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HEAV convention in Richmond Are you going?

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I'm going on Thurs and Friday. First time in like forever that I won't be there all 3 days or at least that is the plan.


I volunteer in the information and security booth on Thurs afternoon. I have been there for about 10 years now.


I may be bringing my youngest with me too, so he can look for something for school.

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I will be there all three days. Info booth.... Will try to find it :-)


It is where the registration tables are, facing them I'm on the right hand side. It is where lost and found is and other how to find things booth.

it is close to the hallway to the exhibit hall.

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Maybe. Just on Saturday for a few hours, tho. I think I'd like to look at curriculum at the used sale. My son lives in Richmond (VCU, on West Broad) so I might say hi to him, too, but I hate driving around and not being sure where I'm going, so I don't know. I have to be back here by 3:30. Argghh.

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Sigh... yes, I will most likely be there. Every year I say "I don't think I'll go this year," but every year I end up going anyways. And every year when I get home, I tell my husband "I don't think I'll go next year."


I will be there to shop only (since none of the 130 workshops apply to me), and my husband will be at home (since I don't want to shop with 5 kids and the theme of the children's program isn't appropriate for my family).

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Well... it's possible. ;)

Ok, admittedly, I'll be there. Though I don't usually say on here where I live... but yeah, and I'm super excited about it. :D I'll be there Friday and Saturday.

Maybe we'll see each other... I'll be the one with a hot pink purse and a tank top on, dragging around a milk crate on a travel luggage rolly-thing... wait.... I think maybe there will be others like me, too... :lol:

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I just saw this. I'm going to be there all three days I think. I only have preschoolers so it was free for me to register and I want to actually put my hands on some of the things I've been reading about.


Any advice for a convention newbie?

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I just saw this. I'm going to be there all three days I think. I only have preschoolers so it was free for me to register and I want to actually put my hands on some of the things I've been reading about.


Any advice for a convention newbie?


Yes! Go to the website and download the speaker handouts for the sessions/workshops you are interested in now. They will not be available at the convention.




Download the schedule and highlight the sessions/workshops you want to attend. Also download a map of the Convention Center and familiarize yourself with the layout of the place. It is very large and occupies two buildings connected by a walkway that goes over a street. It's just nice to have an idea of how to get around and how far apart your workshop locations are, etc.


Also, get to the workshops a little early as seating fills up quickly in some workshops - it's not fun to have to stand or sit on the floor.


Take something to tote your goodies in. It gets tiresome lugging everything by hand. Something along these lines:




I believe they will be selling these as well as tote bags at the HEAV table.


Bring bottled water - it's expensive at the concession, however there are water fountains.


If you decide you want to buy an mp3 CD of all the workshops (especially since some might conflict schedule-wise), buy it at the convention - it's much less expensive that way. Also - you can buy individual sessions (after the convention at a separate website) if you don't think you want the whole convention. Be sure to sign up for the monthly email newsletter (Virginia Homeschool Update) because that is where the information will be announced about where to order those. (the Update is free).




If you are bringing a baby, be sure to step out of the workshop room if she/he begins making noise (even happy noises) so that the recordings are clear for those who will be buying them.



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get a catalog from every booth regardless of your first impression. Go through them Thursday night. Throw away anything you can rule out. Then go back Friday to the places you liked to ask questions.


That's a great idea. Thanks!!


Yes! Go to the website and download the speaker handouts for the sessions/workshops you are interested in now. They will not be available at the convention.


Also, get to the workshops a little early as seating fills up quickly in some workshops - it's not fun to have to stand or sit on the floor.


Take something to tote your goodies in. It gets tiresome lugging everything by hand. Something along these lines:


I believe they will be selling these as well as tote bags at the HEAV table.


Bring bottled water - it's expensive at the concession, however there are water fountains.


If you decide you want to buy an mp3 CD of all the workshops (especially since some might conflict schedule-wise), buy it at the convention - it's much less expensive that way. Also - you can buy individual sessions (after the convention at a separate website) if you don't think you want the whole convention. Be sure to sign up for the monthly email newsletter (Virginia Homeschool Update) because that is where the information will be announced about where to order those. (the Update is free).




If you are bringing a baby, be sure to step out of the workshop room if she/he begins making noise (even happy noises) so that the recordings are clear for those who will be buying them.




Huge help, thank you! I didn't think about bringing something to tote everything around in. And I had no idea you could buy the recordings. I will be doing that since several I am interested in are at the same times. Thank you again!!

