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As opposed to the sad children's books, what children's books bring tears of joy?

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The one book that makes me cry with happiness every single time I read it is The Bronze Bow. A fairy tale that does this is The Ugly Duckling. What about you? It's funny that I don't cry at sad stories, just at the really joyful ones.

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...the time when the Slytherins make the case for turning Harry over to the Dark Lord, and the entire rest of the school instantly stands up and points their wands at the Slytherins to prevent this




...When Neville takes on the Dark Lord even though he can't do magic, just because evil MUST be resisted. That is the most gallent action, I think, that I have ever read in a children's book. It gives me goosebumps and makes me tear up every single time I read it.

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Love You Forever by Robert Munsch. Oh my, this story gets me every time. The mom rocking her newborn baby singing "I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'l living, my baby you'll be."


She does this throughout all the stages of her boy's life until she so old & sick she can't. Then he comes and rocks her and sings the song to her. Then he goes home and rocks his newborn daughter and sings it to her. Beautiful story.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

No tears, but I think my absolute favorite picture book is Blueberries for Sal. It has many connections for me. My father grew up in Maine. He always knew where to find wild berries of all kinds. I remember stopping the car alongside the road, or turning off onto a dirt road to get out and pick berries.


It's kind of funny, because when we were camping last weekend the trails were thick with blueberry bushes. I was munching away and my kids were kind of sceptical wondering if we should eat any old berries we found. I said, "Of course they are real blueberries, I'm my father's daughter aren't I?

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My favorite children's book of all time is Roxaboxen by Alice McLerran and Barbara Cooney. I can't quite explain it, but the drawings and the simple story of the power of imagination, plus the setting and the time....they just make my heart swell up with happiness.

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YES to every book mentioned here. I'm so glad to hear that others tear up at happy endings in books. Here are some that I cannot get through without crying:


The Return of the King (Tolkien): the scene in which Frodo and Sam are praised during a ceremony/feast by the victorious Middle Earth armies.


The very last chapters of The Last Battle (C.S. Lewis).


When Little Christian (Little Pilgrim's Progress) arrives at the Celestial City!


There are others that I can't think of right now.

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"The Tale of Despereaux" by Kate D'Camillo -- a beautiful story.


Many scenes in the Narnia books.


"The Princess and the Goblin" by George MacDonald


Many scenes in the Harry Potter books


"The Giving Tree" by Shel Silverstein


I am a softie and I love kids books!

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All the Places to Love by Patricia MacLachlan

Summer of the Monkeys by Wilson Rawls

Because of Winn Dixie (That one brought both kinds of tears.)


I know there are more that belong in this list. I cry very easily at books and movies. I just get too wrapped up in the characters' lives. The Bronze Bow definitely had that effect.

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Love You Forever by Robert Munsch. Oh my, this story gets me every time. The mom rocking her newborn baby singing "I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'l living, my baby you'll be."


She does this throughout all the stages of her boy's life until she so old & sick she can't. Then he comes and rocks her and sings the song to her. Then he goes home and rocks his newborn daughter and sings it to her. Beautiful story.



This makes me cry every time--and I don't cry easily!

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I love to cry through those :-) The Chestry Oak, in particular, makes me cry like a baby all the way through it.


One other: Hurry Home, Candy, by Meinert (sp??) DeJong. It's embarrassing how much I cry on that one. Sheesh.

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