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little house series?

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Hi! I think you could read Farmer Boy first, especially if you think that might get boys hooked into the series. It's about the childhood of the author's husband.


The order for the rest of the books (and I would read them in this order) is:

Little House in the Big Woods

Little House on the Prairie

On the Banks of Plum Creek

By the Shores of Silver Lake

The Long Winter

Little Town on the Prairie

These Happy Golden Years

The First Four Years

On the Way Home

West From Home

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Hi! I think you could read Farmer Boy first, especially if you think that might get boys hooked into the series. It's about the childhood of the author's husband.


The order for the rest of the books (and I would read them in this order) is:

Little House in the Big Woods

Little House on the Prairie

On the Banks of Plum Creek

By the Shores of Silver Lake

The Long Winter

Little Town on the Prairie

These Happy Golden Years

The First Four Years

On the Way Home

West From Home



Thank you!!! I don't know why I could never find this list! We are finishing up LH in the Big Woods and so glad to have the list of where to go next! :)

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Great!! Thank you! You are correct...trying to get my son reeled in :001_smile:


I would think Little House in the Big Woods would be interesting to a boy too even though it's told from Laura's perspective. The things that Pa does and builds and just learning in general how things were made and done back then is fascinating. Well, to me it was anyway. :p hehe


I absolutely love the Little House series. I've read all of them, several of them many times. :)

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My boys loved Farmer Boy. I agree it can be read out of order. Almanzo's adventures really appealed to my sons. They also enjoyed Big Woods but not Prairie. They liked the next 3--Plum Creek, Silver Lake, Long Winter. They were pretty much done by Little Town. Can't remember if we did Golden Years but I didn't read them any of the others. They were about 10 and 7 at the time.

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We are now going through the books for the second time. We stopped at "These Happy Golden Years" since the series can get a bit depressing after that book.


We actually never did the book, "Farmer Boy" last time since my kids hated the name "Almanzo". Before reading the series we did many of the beautiful picture books. Eldest at the time was reading them to himself for school - and hated his name since it was tricky to read.


We will be doing, "Farmer Boy" this time - but still stopping after , "These Happy Golden Years".


We did read another a non-fiction book about Laura Ingalls that was perfect for my boys at the time. It gave us a final ending about Laura and her daughter without the depressing stuff in the various books after, "These Happy Golden Years". It was..., "Praire Girl The Life of Laura Ingalls Wilder".


If you are lucky you can get nice audio versions from your library. My kids liked the fiddle playing. Especially in "Little House on the Prairie". Youngest ended up in Violin lessons for a bit since he was inspired by the music.

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I just want to thank you guys for this thread. We were given this set for Christmas and it's next on our list, after Wind in the Willows. But I hadn't read them as a child so I didn't know about Farmer Boy. Wouldn't you know, this set came with it in it. Yippee! (I was hesitant to start them for my son's sake, too...) ;)



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Great!! Thank you! You are correct...trying to get my son reeled in :001_smile:


That was my guess, since you were asking about Farmer Boy specifically. :) The earlier books in the series will probably be more interesting to boys as well, since, as a PP mentioned, Pa does a ton of cool stuff, plus there's a lot of travel and adventure and building and all. I personally really enjoyed the ones from Little Town on the Prairie onward, but those are more geared toward womanhood, so while there's a lot of good history in them, they're probably not going to hook boys.


And thanks for bringing this up too! The LH books are favorites of mine, as well as DD's, but DS1 probably doesn't remember Farmer Boy, and DS2 will probably love it. We enjoyed Cherry Jones's audio version of some of the later books; I'll have to see if our library has Farmer Boy too.

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The earlier books in the series will probably be more interesting to boys as well, since, as a PP mentioned, Pa does a ton of cool stuff, plus there's a lot of travel and adventure and building and all.


My boys liked the earlier ones. Eldest commented that in the later books, "They sure talk about clothes a lot."


Since we are all vegetarians, they thought almost all the food descriptions extra gross - which I think might have been part of the appeal.

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You could start with either Little House in the Big Woods or Farmer Boy, but it may be helpful to know Farmer Boy is quite a bit longer, which may be relevant or not depending on your DS's age. We've read these both with my 5yr old DS and he liked them both (we read Little House first)

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