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I just saw this. I'm going to be there all three days I think. I only have preschoolers so it was free for me to register and I want to actually put my hands on some of the things I've been reading about.


Any advice for a convention newbie?


The convention bags that they hand out at the very beginning, wait till the end to pick it up. No sense carrying around all that stuff while you shop.


Take address labels so you can put that on things instead of writing your name every time.


I also use a rolling backpack.


I park in the convention center parking for an all day price. It will be more crowded on Thur and Friday so get there early.


Food is expensive there too and crowded. I bring a cooler and leave in my car, take some chairs to sit on and eat in the garage and relax for that time. others have brought blankets and sit out there too.


yes a refillable water container is good. There are water containers through out the area to get water from.


Don't be afraid to talk to those sitting around you. Talk to other people too.


And bring something to write on to take notes and make a shopping list.


IF a vendor really helps you out with making a decision then buy from them. Don't just go online and find it cheaper. A worker is worth his wage.


HEAV's fb page has some other helpful hints too.


I'll be working at the information and security booth on Thurs. So if you get overwhelmed early stop by and say hi. I'll be in jeans and a polo.

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Throw away anything you can rule out.


**GASP** Or you could RECYCLE them... or COMPOST them... or save them to let your toddler cut up and make collages out of... but the rest of the advice is good, and is the way I like to do it. I actually save the catalogs, because often years later I will want to look at it again. I have a huge stack now.


(Adding a note that Tess is my friend, and of course I'm just teasing her, and there is no need to jump all over my case for being mean! :D)

Edited by Colleen in SEVA
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Yes! Go to the website and download the speaker handouts for the sessions/workshops you are interested in now. They will not be available at the convention.




Download the schedule and highlight the sessions/workshops you want to attend. Also download a map of the Convention Center and familiarize yourself with the layout of the place. It is very large and occupies two buildings connected by a walkway that goes over a street. It's just nice to have an idea of how to get around and how far apart your workshop locations are, etc.


Also, get to the workshops a little early as seating fills up quickly in some workshops - it's not fun to have to stand or sit on the floor.


Take something to tote your goodies in. It gets tiresome lugging everything by hand. Something along these lines:



I believe they will be selling these as well as tote bags at the HEAV table.


Bring bottled water - it's expensive at the concession, however there are water fountains.


If you decide you want to buy an mp3 CD of all the workshops (especially since some might conflict schedule-wise), buy it at the convention - it's much less expensive that way. Also - you can buy individual sessions (after the convention at a separate website) if you don't think you want the whole convention. Be sure to sign up for the monthly email newsletter (Virginia Homeschool Update) because that is where the information will be announced about where to order those. (the Update is free).




If you are bringing a baby, be sure to step out of the workshop room if she/he begins making noise (even happy noises) so that the recordings are clear for those who will be buying them.




UGH!!!! I looked EVERYWHERE for one of those!!! :glare: I went TO staples to get one, and of course they didn't have one. And only $24!!!

Sulking... I had to settle for finding a regular rolling luggage carrier thingy and buying a milk crate to bungee cord onto it. :glare:

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The convention bags that they hand out at the very beginning, wait till the end to pick it up. No sense carrying around all that stuff while you shop.


Take address labels so you can put that on things instead of writing your name every time.


I also use a rolling backpack.


I park in the convention center parking for an all day price. It will be more crowded on Thur and Friday so get there early.


Food is expensive there too and crowded. I bring a cooler and leave in my car, take some chairs to sit on and eat in the garage and relax for that time. others have brought blankets and sit out there too.


yes a refillable water container is good. There are water containers through out the area to get water from.


Don't be afraid to talk to those sitting around you. Talk to other people too.

And bring something to write on to take notes and make a shopping list.


IF a vendor really helps you out with making a decision then buy from them. Don't just go online and find it cheaper. A worker is worth his wage.


HEAV's fb page has some other helpful hints too.


I'll be working at the information and security booth on Thurs. So if you get overwhelmed early stop by and say hi. I'll be in jeans and a polo.


I'm terrible at talking to people. Last year a friend and I went, and I'm always the one just perusing everything, not talking to anyone lol... I'm not trying to be rude to others, I just never know exactly how to make small talk with people. Wait... could I be... socially awkward? :svengo: But I went to public school! :D :lol:

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I have a question about parking - where do you guys park? Last year we parked in the convention center parking deck but we only came on Saturday. I'm not clear on what we're supposed to do parking wise, since we'll be there 2 days (1 night)? We're staying at the HGI.


