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what little -isms does your family have?

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When I was growing up, I had a Cathy poster in my room that my mom bought at a garage sale (not sure why). I stared at that poster every night falling to sleep and consequently memorized it. I have no idea why it has stuck with me for 25-30 years. :tongue_smilie:


Anyhow, I now repeat the words from that poster every night to each kiddo when tucking them into bed. :)


"You are talented, gifted, creative, charming, brilliant, beautiful, sweet, thoughtful, witty, clever, gorgeous, dynamic, and a joy to be around."


The Cathy poster was signed "Your Mother".. ;)

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Around here, instead of going to work, dh used to go to 'worky-jerky'. Now he and the boys call it 'the rat race'. :D


I also call my boys all sorts of weird names. I think the weridest one is 'chicken livers chicken legs'. I'm *pretty* sure that started when I read some random thing online about a mom telling her dh that she could call out any nickname, and at least one of the kids would come. Her dh didn't believe her, so she called out something like 'hotdog' or 'chicken leg' or something. Two of her kids responded. :001_smile:


This is SO true in our house. DH could yell out, "Hey, buffalo toast in a fluffy marshmallow sandwich!" and the two olders and I would all answer.

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, Habercram Clinkin = Abe Lincoln, and many more.




That one reminded me of ds8 when he was little. He used to ask if I was going to "importance" to get coffee. Took me a while to realize he meant Tim Horton's the coffee chain I love. I assured him it was very important.

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I will say "I love you more"

Kid: "No, I love you more"

Do this several times and than one of us will say:

"How about we love each other the same?"


Of course you can continue this if after someone has said that you love the other the same if one of you chimes in and says "But I still love you more"

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This has been such a fun thread!

We have lots of things around here.


The kids nicknames: Sweets, Bubba, and Noodle. I have no idea why ... particularly "Noodle"!


We always "outdo" each other on the "I love you's." "I love you to the moon" is always the start and is followed by "I love you to the moon and back again" "I love you to Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars" It keeps going until I end it with "I love you to the moon and back again and back again and back again . . . infinity times." dd will smile then, ds sometimes skips to the end and says "I love you all the numbers!" :D When I tire of the game I hug them tight and whisper "I love you more." We do it often and when I tired of it I think of the precious moments and memories of it we all will have! :D


dd and I do this hand squeeze thing. DH and I started it when we were dating. 3 squeezes is I love you, 4 is I love you too. But dd and I do 3= I love you and then however many squeezes (4+) is I love you more and more and more and more . . . .


I always tell them they aren't allowed to grow up, they have to stay small forever. They giggle and tell me they can't. I argue with them for awhile and then settle it with "ok, I guess you can grow up as long as you are always my baby and always hug and kiss me."



I don't know = IBEITSO When my niece was a baby that's how she said it 18 years or so ago ;) and it has stuck ever since.


"Various Artist moments" -- whenever anyone has a "duh" moment we say "Various Artist moment?" because a friend of my sisters once thought the name of the group on her CD was "Various Artists" :lol:


oh, and Princess Bride speak around here. Cannot wait til they are old enough to watch it and they understand all this nonsense we say! :lol: Whenever anyone gets hurt, I say "It's only a flesh wound!" in the accent of course! Lots of other phrases from that movie are spoken here regularly.

Edited by ByGrace3
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You know how so many littles are afraid of the vacuum noise? Especially if they're not expecting it? Until recently we always started a vacuuming session by calling out "Loud noise!" Now that my youngest is 7 and not afraid of the vacuum noise we no longer do that, but we did it for many years.


LOL - I did this for so many years, except I say, "BIG, loud noise!" several times before turning on the vacuum.


Now that my kids are big, I do it for the cat. He's terrified of the vacuum.

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Dd was my first csection and they let dh take a picture of her as she was being removed. You can clearly see my intestines. Dd once came up to me after looking at her baby scrapbook and told me she loved my beautiful guts. So that's one thing we say now to each other.

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The nicknames are the best part though my mom chewed me out last time because she thought I was verbally abusing the kids calling them by their nicknames :001_huh: Oldest has been monkey butt since he was a baby but lately in a sing song baby voice I will sometimes call him my chunky monkey (he is almost as tall as me, weighs 140lbs and has not even hit his growth spurt yet-plus he thinks it is funny), or I call him macho man. DD12 is Medusa speckle fish, occasionally pickle head, or just medusa. Ds8 is Boo bear, he will always be Boo bear, he has been boobear since he was inutero. DD4 started out as princess poopoo, now she is just princess or peanut.


I thought of another one too as dd4 climbed into my lap this morning she asked for her snuggle buggle.


And last night I offered to sell my kids buy 3 get one free. I have also said I would sell to the gypsies, or to the zoo. Sometimes I say I will put them up for sale, 25cents 1buyer takes all. Usually that one is said around gramma and she offers to buy them and gives them a hug and kiss.


I mentioned in the heck thread about the "word list". aka the imaginary list of approved words the children may say, and is checked from time to time when a foul word is said to verify it is not on the list.


Another one that came to mind when my children call me, and then follow with "where are you?" I usually respond with "hiding from you" (I do this without even thinking now, in public or at home) and when asked what's for snack/dinner etc I just respond with "food". They will ask "what kind of food" My response everytime "the edible kind"


:lol::lol::lol: I say the exact same thing as the part I bolded. Word for word! lol

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When I was growing up, I had a Cathy poster in my room that my mom bought at a garage sale (not sure why). I stared at that poster every night falling to sleep and consequently memorized it. I have no idea why it has stuck with me for 25-30 years. :tongue_smilie:


Anyhow, I now repeat the words from that poster every night to each kiddo when tucking them into bed. :)


"You are talented, gifted, creative, charming, brilliant, beautiful, sweet, thoughtful, witty, clever, gorgeous, dynamic, and a joy to be around."


The Cathy poster was signed "Your Mother".. ;)


That is so sweet. I think I know why your mom bought it for you. :)

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I have various nicknames for the kids. Dh started calling them creep and it morphed into creepasaurus. Not sure why but the kids answer to it.


Every now and then the kids will switch up mommy and daddy and call us the wrong name. So we put on a finger mustache and say "daddy mustache, mommy no mustache" they giggle and then walk around talking like daddy with his mustache on. :lol:


When they ask what are we having for supper I also reply "food" "the kind you eat".

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