


I grew up low class (nobody in my "tacky" family had tattoos), have owned several businesses and last worked as an insurance broker. My husband has a large eagle on his arm and a smaller colourful one dedicated to me elsewhere. He also grew up low class and has worked many different jobs including as a legal assistant to a human rights lawyer (he got to go the a UN conference in NY) and as a manager of a non-profit theatre company.


I love colourful tattoos but am afraid to commit to one (worried about fading). I had a friend that had a really nice green gecko near her groin. So cute.

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I am one of those people who would have never guessed that you would have a tattoo. You go girl. :) I love the story behind why you got it. :) And btw, I would never judge you for it! hehe :tongue_smilie:


Well, knock me over with a feather. :D You are correct, I would have NEVER guessed that. Even though I will never get a tattoo I certainly don't think it is some immoral choice. So.....no judgment here.


You gals are great. :D Look, if I could go back in time, I don't know; maybe I wouldn't have done it. But I needed to at that time for ME.

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I have two black tattoos. A small one on each shoulder. I want to get a large one between my shoulder blades but I lost my inspiration photo and it's going to cost more money than I'd like to spend at the moment.


It was similar to this




Just the tree, in black, straight trunk, lots of curly limbs.



I love that tree! That's a really cool design. :)


You gals are great. :D Look, if I could go back in time, I don't know; maybe I wouldn't have done it. But I needed to at that time for ME.


:grouphug::grouphug: Awww that stage in your life is part of the path that got you to this current one. No need to apologize for that. I think you're great just the way you are. :)

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I have two black tattoos. A small one on each shoulder. I want to get a large one between my shoulder blades but I lost my inspiration photo and it's going to cost more money than I'd like to spend at the moment.


It was similar to this




Just the tree, in black, straight trunk, lots of curly limbs.


I grew up low class (nobody in my "tacky" family had tattoos), have owned several businesses and last worked as an insurance broker. My husband has a large eagle on his arm and a smaller colourful one dedicated to me elsewhere. He also grew up low class and has worked many different jobs including as a legal assistant to a human rights lawyer (he got to go the a UN conference in NY) and as a manager of a non-profit theatre company.


I love colourful tattoos but am afraid to commit to one (worried about fading). I had a friend that had a really nice green gecko near her groin. So cute.


The tree tattoo on my wrist looks very very similar to this picture!

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