I'm staying at the Marriott so will park there. You don't have to be their guest to park in their lot - not sure what it costs though.


At this webpage under "Parking Guide" there is a downloadable map with all the nearby parking garages highlighted in green:





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I have a question about parking - where do you guys park? Last year we parked in the convention center parking deck but we only came on Saturday. I'm not clear on what we're supposed to do parking wise, since we'll be there 2 days (1 night)? We're staying at the HGI.


I like the convention center parking. I think it is reasonable and you can get to it with out going outside. and as I said above I eat out there.


I don't know if your hotel will have a shuttle or not.

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I like the convention center parking. I think it is reasonable and you can get to it with out going outside. and as I said above I eat out there.


I don't know if your hotel will have a shuttle or not.


We don't need a shuttle...it's extremely close by. ;)

I guess I'm referring more to the overnight part of the parking. I liked the convention center parking last year, too, and it's very reasonably priced, however from what I've seen on the website you can't park there overnight. Which is unfortunate, because even paying for two days there is cheaper than the HGI parking, but there are no specifications regarding anything else.

We were also told we could park on a side street after 4 on Friday for free, but Idk if we want to go to the trouble of moving the car. Idk. Anyway, I was just wondering what others did. :)


ETA: Oh, and I already had printed out the map with the lots and stuff. :) Thanks!

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I'm going. I've been every year for a decade or so. I'm going to stop by the info booth and try to meet you. I'd like to meet some fellow Virginians who frequent the boards.


My advice to the person who was hesitant to meet people: Try asking a brief question such as, "This [curriculum} looks interesting . . . have you used it before?" You can also notice from name tags where people are from and make chit chat about that. "I see you're from [whatever town], I used to live there" or "my family lives there." I have found most other convention attendees to be very friendly.


Hope you all have a great convention!

Edited by lakerks
ETA: p.s. And I hope I get to meet some of you. :-)
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I've been homeschooling for 8 years, and this will be my first time going. So, is one of those rolly carts better than a rolling (small) suitcase? I'm trying to decide if I should get one. :)


I use a rolling backpack that we have. I don't know that I would buy one now unless you think you would use it lots of other places. They are nice, but not necessary if you ask me. HEAV usually has some or another vendor does too if you get there and want one.


I like the back pack because occasionaly the place gets crowded and it is easy to put on and get out of there.


I do have a rolling cart though and I use it in the used curriculum place to load up while I'm just trying to collect the things I need then go sort through it later.


the suitcase is useable a bit harder since you have to unzip it but lots use those too.


THey do run a book drop so that you can drop things off when it gets too much to carry.

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I might be going to shop.

I'd LOVE to meet you guys. Would anyone consider putting their WTM name on their tag, or maybe wearing a bee sticker or something?:D


I was thinking we should do something like that, too! I'd be game to try it (but I don't happen to have any bee stickers).

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I've been homeschooling for 8 years, and this will be my first time going. So, is one of those rolly carts better than a rolling (small) suitcase? I'm trying to decide if I should get one. :)

Well, I can't speak from experience, but I do think that the rolly thing would be easier to manage just for putting stuff in it (particularly at the UCS). I would have had to buy either one, so I just went with that (or my rigged up version, anyway) because I figured I have plenty of conventions in my future I can use it at. :)

I might be going to shop.

I'd LOVE to meet you guys. Would anyone consider putting their WTM name on their tag, or maybe wearing a bee sticker or something?:D


I would do whatever. I think it would be fun to meet people, too. :) Just tell me what to do and I'll do it - user name, bee sticker, etc. :D

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Just wanted to let you all know I will be manning the Notgrass booth most of Friday and Saturday so stop by and say hi! I will be taking breaks at lunchtime and for an hour or two Friday afternoon to shop at the UCS. See you there!


aw that is so sweet of you. I may be looking at Notgrass.


Did they get enough people to help with it?

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aw that is so sweet of you. I may be looking at Notgrass.


Did they get enough people to help with it?


It's going to be mainly me and two other ladies who will be filling in for me on Fri and Sat afternoons for an hour or two - also one young lady who will watch things while I take my kids to lunch.


You know, when you haven't got much money and live in a tiny house, there usually isn't much you can do for folks when they need help. I am just so blessed - beyond measure, really - to finally be able to do something tangible for some people who could use a hand right about now. It's so much better than wishing you could do something but not being able to, kwim? God is good.


