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Never judge a pregnant woman's due date. . .

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by her size.


I was shopping at Motherhood over the weekend with dd who is almost 9. The lady working came up to me and welcomed me, asked if I had shpped there before, yadah, yadah, yadah.


So, she directed me to the summer line and then said, "becasue by the looks of you you won't be needing the fall/winter line."




"Well, actually, I am not due til the end of October early November."


She replied, "Ah, well, I meant that you won't be going until the winter months, like January and February (back pedal, back pedal). You know how first time mothers are always coming in her when they are 6 weeks and hardly showing."


"Um, yah. " was my reply.


Good thing I was in a good mood. :lol:

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lol... Well, if it were me, at 9 months pregnant, there's no way I'd be wearing fall or winter maternity clothes in October unless maybe I lived in Iceland. ;) I'd be wearing as little as decently possible and praying for early frosts and such. ;) Maybe that's what she was thinking, lol... ;)

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You would think she would have learned to keep her lips zipped on that topic since she works at Motherhood.


I remember walking through the church parking lot one Sunday morning with dh, and meeting up with an older man who made a remark about how he hoped I made it through the service that day without going into labor. I was six months pregnant. OK, it was with twins (yes, I was HUGE), but shut up, people! Pregnant women have mirrors!


ETA: Oh, and one more story about myself. I was in a weekly women's Bible study that began when my 3rd dc was about a month old. No one knew any of the others in the group, and we didn't really have contact outside of class. And class time was limited to discussion of that week's questions, so there wasn't any chit-chat; in other words, we didn't really know each other on a personal level yet and weren't familiar with one another's families. After we had been attending for about 2 months, one of the other ladies greeted me one morning with this: "You are getting bigger by the week! That baby will be here before you know it." Um, "that baby" is now 3 months old. Thanks so much!!

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Funny thing about the maternity styles now is that loose is for non-pregnant and tight is for pregnant. Well, I could just wear my regular shirts and they would be tight and there was no need to buy maternity. But if you wanted a loose, blousy maternity looking shirt, look in the junior section at Kohl's.

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I've been getting the "I hope you don't go into labor today" comments for over a month now. AHHHHHHHH! It wasn't too bad the first couple of times, but now I just want to respond, "Am I really that fat?" My typical response is: "I hope not, it's way too early for the baby and I'm going on vacation in xx weeks." Technically, I still have 7 weeks til my due date...thankfully, I won't make it that far. We're just praying I make it through our vacation in New York. :001_smile:


I hope you have some friends around you that are telling you how great you look as I'm sure you do. I have a couple of friends here that think I look GREAT! That makes all of those other comments go away.

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ETA: Oh, and one more story about myself. I was in a weekly women's Bible study that began when my 3rd dc was about a month old. No one knew any of the others in the group, and we didn't really have contact outside of class. And class time was limited to discussion of that week's questions, so there wasn't any chit-chat; in other words, we didn't really know each other on a personal level yet and weren't familiar with one another's families. After we had been attending for about 2 months, one of the other ladies greeted me one morning with this: "You are getting bigger by the week! That baby will be here before you know it." Um, "that baby" is now 3 months old. Thanks so much!!


I was pushing my 6mo old in the swing at the park when a teenage girl(15-16) came up and asked when I was due. Of course, dh was with me and HAD to make a smart remark that made it worse for the both of us. Funny thing is, 2 mos. later,I was pg again.

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I always got so big! When I was about 5/6 months pregnant I drove cross country by myself (unless you counted my dog) and everytime I stopped for gas (the kind you put in the car) people would have a heart attack. "Lady, you're not going to have that NOW, are you???"

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You would think she would have learned that lesson working there a LONG time ago!!! The only comment I ever make to pregnant women is, "You look so cute. I love your tummy." It is true....pregnant tummies are so wonderful (when they are on someone else!! :001_smile:)

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You would think she would have learned that lesson working there a LONG time ago!!! The only comment I ever make to pregnant women is, "You look so cute. I love your tummy." It is true....pregnant tummies are so wonderful (when they are on someone else!! :001_smile:)
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