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Any suggestions to use for an 8yo who loves workbooks?


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We took our kids out of public school when my DD8 was halfway through 2nd grade. She told me today that she loves workbooks, loves filling in the blanks, etc.


I don't intend to switch everything over to workbooks, but if she could have some that are actually useful and not just busywork it would be great!


I am wondering what people have used that they feel is still challenging and interesting that comes in a workbook format? I am interested in any subjects available for 3rd grade.



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these are all basically independent type workbooks .... with only occasional or minimal help from mom


daily grams {we work a grade ahead}


map skills wkbk [like steck vaughn]


critical thinking co books such as mind benders, building thinking skills, math analogies, a few others ....


prufrock press logic books {primarily logic, logic countdown, etc}


explode the code


daily paragraph editing or editor in chief


beyond the code {?}


growing with grammar {i think}


vocabulary from classical roots {no personal experience with this yet}


copywork! that's a subject unto itself. :) i *heart* copy work.


rand mcnally makes these road trip map activity books. my mom purchased several for our kids before a road trip. they are basically just random fun activities all centered around geo. themes. my kids worked on them a bit during our trip only, since they weren't intended as a school-desk purchase.


hth, or at least gets your wheels a'turning.

Edited by greenmamato3
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My kids have really liked the BrainQuest workbooks. We use them for a change of pace, or to hit skills that might appear on standardized tests but that we haven't hit yet, or as reinforcement. (They also make easy things to put in our portfolio, since we don't do a ton of formal science.) DD has learned a lot of grammar and spelling from the BQ books. Unfortunately, they stop at grade 4, so we have ordered the Comprehensive Curriculum grade 5 book.

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We do use MM which she likes. I think a lot of what she likes is the ability to do things independently, where she can just open up to a page and get to work. She is really good about getting done all the things she can do by herself and then she has to sit around and wait for me while I am helping someone else and she would prefer to just have her pile and work through it and be done.

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Tin Man Press workbooks.


Maps, Charts and Graphs.


Complete Book of Maps and Geography (I think their science and history is well liked)


Apples and Pears spelling (not independent)


My 9 year old loves Mindbenders and Analogies workbooks. She, too, is a workbook lover. I am currently looking for a grammar/writing workbook for the summer; I may end up with GWG or WWW. She already does MEP math, which I bind into a workbook, and Singapore Challenging Word Problems. Evan Moor has good stuff; many like Spectrum Writing.

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I, too, have a workbook lover.


CLE Math-- workbook form, spiral curriculum, very thorough

The Complete Book of Maps and Geography, Gr 3-6

Pentime Penmanship curriculum (available through CLP as is CLE math)

LLATL-- more or less workbook-style LA program (with some book studies, poetry units, etc thrown in)

GWG, SWS, and WWW -- looking into these for next year

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  • 2 weeks later...

You should check out Christian Light (CLE). Each subject comes in what they call Light Units, but are really just workbooks. :001_smile:


Lots of blanks to fill in, but also really strong academically. We love their math, language arts, and reading. We write tiny rewards (like going for yogurt) at the top of each workbook and it thrills my son when he finishes one. He really feels like he has accomplished something.

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