I'm a seasoned homeschooler - the only reason I was going to the Convention in the first place was to just see the folks I work with (I am a proofreader for HEAV) and just bask in being some place with a lot of like-minded people for a couple of days. I already have made my curriculum choices for next year and don't really need to go to any workshops. This adds some purpose to the trip and, like I said, it's such a relief and blessing to finally be able to do something instead of sitting at home feeling helpless.

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It's going to be mainly me and two other ladies who will be filling in for me on Fri and Sat afternoons for an hour or two - also one young lady who will watch things while I take my kids to lunch.


You know, when you haven't got much money and live in a tiny house, there usually isn't much you can do for folks when they need help. I am just so blessed - beyond measure, really - to finally be able to do something tangible for some people who could use a hand right about now. It's so much better than wishing you could do something but not being able to, kwim? God is good.


I'm a seasoned homeschooler - the only reason I was going to the Convention in the first place was to just see the folks I work with (I am a proofreader for HEAV) and just bask in being some place with a lot of like-minded people for a couple of days. I already have made my curriculum choices for next year and don't really need to go to any workshops. This adds some purpose to the trip and, like I said, it's such a relief and blessing to finally be able to do something instead of sitting at home feeling helpless.


you are a sweet lady. I know I love going to see people from the convention that I only see this once a year time.



I do need to look for some things. youngest iis very different than oldest so I need to look for somethings for him to do.


I help out as I said in the security booth. I usually stop by and see if they need help during other times. Just to do it.


Do you know if they have someone on Thurs. I don't know much about their stuff. But I do feel for them. hoping some others step up and help out too.


are you still going to the leadership luncheon?

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you are a sweet lady. I know I love going to see people from the convention that I only see this once a year time.



I do need to look for some things. youngest iis very different than oldest so I need to look for somethings for him to do.


I help out as I said in the security booth. I usually stop by and see if they need help during other times. Just to do it.


Do you know if they have someone on Thurs. I don't know much about their stuff. But I do feel for them. hoping some others step up and help out too.


are you still going to the leadership luncheon?


I'm pretty sure they do have someone for Thursday - I think she mentioned it but I wasn't paying that much attention since I won't be arriving until Friday morning. I have other plans for lunch so will not be at the leadership luncheon.

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Can't wait to go! This will be my fourth year. I will try to stop by Notgrass and RightStart. Not sure if I will be there Thursday.


Things I found helpful in the past:

- If you don't have a rolling cart or suitcase, buy a cart at the Rainbow Resource booth

- If you are going to workshops or the keynote, a light sweater can help.

- Pack snacks and a bottle of water.

- Parking is cheaper a few blocks away. If you look at the link to the Convention center posted previously, it shows a map with lots. I like lots 2, 3, or 4 (3 is more expensive). Bring dollar bills.

- Pack a lunch if you are saving pennies.

- If you want to go out, look on P. 13 of the program. http://heav.org/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2012/05/FullProgram2012Small.pdf FYI - The Marriot restaurant is usually mobbed. Ettamae's cafe went out of business.

- For restaurants, as a somewhat local, I have enjoyed the following places: Chez Foushee is a walk but very nice, any of the grills are decent (if you are OK with the bar aspect of the restaurant), Perly's (sandwiches, salads), Positive Vibe Express in the Library of VA (you can grab and go and also help people with disabilities!). I've heard Pasture is good but haven't been. Tarrant's Cafe isn't listed, but it is awesome. Corner of Foushee and Broad, about four blocks from the convention center. That's where I will be if I'm not in line at the UCS :D

- Be prepared for long lines for the cashier at the Used Curriculum Sale. Use the bathroom before shopping. Last year there was a computer glitch and I was in line for an hour. This is when the snack/water/sandwich you pack may be a necessity.

- Enjoy the vibe. As someone who has homeschooled only a few years, going to convention is a great time for me to be encouraged and enlightened. Hope it is the same for everyone else!


Maybe I'll see you there! Off to find a bee sticker....

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FYI--further down Broad St (west, past Belvidere) is the VCU Seigel Center, where there will be graduations Friday and Saturday. Busy!


Also, just remembered that the Biblioplan ladies are Virginians and will have a booth!

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FYI--further down Broad St (west, past Belvidere) is the VCU Seigel Center, where there will be graduations Friday and Saturday. Busy!


Also, just remembered that the Biblioplan ladies are Virginians and will have a booth!


If you go down W Broad, there's a Chipotle and a Panera--Just cross Belvedere, take your first left at the light (before Siegal Center), and you'll see them on the right.


(And wave to ds. He lives above the nail shop...:D)

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