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Story of the World, Book 1: Lesson Plans

Hockey Mom

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I thought I would share the lesson plans I created for SOTW in case someone could use it.


The library book location in these lesson plans are from my local library, so you may have to change that.




In case that link doesn't work, you can also find it on my blog:



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I'm wondering what kind of timetable you considered in your plan. Are you doing a chapter a week? A "section" every couple of days? Or do you plan to vary it by how much stuff you have scheduled for that topic? It's been forever since I've done SOTW with my olders so I'm pretty much starting over with dd and appreciate all the help I can get. Thanks!

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I'm wondering what kind of timetable you considered in your plan. Are you doing a chapter a week? A "section" every couple of days? Or do you plan to vary it by how much stuff you have scheduled for that topic? It's been forever since I've done SOTW with my olders so I'm pretty much starting over with dd and appreciate all the help I can get. Thanks!


We were all over the place as far as our schedule went. I broke it down into "digestible pieces" so that *I* could see it at a glance and gather materials and books as needed.


I should also mention that some of the activities listed are NOT from the IG. They are activities I found by googling online, or running across in craft books.

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We were all over the place as far as our schedule went. I broke it down into "digestible pieces" so that *I* could see it at a glance and gather materials and books as needed.


I should also mention that some of the activities listed are NOT from the IG. They are activities I found by googling online, or running across in craft books.


Thanks for answering. I expect we, too, will be all over the place schedule-wise. Having a plan broken down by sub-chapters should work well for us. Thanks again!

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